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Darksword Mod is now Available!

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Originally posted by stoffe -mkb-

(The baseitems.2da in the mod is also missing lines with index 105 and 106, but since it works for ChAiNz.2da I doubt that is the problem. Some 2DAs are accessed by line number rather than line (label) index in Neverwinter Nights, but I am unsure if this is the case in KotOR, and if baseitems.2da was one of those files.)

Unfortunately that seems to be the case... I just tested the mod with the "skipped" entries and it does indeed crash. Apparently I was using the USM baseitems.2da when I was beta testing (which has the included lines) :fist:


If users edit the baseitems.2da & .uti file manually (with correct consecutive line numbers) everything works fine. I posted in the comments for users not to use the included baseitems.2da until I can get a version 2 out, or if they want to go ahead and follow the manual instructions I included everything should work out...


Here's a question however, can I put rows 105 & 106 in without any entries other than the line number, name and label (maybe put **** in the blanks)? I figure if I at least fill in those 3 entries, it should be enough to "trick" the game... but I don't want to release the USM baseitems.2da entries until the mod itself is released...


In any case, manual editing will work, just DON'T use the included baseitems.2da...


Sorry everyone :(

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Unfortunately that seems to be the case... I just tested the mod with the "skipped" entries and it does indeed crash. Apparently I was using the USM baseitems.2da when I was beta testing (which has the included lines) :fist:


Here's a question however, can I put rows 105 & 106 in without any entries other than the line number, name and label (maybe put **** in the blanks)? I figure if I at least fill in those 3 entries, it should be enough to "trick" the game... but I don't want to release the USM baseitems.2da entries until the mod itself is released...


Yes, I just tested to be sure, and it seems that baseitems.2da is one of those files where the (row label) column is actually unused by the game and it uses line number instead. If I used your unaltered baseitems.2da from the mod (with line label index set to 108) and then in the darksword.uti change the BaseItem field to 106 (which is the line number of the row with index 108, since two lines are missing) it works and doesn't crash.


Thus it was probably crashing because it was referencing a line two numbers too high that didn't exist in baseitems.2da.


Padding the 2DA with blank "****" lines should work, that's usually how it is done with Neverwinter Nights to reserve intervals of rows in 2DAs. Check line 51 in baseitems.2da for example. It's a removed entry that has been replaced with padding instead.

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Here's the fixed baseitems.2da :D


All mod compatibilities have been retained.




I've uploaded both a complete new version of the mod (version 2) at my site, plus this same link for those that don't want to download the whole thing again just for a baseitems.2da fix.


I also posted this link in my comments over at PCGM.


And this time, I tested it with THIS file ;) hehehe


Sorry for the problems everyone! Don't throw too big of rocks at me ;)


and you're right Vigrid & stoffe, the "****" trick did work :D

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A fixed version 2 has been uploaded to PCGM here:




There's also a link in the description (version 2) to download just the fix for those that have already downloaded version 1.


I'm afraid someone will download the mod before reading the comments on how to fix it, so I thought this might be a safer route :D

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Originally posted by ID129

Out of Curiosity where on the Harbringer do you get it?

She's "blocking" the room just before the transitional entrance to the Harbinger's Crew Quarters Area. I placed her there to more or less guarantee you have to confront her. You'll be 'turning a corner' when you first run into her, but she has a great perception, so she may find you before you notice her :dev11:


When you see a flurry of plasmatic blades in your face, you'll know her hehehe ;)

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KILLER ChAiNz really great work :) I'm staring at them right now on one of the other computers over there :) :)


They work perfectly for me :elephant::elephant::elephant:


Personally though I COULD NOT live with the Skip Peragus mod so now I'm gonna have to play Peragus again. Hey could you put her opposite wall of the main chamber where atton is held behind the door you open to get to him? That way you could skip Peragus still

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Hey, this looks really great. excellent idea, execution, and game balance. cant wait for your next project.


quick question: i think i read above that this is a melee weapon. do you know offhand what i can do to classify this as a lightsaber? melee weapons prevent my force jumping and blaster deflection, somethings that i cant live without. a jedi has got to jump, you know?

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Originally posted by DarthSmallz

So you have this in .zip Chainz? Thanks!:D



The problem with a zip file is I can't find a way to place folders in the archive. I have 9 sets of 3 files named the same, so without a way to seperate them (via folder).. it will require me to rename 27 files and re-write a readme for proper instructions on how to install it properly....


Sorry man, but I have 3 other projects I'm working on, and doing this isn't on the list currently...


What probs are you having with Winrar? It's confusing me as to why a few people are having problems with this program while 1,000's others aren't?


I really don't want to have to make 2 different versions of every mod I want to create...


If Winrar is giving you problems, try a different .rar program.. there's StuffIt you can try (there's a link to the program at my site in the mods section).. plus a ton of other archiving progs at:




I'm not meaning to come down hard on ya' bro, and I apologize if it sounds harsh... I'd just like to help you get a working rar archiver so that the modders who decide to use .rar files won't have to be doing 2 variations of the mod :D

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I'm having a problem with the mod.


This is what happened when I tried to get it from the giveitem cheat:




I know I did everything right as you can see in this picture.




I really want to try the sword out. Help. :(

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DarthSmallz is correct, I've had to update the mod because the skipped line entries in the baseitems.2da is what's causing the problem.


You can either re-download the entire mod (version 2), or you can just download the baseitems.2da fix I've posted in this thread, at PCGM and over at my site... I think there's even a link to the fix in my WIP thread as well (I scattered the sucker everywhere so people can find it) ;)


It's easier to find the fix over at PCGM, just click the Darksword - Revised mod and look for the link in the very fist sentences of the mod description.

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One CAN put folders in a zip file even if you can't see them. Just unzip the whole folder and the subfolders will create themselves. Now of course i still want this to be classified as a lightsaber b/c as stated above you need that to use force jump and other feats you know?

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Originally posted by Glamador

One CAN put folders in a zip file even if you can't see them. Just unzip the whole folder and the subfolders will create themselves. Now of course i still want this to be classified as a lightsaber b/c as stated above you need that to use force jump and other feats you know?

As far as the zip file, not everyone unzips the entire file before placing the files where they want them to go. I for one drag-n-drop the files directly from the archive to their destination... so without prior knowing of which file is what... it's only going to lead to more posts on "which file is which color there's 9 of the same"... something I really want to avoid.


PLUS, .rar files compress better. I've already warned others when I released the Xia mod from KotOR that I was switching formats to .rar from now on. There's been ample time to prepare.


For the Force Jump, ...I intentionally made the Darksword a sword for that reason. Without it, there's no real advantage to getting a lightsaber other than the 'pretty color'. The Darksword was always meant just as a supplement until you get to build your own, and as a non-force user getting a better melee weapon option.


I'm not sure, but I think you can change the itemtype column in the baseitem.2da to the value of a lightsaber (again, I'm at work and have no visual reference). Also check the columns labeled specfeat and forcfeat (something with feat in it)...

'll try to check what needs to be changed when I get home from work :D


But just so everyone knows, I never meant the Darksword to replace the saber, therefore it has it's disadvantages as well :)

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