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TSL sales figures?

Char Ell

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Originally posted by stingerhs

well, i can't give you any concrete numbers, but according to http://www.npd.com, Kotor II sales didn't even make the top ten selling games in either the xbox or pc release, nor any of the months thereafter.


and LA just had to rush the xbox release back in Nov...... :rolleyes:


Can you give me a direct link to that information?

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  • 3 months later...

Upon further research it would seem that actual sales figures are very hard to come by. I did find the sales rankings for June 2005 here


Strangely enough, KotOR ranked higher than KotOR:TSL.


:confused: *rubs eyes and looks again* :confused:


Yep, KotOR ranked higher in sales than TSL. Things that make you go hmmm...


Oh, and Hannibal isn't gonna like who tops the list... :evil5:


1. Battlefield 2 (Electronic Arts) [CD-ROM version]


15. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (LucasArts)


20. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords (LucasArts)

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