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^ bah.. you... er.. suck.... erm... ah whatever I cant be bothered

< has the power to control what people do

V proving my power by chaneling my chi to the person below me, making them use their keyboard for their next contribution to this thread.


(they could of course just use the onscreen keyboard disproving my power)

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^ What you? XP

< I PROVED MY PSYCHIC POWER!!!! woo hoo! Dath ave thought she was outwitting me by using the onscreen kweyboard but, infact, if I hadnt said anything she wouldnt have got the onscreen keyboard up at all because the task is something you wouldnt normaly do because it takes too long and it is annoying and strenuous. Do you think she wouldve gone to all that trouble just to disprove me if I hadnt told her to with my powers? think about it! (haha i just made you think about it!)


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^ The last post you made implied that I was up all night drinking, now you want me to buy an apartment? I cant take our relationship this far yet... I think were going to have tp break up...

< Is listening to the radio and just heard that a british (woo hoo) company came up with a chip that stores thousands of songs under... a womans... nipple... wtf...

V Doesnt believe me. Google it, bitch!

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^ Look at your three last posts above me, they all imply that I do something I shouldnt really be doing as a thirteen year old (ok maybe not this one but its still pretty weird XP)


< Likes to spoil movies for people like, for instance, telling people that in the 6th sense bruce willis is actually


all the way through.


V Hasnt seen 6th sense yet (wtf) and is annoyed at me. Of course if they have seen it I could just ruin The DaVinci Code for them.


I edited it with a spoiler cause Im just that kinda guy

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