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Sasha and Milla

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Just to be a little bit on topic... I was wondering exactly what nationality is Sasha? Some say Russian others say German. Help me out on this!


I think the official line (from pre-release stuff and the like) is just "East European," so I don't know if anybody really knows what country he's from.


He's definitely not Russian or German, though. Remember, Mikhail is Russian, and his accent's very different from Sasha's. It's not a German accent, either...those are pretty distinctive too (or maybe I just have a weird ear for accents?). That and Russia and Germany aren't really in East Europe (found a map here if it helps--I can never keep all the countries straight). Hm...I know a couple of guys from Romania, and their accents are pretty close...I don't know, if I had to guess I'd say Romania/Slovakia/Austria--the countries in that general area. Can't pin it any closer than that; sorry.

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Oh wait maybe we do have a better clue! In sasha's 2nd memory vault he sort of lives in a village of some kind. If we could tell which country has that sort of village hopefully.... we might be able to guess whats his nationality


Hmm...I'm working off of memory here, since I'm too tired to go boot up the laptop and go digging through image files for that particular vault, but...unfortunately, from what I remember, that village is pretty stereotypical of the "quaint little peasant town" in East Europe. A lot of that area--Bosnia, Yugoslavia and the like--is pretty impoverished, and some of the rural areas can look like throwbacks to earlier eras. (Although the village in Sasha's memory, IIRC, was even more stereotypical of the late 1800's/early 1900's than the norm...don't know why that is.)


Since Sasha's father made his living as a cobbler (again, sort of a "quaint East European" stereotype, IMHO) and his mother died fairly young, I think it'd be pretty safe to say that they lived in one of those rural areas. Pinpointing the exact region would probably be next to impossible, given the lack of information we have to go on.

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I remember talking to Janitor-Ford whilst 'looking' for Sasha's lab [because I felt like milking every bit of dailogue I could out of everyone in the game] and eventually Ford says:


"Oh! You mean that German feller?"


So I though..."Ah ha! He must be German then!" But then I was like, "Well, maybe Janitor-Ford just thinks Sasha's German..." But then whilst walking around the GPC, I saw signs that said "Nein!" and "Verboten!"...which are German words.


But who knows...maybe some Eastern Europe have the same word for 'forbidden'...

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What is Sasha's mother is Russain and his Father is German. I know we all saw that german-like moustash on his dad. So maybe Sasha might have a German fused with a Russian accent, and he's been in America for quite some time. Maybe he's Turkish? no, I think milla's a little turkish at least.

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What is Sasha's mother is Russain and his Father is German. I know we all saw that german-like moustash on his dad. So maybe Sasha might have a German fused with a Russian accent, and he's been in America for quite some time. Maybe he's Turkish? no, I think milla's a little turkish at least.


...Milla's from Brazil. o.O


You could be right about Sasha's mixed parentage, though, and I think you're definitely right about the American thing--if he's been in America for a while (let's say he ran away from home at around ten, made it to America when he was twelve or so, and he's thirty-ish now (rough estimates, all of that), that's almost twenty years immersed in various American accents), he would've picked up more of an American accent than someone who'd just immigrated a few years ago.


You tend to pick up whatever accent you're constantly hearing around you, so Sasha's is probably a mix of American and whatever was common in the village he came from--wherever that was.

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But, Sasha travles around the world with Milla on missions. Would that be like 100 different accents in one compact human. Sexy.


Depends on how fast you pick up on accents. My mother can pick them up within minutes (her boss is British, so she comes home talking Brit-speak a lot; doesn't even realize she's doing it), but for other people it can take years.


Still sexy, though.

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