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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Ilum is an "ice planet" where you can find caverns full of crystals used in the jedi's lightsabers.


During the Clone Wars the separatists almost destroyed the sacred caves and the nearby themple, but Lumunara Unduli and Barriss Offee managed to hold off the droids until Yoda showed up.



Q. What is a Whiphid, what are Whiphid reffed to and in which epidodes can you see a Whiphid ?

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I : Queen Amidala

II : Padmé

III : Padmé/Anakin ?

IV : Captain Antilles/Luke

V : Luke

VI : Luke


Now for an easy question...


Q. What does TIE (as in TIE Fighter) stand for ? And what is the complete name of Vader's personnal TIE ?

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

But he was lying...


Indeed. I will give Coupes the point... however


R2 D2s ownership in ANH

Captain Antilles > Owen Lars > Luke Skywalker


ET answer only mentions Captain Antilles, who dies 5 minutes into the movie :(


but, then theres the question of R2 claiming to "be the property of Obi Wan Kenobi" R2 may have indeed been inherited by Obi Wan after Anakin and Padme left the scene ..... however Obi Wan "doesnt seem to remember ever owning a droid" .... which is probably why Shok is saying that he is lying :)


where R2/3po go post ROTS hasnt not been covered in EU. There will be some light shed on this in the post ROTS novel, and you have to take the droids cartoons and comics with a very large grain of salt :p The fact that R2 and 3po are on the Tantive IV with the alderaanian senator(Leia) at the start of ANH, indicate that is probably the direction they went in...


* * *


Q. What was the key difference between an Xwing and a Tie Fighter in terms of their defensive capabilities ?



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A. TIE fighter is faster and more maneuvarable, however they do not have deflector shields. Also, they don't have any life support, but that's not relevant here. X-wings have deflector shields, which causes their power regulation to divert from engines. They can take a beating. TIE fighters are considered more offensive, and typically only fly in squadrons (4 starfighters).


I hope that is what you were looking for. Pass on a question regardless.


In regard to the ownership of R2: I'm willing to bet that we see the droids head off to Alderaan. I wonder if Captain Antilles serves a similar role as Captain Panaka in EP1. Of course, there are other threads for this discussion.


Let's play some trivia!!!!!

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we don't need to see his identification.


these are not the droids we're looking for.


you can go about your business.


move along - (obi-wan actucally says this to Luke but the trooper still repeats it)



and on the death star.



Trooper 1 - what was that?


Trooper 2 - oh, it's nothing. don't worry about it.



pass on question

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the Trade federation,


the banking Clan,


the commerce guild,


Techno Techno Techno Union,


and for the bonus.... the Corporate alliance






q) who is sat next to Luke in the briefing scene before the battle of Yavin?

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A: Depending on what you mean it is either:

1. referring to the excerpt of journal of the whills foudn in the beginning of star wars ANH first draft(a.k.a. Adventures of the Star Killer), or Star Wars ANH novel.

2. referring to the prophesy written in the journal of the whills, specifying that the chosen one will be born on Tatooine (which orbits a binary solar system)


For fun, I'm going to go with #2. Son of the suns means the chosen one (who will bring balance to the force), will be born on tatooine.


Not sure if I'm correct. pass either way

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