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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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CommanderObi Wan and Moeller....cut the chatter !


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Kain, youve described the explanation for the sith lords' eyes, but not the discrepancy in the characters that appear


thus, the question stays active


Q. Describe the discrepancy in the Sith lords' eyes ?



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its caused by the dark side?


nope, Kain has also already given us the *explanation* I was looking for the discrepancy or the "difference" between sith lords eyes...


thus, the answer is:

Maul, Vader and Sidious all had the red/yellow eyes


Tyranus didnt. This perhaps indicated that Tyranus wasnt as consumed by the Dark side as the others, or that Christopher Lee could wear contacts due to some eye problems or that he simply didnt want to :D


* * *


Q. True or false. No real actors were used to create the shot of the wookie army standing on the beach in ROTS ??



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pass on the question


nope. False. The ROTS special features DVD shows that 6 actors were used to capture a large range of postures and poses. These were then enhanced/multiplied/manipulated and incorporated into the shot.


source: ROTS special features DVD


* * *


Q. True or false ! Most of the jawas in ANH were played by crewmember's children, not midgets ?



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sabretooth, whatever mode used, looking at the time index, skywalke posted his answer well before you. No biggie !


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Q. Which film(s) features a destroyer class capital ship that has/is deployed to ground ??


1 point bonus for each pic ! ( ican think of at least 3 instances)



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jeezalu, it has taken 3 of you to answer the question.... !!


as Ive already mentioned, do not answer unless you think you have the FULL answer...


thus, Obi-Wan gets the points. The answer is Episode I, II and III. I didnt ask for their names as only maul was ever named onscreen. Eeth Koth was in TPM, Agen Kolar in AOTC and ROTS.


* * *


Ive just noticed a question I had above never went answered, so in the interest of healthy recycling :)


Q. Describe and if possible name the imperial commanders that have appeared in the saga ?



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Darth Maul is an iridorian, not a zabrak, and Astro, i think your q is waaaaaaaay too tough.


Actually Darth Maul Is a Zabrak from Iridonia


And his last Question was a pretty easy one they all have names somewhere in the EU i personally cant name them all *cant really be bothered too lazy* but its not a hard Question

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