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Keep Playing?


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If I finish a Character Called "John Williams", Do I get to keep playing as him or does the game end?

Nope, once the game ends it ends... due largely to the way the game works, and the existance of Galaxies there is no ability to play after the end.


Though some intrepid modders can add content after the end but even that must have an eventual end to it. ;)

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I agree one of the best things a game can have is being open ended and 100% freedom.

Then I might suggest Star Wars Galaxies might be just what you are looking for... it is about as open ended as you can get! ;)


For LA to make an open ended RPG that would compete with their own Galaxies product isn't likely to happen. :)

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Then I might suggest Star Wars Galaxies might be just what you are looking for... it is about as open ended as you can get! ;)


For LA to make an open ended RPG that would compete with their own Galaxies product isn't likely to happen. :)


Galaxies is not capable of playing on a LAN or singleplayer and to make it worse they want money for it....

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Then I might suggest Star Wars Galaxies might be just what you are looking for... it is about as open ended as you can get! ;)


For LA to make an open ended RPG that would compete with their own Galaxies product isn't likely to happen. :)


Im not saying kotor should have a whole universe to explore....but 12 planets and an open endedness like morrowind would be very nice. At a minimum of course.


People do want to make their own path after story is complete or just explore some more. Having a total end to game and a sudden incomplete one at that is stressful.

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DDS, I know you are new here, but please refrain from double posting, the moderators don't like it, if you have something to add to a thread and your post is at the bottom please use the edit post button. Just trying to save you some pain in the future! ;)


Galaxies is not capable of playing on a LAN or singleplayer and to make it worse they want money for it....

:eyeraise: That's the whole point! Can you honestly tell me that you would take the time and money to make an MMORPG, and charge a monthly fee to play it, start getting a steady income from said game, then go and make something that is comparitively free that can do something similar offline... I think not! You would lose money from your own product! You would, in essence, cut your own throat! Not a smart business move at any rate. :)


Because of LA MMORPG called Galaxies any future open-ended RPG style games from LA are strictly verboten! Any game like this would compete with Galaxies... and I know you have to pay to play Galaxies, that's the whole point. They want you paying and playing the MMORPG to get your fix, not a SP RPG offline.


Im not saying kotor should have a whole universe to explore....but 12 planets and an open endedness like morrowind would be very nice. At a minimum of course.

Then you will have to continue playing Morrowind as the KOTOR engine does not support open-ended play, once the story is over it is over... sorry!


The game is this way by design, it really isn't possible to have open-ended play using the game engine and module systems they do. Because even if they had left it so you could walk around after the games end you still could not do anything new or even interesting. It would take far too much time just to bug fix the game for even the illusion of open ended styles of play, development time better spent on the actual story and features to worry about it being open-ended.


Seriously the major flaw in Morrowind is it's open ended game style, you feel no need to do anything quest wise, there is no clear path or story, the dialogiues are repetitive and confusing, and as such I grew quickly bored with it because of these "features" and having problems actually remembering what I was supposed to do.


People do want to make their own path after story is complete or just explore some more.

There is no path to take after the game is over, the path is the choices you make through the games storyline. Any exploration should be done before you make the choice to proceed with the endgame.


Having a total end to game and a sudden incomplete one at that is stressful.

In both KOTOR and TSL you have to tell the game to start the end process so you have time to explore to your hearts content. KOTOR's is going to the Unknown World, TSL's is going to the Rebuilt Jedi Enclaive on Dantooine. If you avoid doing these things the game will allow you all the time you need to complete what you want... though I'll admit it is harder to do this in TSL.


I personally loved the way KOTOR was made, it felt like participating in an interactive movie, and having any sort of after ending play would have ruined that completely... just my 2 cents! :D

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In galaxies you gotta pay monthly. That's what I abseloutly hate about RPGs

You mean MMORPG's don't you? :D


I also dislike the whole monthly fee thing, but there is a legitimate reason for it, if you stop and think about it there are good reasions to have to pay to play an MMORPG, especially because of what the company has to outlay to keep the game going, maintain it's servers, internet connectivity, add features, and also to pay the staff... and make a profit. ;)

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God I can Never play a Character in Morrowind for more than like 10 hours. Its way TOO open ended. The concept is cool, but when its employed you just sit around going "Why am I helping this guy, why am I running over here, will I get anything from doing this, will it advance my character in any way?" It just gets too ridiculous.

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