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New Mini Sets: Universe Huge and Champions of the Force


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I'm getting different responses in terms of rarity. Some places say the Boga and Rancor are very rares and the rest will be rares or less. Other sources say all will be commons. I really hope this is the case. Six boosters per case so I'll get a case and a half and be missing one huge. I'll trade off all my prequel pulls and focus on getting all the OT oriented stuff.

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Yeah, EU is where it's all at. There is a young female Jedi Knight from NJO who in early, low res and blurry pics most people thought was Kyp Durron. Too bad, but at the same time, Kyp's a real bastard. I hope they make a Corran Horn, his wife, and most importantly the Solo kids first.

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Yeah, I wanted to see who would be good trades. The first 12 aren't important to me. If I pull a VR Vong Warmaster, I'd like him but trade him off for more important ones. I'm skeptical about another Chewie and Vader as well. Although, this Vader is supposed to kick ass and have him in his prime as he hunts down the remaining Jedi between RotS and ANH. That'd be cool. Hope his sculpt is good.

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Cool. The more i think about these, they become even coller to me. I loved the first sets, but didnt get TOO into it, but i might now. Since my hasbro collecting is cut back to only be 1 figure instead of two of each, and basically no ships. I still have not bought the newer unleashed, But i need the next wave, cant pass up Asajj and such.

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Yeah, the last you mentioned and Luke Snowtrooper all come to mind as good. I had to get Obi and Anakin from RotS simply because that was the moment everyone had been waiting for in the entire prequel trilogy. It is one of the best parts of the saga for me, though I feel TPM has a better fight in terms of actual swordplay. I guess two on one and a double bladed weapon make things more interesting though.

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My dad got Obi on Geonosis free from the 'points' you get from spending with the SW credit card. He's got him on his desk. Obi and Qui are his fav characters. He liked Ewan in RotS and Sir Alec more than Ewan in the other two. Still, he'll take what he can get because I paid for the Mustufaar battle myself :p

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