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Combat Upgrade? Has your thoughts changed?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Despite all the protests, hundreds of players leaving, I was left wondering how the combat upgrade has fitted into your daily SWG gaming life? Although I find it totally ridiculous that you can get 'tired' pulling a trigger on a weapon, it seems that the CU has been adapted well by most players


Yes. Things were silly when someone could solo an entire lair alone - was that the only reason why people complained? The new grouping system has help make new friends but it can also leave the low level players out in the cold and having to work even harder to grind the XP required to actually hold a weapon.


Something had to be done to extend the life of the game. Are you a new player and wondering what all the fuss is about? Give us your views



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I got the game in late June, so the combat upgrade was already in place. So I guess I wasn't disappointed with the system since I didn't even know there was the CU until I came here. But I will say I wasn't impressed with the combat system. And I don't like how it makes it a necessity to join a group, but I guess I don't eve need to join a group at this point in the game (still in Mos Eisley :xp: )

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It isn't neccesary to join a group, it just makes it easier. The system is designed so that you can solo grind but since you are fighting things your lvl it will take longer, because they are close to your strength. The system is also not designed for low lvl people to be grinding with high lvl people. cl10 is not supposed to be on Lok grinding with cl80. It's was designed for people of close cl to group up and grind in a location that is good for them. But of course no one wants to do it that way so it makes "newbs" feel unwanted when no one wants to give them the easy ride.

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Its the reason I left, I had two accounts, one my "combat account" and my other "make bank" account. Even most people in my guild didn't even know I was using two toons.


The make bank one was a master doc, had been forever, had lots of good friends/clients etc. The combat upgrade trashed my profession, I could no longer be as effective in making credits or as usefull in pvp as I once was.


The other was master combat med / rifleman. Which quite a few people used that as a template. I did it for two reasons, I could solo almost anything and I was extreamly usefull against Jedi, untill of course the many revisions came along that made me less usefull, but before the CU I could still help take down the most powerfull dark jedi that my guild ever had issues with. And lower level jedi I could handel my self most the time.


The combat upgrade ruined all the time I had invested into my toons, my "uber poop" became well nolonger worth all the credits I had spent to craft it.


My doc could no longer make creds like she once could and I was no longer "bad ass". Which pissed me off and gave me reason to cancle my accounts.


I do admit I miss the game. I have thought about wow, but realy I never was much of a roal player anyway I just liked galaxies cause it was based on the star wars universe and I don't belive I would like wow nearly as much.


What I don't realy understand is the Combat upgrade was supposed to help newbs, and help them group? after mastering my toons, half my time spent online was helping people grind, or hunt or do something. I helped one guy who joined the guild on his 5th day, become jedi. Now with as many people who have left the game, I find it hard to belive there are as many people who had been playing very long.


True I could have just adapted to the changes in my toons, and tried a dif template, but the whole system of the game changed and I didn't want to have to learn how to play a game I had been playing for well over a year.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The CU was a total copy of the combat in World of Warcraft. Of course like in typical SOE tradition, it wasnt thought through. But since then, things are getting worse publish after publish and Im left thinking, is the end close for SOE running Galaxies?



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No my thoughts havent changed about the CU,and yes i agree its a complete rip off of the WOW combat system,but writen really badly.


I feared the worst when the president of SOE came out and stated that WOW was "great" the alarm bells went then,and its turned into an ungodly mess.


I really cant see the game being around for much longer,more bugs come thru with every publish making things even worse than they where.

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*wonders if the combat system works for WoW*


I'm a little miffed at being a one-hit-wonder since I dropped most of pistoleer to merchant, and wearing recon armour only means I go down in two hits instead. I guess that's what's changed as far as my opinion is concerned. Being a mere novice in a single combat profession isn't enough.


What hasn't changed is my opinion about those bloody toolbar icons. Still distracting and inappropriate for their function. Sometimes I wish the images were bigger so I could take a decent look at them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost 20k player left. Funny thing is more and more are coming back.


When I first made Master Ranger, it took two months, walked everywhere, got around by my wits.


My new char I made 4 days ago, is 5 boxes from master rifleman and 1/2 done with Ranger. Me thinks we have adapted to the CU.


Funny when I made my first Ranger, I had to buy all the training, fore there were no rangers. Now Im buying my training, fore there are no rangers.


The CU has done wonders for crowd control. Also made for a target rich enviroment!

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Truth of the matter is only SOE knows the true figure that left,and that would of course be negated by the film and the total experience pack that came out at the same time.


All i know is this,on farstar it is very quiet,other than a few new players you see knocking around :(

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