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Combat Arena (WIP?)


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I'm experiencing a few problems with your arena mod, stoffe. The third version of your fourth version of the arena worked fine, though when I choose to have a tournement ladder battle the enemies never spawn. With the CSArena4 WIP 3, though, this happens with all types of matches. Did you change anything related to that?


Version confusion: aren't "The third version of your fourth version" and "CSArena4 WIP 3" the same thing, or am I missing something? :)


Anyway, check inside your override folder if there is a file named st_pitdooropen.ncs. There shouldn't be, but if there is, delete it and hopefully the problem will go away. If it was there, please let me know, since then there is something wrong with the installer (if one existed it should have been renamed to old_st_pitdooropen.ncs automatically). If you installed the first WIP version, look for a st_pitdooropen.ncs.old file as well and delete if it exists.


Also check that you have both the st_arena2.rim and st_arena2_s.rim files in your Modules folder, and that you have no other files with an st_ prefix from this mod in your override folder than st_arenaband.ncs, st_arenaband,uti, st_arenabeacon.utw and st_sp1_generic.ncs. The rest should be inside the RIM and MOD files.


Further, make sure when you test that you don't use a savegame where you have been inside earlier versions of the CSArena4 module already (CSArena3 doesn't matter), or you'll have old junk in your savegame that could potentially mess things up.


@everyone: Do anyone else experience similar problems?


This isn't the first problem I've experienced, though. It took half an hour or so of tinkering for me to be able to get CSArena4 WIP 1 to work.


Please let me know of any problems you find so I can try to fix them. I'd rather release a mod that can be used "out of the box" than one with "some assembly required". :)

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I had the problems with no Ladder Spawning on Wip 2, but that was fixed in Wip 3.

I also had the door opening problem, but that has since been fixed.

As I said above, I see no real problems (with the exception that I saved a line that I shouldn't in the armband, and will reinstall later to fix it :p)

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stoffe, why have you chosen to compile your data into a *.rim format and not a *.mod? I'm just wondering :).


I'd rather ask why not save the module data in RIM files? :) It's how all the other modules in the game are saved, after all, and KotOR doesn't use the data the ERF format has but the RIM format lacks for anything anyway.


Since Bioware went from a single MOD (NWM) file to two RIM files to store module specific data there has to be some advantage of doing it (something with resource management is my wild guess). Since all the standard modules in the game have the area/module info separated from the module resources why not do the same instead of doing it the old NWN style?


If there's a compelling reason to use MOD instead of RIM, please tell why and I'll change it. :)

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No reason to switch :). It is different to the standard around here, I was just wondering if there was any advantage to using the RIM format over the MOD one. I suppose you must be right on this... why else would the developers have split everything up?

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So, have anyone other than Goldberry and Emperor Devon tested this mod? And if so, did it work without problems, or did you experience problems similar to what Emperor Devon described?


I'm uncomfortable with releasing a mod there might be unresolved potentially serious problems with, so I need to know if this works before I do anything else with it.

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So, have anyone other than Goldberry and Emperor Devon tested this mod? And if so, did it work without problems, or did you experience problems similar to what Emperor Devon described?


I'm uncomfortable with releasing a mod there might be unresolved potentially serious problems with, so I need to know if this works before I do anything else with it.


I've tried out your latest version and I don't seem to be coming across any errors :).

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There is no way that only three of us have tested. Can ANYBODY who has tried the new WIP of this mod please come forward and give comments, even if the comment is "it works", or "no problems". Just prove that there are some people willing to read a WIP thread :D

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Version confusion: aren't "The third version of your fourth version" and "CSArena4 WIP 3" the same thing, or am I missing something? :)


Same thing. :)


Anyway, check inside your override folder if there is a file named st_pitdooropen.ncs. {snip}


The installer said it was there in my override folder, but I didn't bother changing it because it had been there with the previous version of your arena and not caused many problems.


Also check that you have both the st_arena2.rim and st_arena2_s.rim files in your Modules folder,


I'll check those...


Please let me know of any problems you find so I can try to fix them. I'd rather release a mod that can be used "out of the box" than one with "some assembly required". :)


It could've been due to how I'd made some changes to your arena, but they were minor things like utc and dialogue edits. As I recall, several times when I entered the arena I couldn't activate any placeables or NPCs. Even stranger, Kotor Tool wouldn't even show me what was inside your module. I had to recompile and edit various things quite a few times, but it worked out and no one else seems to have experienced the problem. :)

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The installer said it [st_pitdooropen.ncs] was there in my override folder, but I didn't bother changing it because it had been there with the previous version of your arena and not caused many problems.


Well, for CSArena v3 it needs to be in the override folder for things to work. However, for CSArena v4 it needs to not be in the override folder for things to work. :) The latest installer should rename it automatically if found though.



It could've been due to how I'd made some changes to your arena, but they were minor things like utc and dialogue edits.


If you've put any edited arena files into your override folder remember to remove them or they might interfere with newer versions with the same name found inside the RIM files, which likely will cause trouble.



