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Did Mace Windu really die?


What was the Jedi Master's fate?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What was the Jedi Master's fate?

    • Mace Windu manages to save himself, just like Obi-Wan did in his fight against Jango Fett [Explain]
    • Mace Windu falls from the sky to his thunderous doom below [Explain]

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

I too thought Mace was too arrogant in this movie.


In the first and second episodes, he was still badass, but he wasn't all cocky about it.




I think we have to understand that the Jedi Order was, to put it bluntly, in some deep crap. There's a war out there, and negociations are off. That's the worst scenario possible for a "by the code" Jedi. Also, they knew that there was a Sith Lord (their arch-enemy) somewhere behind all this, who would happen to be controlling the chancellor, and therefore the Republic. Wouldn't it be possible for Mace to be worried? Nervous?


What I am saying is that Mace could have very much lost some of his control. Anakin does all the time, except that Mace remains "good" when it happens. Even the more powerful are not immune to stress.

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I don't see how removing a sith is against the jedi code. The sith are a perversion of the force.


Sure Palpatine didn't have a saber, but he sure as hell wasn't helpless. He was in control of everything, he had to be destroyed. It was the only way to end the war and not send the galaxy into darkness.

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Originally posted by Caraffa

he's dead but he wasnt arrogant,i would have reacted the same way fi i saw a JEDI KNIGHT having silly tantrums infront of the council...

I agree...Windu had ample reason not to trust Anakin, mainly because he was getting so close to Palpatine. On top of that, I think that the entire council was suspicious when Palpatine wanted Anakin on the council, and none of them trusted him. So, Windu was just being honest when he said that Anakin would earn back some trust if he was right about Palpatine being the Sith Lord.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

Evidently being shocked and falling from a great height transforms you into a 2d drawing... :p


Why's his saber still on? >_>


Um. . .his saber switched off when it went tumbling out the window after Anakin performed his Jedi Amputation Trick on him.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I don't see how removing a sith is against the jedi code. The sith are a perversion of the force.


Sure Palpatine didn't have a saber, but he sure as hell wasn't helpless. He was in control of everything, he had to be destroyed. It was the only way to end the war and not send the galaxy into darkness.


But you don't understand SABER OFF = PEACE!!!


Good thing the admin amslapped him out the window (after which he was banned)!


What a n00b lamer, Palpy not only had his saber down, his chatbox was also up... (since he was talking)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

But you don't understand SABER OFF = PEACE!!!


Good thing the admin amslapped him out the window (after which he was banned)!


What a n00b lamer, Palpy not only had his saber down, his chatbox was also up... (since he was talking)


I was also quite pleased that h0n0rz d00d Yoda got pwnt, not to mention Ki-Adi got multiple sniped by non-saberists in FFA :p


ah, JK/JA..an endless source of comedy :D



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It was explained that the reason we never saw Darth Vader use force lightning was because his arms were prosthetics and you need to generate the bolts from organic flesh, like Palpatine.


However, since he still had his arms in Episode III, I think it would have been a bit more dramatic for Anakin to have hit Padme with a dose of force lightning. This would have been symbolic of his rage. Choking was just a little too "subtle".

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I don't see how removing a sith is against the jedi code. The sith are a perversion of the force.


Sure Palpatine didn't have a saber, but he sure as hell wasn't helpless. He was in control of everything, he had to be destroyed. It was the only way to end the war and not send the galaxy into darkness.


Of course we know Palpatine "engineered" that entire scene. He foresaw Anakin coming, and this was his "checkmate" move to get Anaking to fall to the darkside.

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Originally posted by SirLancelot

It was explained that the reason we never saw Darth Vader use force lightning was because his arms were prosthetics and you need to generate the bolts from organic flesh, like Palpatine.


However, since he still had his arms in Episode III, I think it would have been a bit more dramatic for Anakin to have hit Padme with a dose of force lightning. This would have been symbolic of his rage. Choking was just a little too "subtle".



I think that that the reason Vader choked Padame was to show how he progressed into choking anyone who got on the wrong side of him - in this case, it was his wife!


If he just fried her, there would be no character progression.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I was also quite pleased that h0n0rz d00d Yoda got pwnt, not to mention Ki-Adi got multiple sniped by non-saberists in FFA :p


ah, JK/JA..an endless source of comedy :D




Yeah, those Jedi all accused the Troopers of TKing when they got pwn3d, but the Troops accused the Jedi of being team-switcher n00bs. ;)

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