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Concidering returning - but...


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I bought the game back when it was first released and played it for a couple of months - but then something happened and all of a sudden everyone could become jedi and fairly fast too, so the game turned into a race for everyone to try and become jedi as fast as possible, which is when I decided to leave, since I foresaw that pretty soon everywhere would be flooded with jedi...

But now I'm beginning to miss the damn game, but before I buy the expansions and return, I'd like to know how the current jedi status is in general - is it flooded with jedi everywhere? or was I completely wrong and there really aren't THAT many? And have the jedi rules been revised over the last months?

I'm not sure if there are any other places I could find this out, so I ask here.


P.S. Also, are there RP preferred servers available?

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Flooded, no. Many, yes.


Starsider's the only server I've played on with any logevity, so it's the only one I can confirm has people who RP. There's probably a few others.


I suggest signing back on before getting the expansions. You don't need to go into space or visit Kashyyyk, there's plenty of new stuff in the main game to get used to first. ;)

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No RP servers as such,you just have to amke do with the guilds,players who RP.


As for content,apart from the CU,not that much has changed tbh,couple of new dungeons thats about all.


The sad fact that the last "new" content they added was the death watch bunker,and that was months ago.

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Thanks for the replies :)

I just might return then, I just really hated the idea that there would be lightsaber battles everywhere.

Jump to Lightspeed is actually what is drawing me the most to return - to be able to have my own ship:)


oh, just one last question (It might be explained somewhere obvious, but I'm a little lazy :p )

I read that the combat system has gotten an overhaul, does that mean that it's easier or harder to go solo? also, is it still pretty much: get buffed, do missions and repeat?

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Wow, those reviews were really useful...to the whiners. Oh well, I'm not surprised. I think they moved there from the official forums because they want an audience that actually pays attention to them.


I shall now offer a slightly more balanced opinion, and plug myself shamelessly.



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Guest DarthMaulUK



Im still waiting for the game to actually be like Star Wars!


So much is wrong. Why is there Rebels controlling Mos Eisley and Anchorhead when the Empire controls Bestine? I think also in Mos Eisley, there is an Imperial base there...odd...how I saw a rebel and an imperial NPC walk past each other with no combat.


This is the state of the game. 2 years in and nothing really has changed. The CU is awful - why? Because its been rushed and not tested properly and in one foul swoop renders all crafting useless.


Why? Being a lvl 1-4 crafter means that you cant actually kill anything to get resources without help. The focus has shifted towards groups - not everyone wants to group. Its a sad state of affair, despite the hundreds of free 6 month accounts being thrown around by SOE, their attempts to FORCE people into groups to make everyone come together to play..player cities managed to split the small community into even smaller pieces.


The game is aimed at combat - needing to master 2 combat professions to hit lvl 80, leaving no room for crafting or medic skills. Bugs..I lost a whopping 225k in combat xp that i am STILL waiting to have returned, despite having a screenshot of it happening.


If Lucasarts would stop employing monkies - in this case SOE - and actually hired people who know about star wars, this game might progress but after 2 years, nothing has changed..its still laggy, lacking content and broken.


Rage of the wookiees sums all this up - rushed and bugged to hell.



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Hmmm... I'm a bit torn. Those amazon reviews aren't exactly encouraging - however, Obten (or whatever his name is) also makes some good points.

Personally I really like to solo, which is why I left EQ2, even though it's fun to group, I hate being forced to do it.


I think I'll just wait a little longer and see how this combat upgrade thing turns out.


thanks, this has been most informative:)

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Originally posted by Lundquist

Hmmm... I'm a bit torn. Those amazon reviews aren't exactly encouraging - however, Obten (or whatever his name is) also makes some good points.

Personally I really like to solo, which is why I left EQ2, even though it's fun to group, I hate being forced to do it.


I think I'll just wait a little longer and see how this combat upgrade thing turns out.


thanks, this has been most informative:)


The funny thing about the CU is this,now EQ2 you can solo stuff,im a level 25 pallidin,never really been in a group,so ive solo'd my way up there from scratch..


Now SWG you could solo most things,but not any more,forced grouping for the win,sadly

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I don't know why Sony thought it was so necesary to implement the CU, but after you play the game with it for a while, it isn't nearly as bad as people thought it would be, though it still was better beforehand.

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