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A few quick questions...


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Alright, I'm considering buying Star Wars: Galaxies, but I have a few quick questions that need answering before I make the final decision.


1) I'm told that it might be possible to acquire a Correlian Light Freighter (a la Millenium Falcon) at some point during the game. I want to know if a) it can be upgraded, b) its guns can be manned by a droid, and c) if it might be possible to add "smuggling compartments".


2) What's the best starting class? I know that the Human is pretty well-balanced, but I'd like another opinion.


3) How is transportation between planets managed when one does not have a spaceship?


4) Number four, and perhaps the most blatantly obvious...how does one become a Jedi?


5) Allegiances. What determines if I am aligned toward the Rebellion or the Empire?


All answers are much appreciated.

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1) Yes you can get a YT-1300, it can be heavily upgraded, no a droid can't man them, but other players can and the closest thing to smuggling compartments is the cargo hold for mining.


2) Human is best if you're going Imperial, otherwise it doesn't matter much I guess.


3) There's a public transit system which has been in use long before the days of JTL, but don't worry you'll probly rarely use it.


4) A fairly easy and no longer complicated system called the Force Village, first you need to become Force Sesative by collecting certain badges.


5) It is determined by you, if you chose to do Imperial missions you will get Imperial Faction Points to join the Empire. And the other way around as well.

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Ok I also got questions.


1) I would like to be a human, and want to play and search for the mandalorian armor and jetpack (I know it's hard to find but I wanna go for it), should I become a bounty hunter or a pistoleer, or something else?


2) If I would play 1 a 2 hours a day, is it worth my money? I know it's expensive, but I also gotta watch my school and that's more important. How long (in months) will I have to play then for 2 hours a day to become very good with this game?


3) Also, if I buy the total experience PC game box, how much do I have to pay monthly for all the 3 games.


4) Does a lot of people have their own ship, or are they people that play 5 hours a day?


Thank you.

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I can't answer the first question but I can answer the others.


2) Yes, it is worth your money. It depends on what you think is very good at the game, for example if you mean becoming level 80, playing a few hours a day would take about 2 months (maybe 3). If you want to get 80 combat and become master in another skill that will obviously take longer.


3) It's a fixed rate, you just pruchase the game and pay the monthly fee (you will get one free month with total experience).


4) You can get your own ship within an hour or two of starting the game, it will be a basic fighter, but still a ship :).


Hope that helped :).

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1. Become a bounty hunter and a pistoleer. You'll need both.


Getting a complete set of Mandalorian armour is a pain in the butt. It's all about this bunker on Endor where what I assume to be the last surviving clan are holed up. The Death Watch are big, mean, nasty and numerous, and they've got a bunch of salvaged Trade Federation droids (both humanoid types, no droideka) backing them up. You have to fight through them to get to the crafting areas, then have to defend your crafter while they make a piece of armour or the jetpack, after which you get booted out.


I've done the jetpack. You need a master droid engineer to gain access to the crafting rooms, and a master artisan to make the jetpack; I'm both, but I'm guessing I'm not a popular choice because having hardly any combat skills makes me easy to kill, heh. You need all kinds of bits and bobs looted from elsewhere in the bunker to make the jetpack, and it's probably the same story with the armour.


Oh. Last I heard, the bunker's loot bins were bugged. SO you might wanna wait awhile, heh.

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