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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Its time I knocked this question on teh head ...


In ROTJ there are SEVEN who fall in.


A word of warning to anyone who posts any more "counting" questions from now on.....DONT !


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Q. What's that noise that obi wan makes when he approaches to scare of the tuskens attacking Luke ? How is this related this to an earlier scene feauturing 3P0 ?



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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Revenge of the Jedi was the original release name, But was changed back to Return of the Jedi because Jedi do not take revenge.


correct, but i was also thinking that they could tell fake merchandise but yours is also true

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don't know if these qualify as cool...


"will someone get this walking carpet out of my way" ~ Leia (ANH)

"laugh it up fuzz ball" ~ Han (ESB)

"Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach!" ~ Han (ROTJ)

"Where are you taking this...thing?" ~ Imperial Officer (ANH)



pass on question :p

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he he... nice work sivy, I also like


"I thought that furry beast would be the end of me !"


"Turn round you woolly !! "


both from a dismembered 3po in ESB :p


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Q. Who hits their head on a doorway ? How was this mocked in another movie ?



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in ANH a stormtrooper hits his head on a blast door



a homage is paid to this in AOTC by Jango hitting his head on the Slave I's door after his fight with Obi-wan.



q) How much does Boussh want for Chewbacca? How much did Jabba offer? and how much do they settle on?

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Originally posted by guybroom

correct, but i was also thinking that they could tell fake merchandise but yours is also true

Oh, you mean the Blue Harvest thing. Well yeah, they did a fake title and movie called Blue Harvest, so they could avoid overpaying because of the Star Wars title.
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Originally posted by guybroom

Ive never heard of Blue harvest but its the same idea.


Ill take the question:


Q: how many atat's (:atat: ) go down in the hoth battle and how many were there over all in the battle?




A word of warning to anyone who posts any more "counting" questions from now on.....DONT !


Im shooting that question down with my tow cable.... and asking a new one


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Q. Name 3 other pilots that flew in the Battle of Yavin by their *first* names (cant use Anakin/Luke/Biggs/Wedge)


bonus : their assignments... eg. Red 5



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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Jek Porkins, Red Six

Derek Klivian, Red Four

Han Solo, Captain of the Millennium Falcon.


*tries to force choke sithy for not asking question or saying pass*


Q. What did the sarlaac create its nest in ?



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Originally posted by InsaneSith

The Great Pit of Carkoon.



I figured it was known I don't ask questions, thus no need to put pass.


I may know this but a casual trivia buff may not. Its 4 damn letters "pass" so use 'em cowboy :p


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Q. What was wrong with Threepios Left shin ??



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Q: What do Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Lobot have in common?


They all have mechanical parts.

(waiting for confirmation)



Derek Klivian, Red Four


Hobbie was at yavin?.. i thought wedge and luke were the only rogues that survived the death star, and that Derek "Hobbie" Klivian was introduced at Hoth.

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Originally posted by Sivy

how old is Anakin/ Vader in each Episode, I to VI?


TPM - 10

AOTC - 20

ROTS - 23

ANH - 45

ESB - 48

ROTJ - 49


All this depends on whether anakin was 10 in TPM, I know the year differences are correct :)


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Q. Which movies do not feature twileks ?


* * *




sithy = you are geek of the week :)


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