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Oh, those happy-go-lucky pirates!


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What's with kids loving pirates? Don't they know what pirates did? They raped women, gutted prisoners, killed entire families and plundered the coast with merciless bloodlust, and yet our kids are all "I want to be a piwate when I gwow up, mommy! He He!" Why!?



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Errol Flynn's fault.


It's the same reason why kids (used to?) love cowboys and gunslingers. The job description of a cowboy isn't very sexy, it's a cow herder for crying out loud! And gunslingers are about the same as pirates. Yet the romantic movies of the fifties to eighties are responsible for those misty-eyed depictions of heroism and adventures. Hmm, Indy is an archeologist...


Back to pirates: There were pirates which were tolerated or even encouraged by governments called corsairs or privateers.

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You've gotta love Johnny Depp's involvement in the recent pirate trend though. No one seemed to point out that the average life span of a pirate was very short (I'd come up with real statistics, but I really don't want to). Also it depends on your perception, some guy I studied 3 years ago who's name I can't remember right now but lived during Elizabethan times (Elizabeth I), attacked Spanish ships and stole their money and goods in the name of the Queen...to the British (well, the English, I guess) he was a hero.

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