As I recall, several times when I entered the arena I couldn't activate any placeables or NPCs. Even stranger, Kotor Tool wouldn't even show me what was inside your module.


Which version was this for, v3 or the test version of v4? While it's not very reassuring that things seem to work so poorly I suppose it can be explained with mod incompatibilities if things work fine for others, and I could get this ready for release.

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he latest installer should rename it automatically if found though.


Odd, it didn't. Well, I deleted the file and the mod works now. :)


If you've put any edited arena files into your override folder remember to remove them or they might interfere with newer versions with the same name found inside the RIM files, which likely will cause trouble.


Exactly why I didn't do that. I put the things I modified into the RIM files. :)


Which version was this for, v3 or the test version of v4? While it's not very reassuring that things seem to work so poorly I suppose it can be explained with mod incompatibilities if things work fine for others, and I could get this ready for release.


Version 3. I don't think that's a problem any longer. :)

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Odd, it didn't. Well, I deleted the file and the mod works now.


Aaaaah, more bugs? :confused: If someone who has CSArena v3 installed and have tested CSArena v4wip3 as well could confirm if st_pitdooropen.ncs remains in the override folder or is renamed to old_st_pitdooropen.ncs it would be much appreciated. It's pretty important that part of the installation works reliably, as seen here. :)


Exactly why I didn't do that. I put the things I modified into the RIM files. :)


Hmm, are you sure that whatever you use to modify the RIM files work properly? If you use the ERF/RIM Editor I made, make sure you use the last version (v0.2a8), since earlier versions than 0.2a6 had a bug that created incorrect RIM files the game couldn't read properly.

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Hmm, are you sure that whatever you use to modify the RIM files work properly?


I believe so. It was with Kotor Tool, and the modifications I made to your arena worked just fine before I downloaded one of the newer versions. But since it works for me now, I'll try changing some things and let you know if it causes any problems. :)

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I believe so. It was with Kotor Tool, and the modifications I made to your arena worked just fine before I downloaded one of the newer versions. But since it works for me now, I'll try changing some things and let you know if it causes any problems. :)


Uh... Sorry if I'm dense, but now I'm rather confused by all this. :) Speaking strictly of (unmodified by you) CSArena 4wip3 only and nothing else: Does it work without any problems for you, or do you experience any problems with it?

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Just the dialogue that anounces a match is started, lost, won, etc.


Hmm, sounds awfully similar to the problem Goldberry had. I had hoped that problem was fixed in the wip3 attempt, but apparently not. :( Seems to work when I try it in my game, but that doesn't seem to be any guarantee that it works for others.... Makes it a bit harder to track down the bugs though.


  1. Do you get "Bad StrRef" for all the floating text bubbles, or just some?
  2. What operating system are you running?
  3. What is the size of your st_arena2_s.rim file found in the Modules folder? Is it larger in size than the st_arena2_s.rim file found in the tslpatchdata folder?
  4. Does your dialog.tlk file contain an entry with the text <CUSTOM1230>?


The first question above is particularily important in this regard. If it's all it's probably a problem with adding and referencing the dialog.tlk entry properly. If on the other hand some of the bark bubbles work, then it's more likely a problem with some scripts not having been properly recompiled.

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The text bubbles with Traya work. It's just the ones that state things about the match itself that don't. st_arena2_s.rim is 4,466 KB large, though I don't remember the size of the one of in the tslpatchdata folder. My dialogue.tlk file does have that entry, and I don't think my system specs should affect this.

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Yeah a few of the elective updates from MS on their OS prevent scripts of any sort from running correctly if your settings aren't tweaked. I remember that from a post statement during one update from MS on the ole' OS. ;) I elected not to get it. Folks with autoupdates turned on could very well get the updates though.


Just a thought to keep in mind. ;)



General Kenobi

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The text bubbles with Traya work. It's just the ones that state things about the match itself that don't. st_arena2_s.rim is 4,466 KB large, though I don't remember the size of the one of in the tslpatchdata folder. My dialogue.tlk file does have that entry, and I don't think my system specs should affect this.


If you mean the thing Traya says when she turns invisible then they are most likely all broken, since Traya's bubble is a dialog while the other feedback messages are Bark bubbles. Two completely different approaches, one uses the dialog.tlk file while the other uses a DLG file. Very strange, the TLK entry seems to be added and referenced properly when I try it out here on my game. :confused:


Until someone else can confirm if the bark bubbles show up like they should, or exhibit the problem you describe it's hard to form an idea about what's going on. Until then this mod is on hold. I will not release something that I have reason to suspect contains serious bugs. (And there is no point in doing any more work on it if it may not be released anyway.)

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Well, tested and passed with distinction, no bugs to me. :p


Thanks for taking time to check it out. So, it seems to work well for two people and work poorly for one, so far. Strange, but unfortunately not surprising. Since it doesn't seem like I will get anywhere trying to figure out what's wrong in Emp Devon's case I suppose I'll go ahead and release it and hope it was just an isolated incident. Just a few more things that needs to be added to the mod before it's released.


Thanks to everyone who's been acting guineapigs for this mod so far. :)

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