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reintroducing Revan as PC in a KIII.


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nah sorry was joking with that last post lol im cruel giving fuel to your misdirected fire it will be a new PC, another no-body. Miner or Farmer to jedi/sith bad-ass dude that can do what they want. Lol why cant they give you a monkey instead, I mean monkey ball evolved star wars version they can do it with monopoly so why not...

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I think that if you had a random spacer or something, who saw Revan return from the unkown regions to get an army (which includes exile). Then the spacer gets caught by a jedi to see what they know of the fleet (choose revan/exile ls or ds). They get trained and they go and help Revan's army.


Reven wouldnt be the PC, but it might be a small side quest like with the remote or something.

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Let me get this straight... you want the story for Kotor 3 to be:


Revan loses his memory and his powers and his lightsaber and slowly he regains them and either saves the galaxy or conquers it.

Yes. :p


and let me guess, you want the story for Kotor 4 to be:

It's better to stay on KOTOR 3.


to end this argument REVAN CANNOT BE PLAYABLE!!!!! it would be to complicated

And now you've just said the thing that makes a great story. A complicated one.


I agree with you as well John! We will be playing a new PC in KOTOR III



It is becoming rapidly apparent to me that some or all of the ADD generation, button mashing, console kiddies cannot seem to grasp the concepts of what an RPG game is. :xp:

* Blood preasure and pulce rising rapidly... *


To all other posts:


You people really need to ligthen up, I figured that out just about 4 hours ago. You know what? I now have a different opinion about KOTOR 3 and else, I made a thread to express my opinion...

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well a good explination on what happens to revan is given in my thread .

that the events in part 2 of KOTOR are orchestrated by Revan himself. he is a darkside characterthat much is true .


(note) he did go after the one true sith after all and maybe storming himself into war again . just like the mandelorian war's . i can presume he walks the sme path as he did than and eventually ( no matter how part 1 ended) bacame a darkside character again .




that would be the only way to do it .




nihilis and visas where dispatched by him . seel my thread for more info on my point of view

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It is becoming rapidly apparent to me that some or all of the ADD generation, button mashing, console kiddies cannot seem to grasp the concepts of what an RPG game is. :xp:


If you want to get technical about it, KotOR is not a 'true RPG' in that you are limited to a linear path whereas in a REAL RPG you can burn down every port you go through, turn the Jedi against the garrison guards and watch him get gunned down and then convince the guards you were mindtricked all the while you in direct radio contact with a huge cruiser who pinpointedly demolishes the exact spot where the guards are standing leaving you relatively unscathed and then return to your base operations and convince everyone who was not there that the guard had been driven mad by a gas released just moments before you arrived and you had to force the bombardment and THEN you force the Jedi into thinking he contradicted the Code and he begins his fall by trying to strike you down and then in real life his player hates you...


...or atleast thats what I did with my Sith Lord in the WEG Star Wars RPG system.


It was really ****ed up if you think about it.

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If you want to get technical about it, KotOR is not a 'true RPG' in that you are limited to a linear path

Thinking along these lines then this also would apply for PnP RPG's as well... while we are free to do certain things, it is all within the scope of the world/galaxy and storyline created by the GM/DM, or Developer in the case of a computer game.


Stray from that path too far and the GM/DM has thousands if not tens of thousands of ways, some very painful to your character, to remind you too. ;)


whereas in a REAL RPG you can burn down every port you go through,

True, but only if the allmighty GM/DM lets you. ;)


...or atleast thats what I did with my Sith Lord in the WEG Star Wars RPG system.

You too! :D I love that system.


Too bad the evil WotC came in and killed the awesome D6 system with that lousy D20 schlock! :(

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Why would he need to? You could have a system whereby people could upload their characters from K1, or you simply carry on at Lvl 20...


From a marketing/sales standpoint this would be most impractical. You'd be limiting the game to only those people who had purchased and played KOTOR I. I'm sure they want to expand their audience to this game (if there ever is one), rather than limit it.


Whatever they do come out with needs to be a stand-alone product that can be equally enjoyed by rookies to the game as well as the dyed-in-the-wool hardcore fans.

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Too bad the evil WotC came in and killed the awesome D6 system with that lousy D20 schlock! :(


And the worst thing about it is that KotOR never got a chance to be based on the D6 system:( That'd of made for some friggin awesome battles.


And Force Storm would annihilate the planet you just happen to be standing on, not some 'Reflex Save for Half Damage' dee dee dee ****.

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From a marketing/sales standpoint this would be most impractical. You'd be limiting the game to only those people who had purchased and played KOTOR I. I'm sure they want to expand their audience to this game (if there ever is one), rather than limit it.


Yes indeed and we haven't thought about X Box users. How will they import their characters?


I don't think it can be done.

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And the worst thing about it is that KotOR never got a chance to be based on the D6 system:( That'd of made for some friggin awesome battles.

Also not to mention the whole spending your CP to enhance your skills instead of using the "Oh so D&D" leveling system that D20 uses. Not having a level system is a good and noble thing. But, yes KOTOR and TSL would have rocked in the D6 system. And about the Force Powers, I agree!


When 15D of Control, Sense, and Alter you have reached... stoppable you are not! :yodac:

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When 15D of Control, Sense, and Alter you have reached... stoppable you are not! :yodac:


I think the highest my Sith got was 10D Alter, 8D Control, and 8D Sense. I could have made my Alter a lot higher after the mission...except the Jedi in the group resisted my lures...in a matter of speaking. His Control was higher than mine and when he realized I was trying to Mind Trick him, I hit him with all the Lightning I could muster. When the rest of the group walked in, I convinced them all he had raised his saber against me. Unfortunantly, he Mind Tricked them into seeing the truth and I was promptly gunned down and they stopped inviting me to play.

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I think the highest my Sith got was 10D Alter, 8D Control, and 8D Sense

That's quite respectable, I have a Ex. Imperial Vice Admiral that has Force Skills near those, my other characters are quite old, around 16 and 12 years old, and those 2 are both over 15D in all three Force Skills.


When I did play a Dark Lord of the Sith (I had the GM's permission to do this as it was his idea), I never directly engaged my fellow party members, though I did arrange some of their "encounters", and using those I left clues for them that would help to lead them to come to see things my way. It takes years for the proper manipulation, one of our players, a steadfast Paladin character player, he was playing a Jedi Master (Big surprise there!), my biggest victory was to manipulate him to my way of thinking, enough that when I made my move he followed along beliving he was doing the right thing, it was sweet! :D


After the campaign was over and he knew I had been manipulating things along with the GM, he congratulated me on a job well done! Of course the most humorous part of all this is we then started an AD&D campaign, and we both played Paladins! ;)


This use of english must be weird even for Yoda. Is it even... legal?

I don't honestly know, but with Yoda I guess anything goes... :D

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Oh man, speaking of Paladins. I was playing D&D and these gnolls were maurading the countryside under the command of an evil wizard(my character just happened to be an evil wizard who fit the description to the teeth). The Paladin was steadfast in destroying them but then I told him how evil it was to just slaughter gnolls without knowing their motivations for maurading. He doubted his faith for a moment and was stripped of all his holy powers. He immediatly attepmted to kill me, but atleast I made him fall from grace. I did end up dead(I was in Melee vs a warrior, c'mon now), but not by his sword - I hit him with a Maximized 12D fireball at point-blank range.

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