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This has gone too far...


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FunSolo, you wouldn't mind reading my post above yours as a favor, would you?^_^


Vlad tone down a little please.



Those caps look pretty bad.

Oh, sorry about that. I'll get to editing those caps locks as soon as I can.


And don't worry, the devs would never listen to everyone.

Well, I think that the best thing is that they don't listen to anyone. They did a great job without listening to us in the first place. That's all.


They know their job and ther's nothing worng with people telling what they would like to see in the game.

True. But it is bad that they put that in the game, they will make a game the way that they think that it will be for the best.


So I think that it is pointless that any of us say anymore: "Who would like what in KOTOR 3." And argue who is right about thinking what would have and what will be. So let's just stop fighting and be at peace. All right? :)

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So I think that it is pointless that any of us say anymore: "Who would like what in KOTOR 3." And argue who is right about thinking what would have and what will be. So let's just stop fighting and be at peace. All right? :)

We're not fighting, just having fun giving our ideas. It's not because the opinions are different that we fight...


and it's good people show an interest in the game.

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C'mon, that's just friendly poking. They do this you because you bite There's nothing agressive in their posts. Lighten up a bit Vlad and have some fun instead of making a drama out of that.

You're right, it's just that I get a bit uptight sometimes (family characteristic). I just think that it's better that the developers think what is KOTOR 3 going to look like instead of us. :)

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You're right, it's just that I get a bit uptight sometimes (family characteristic). I just think that it's better that the developers think what is KOTOR 3 going to look like instead of us. :)


And I'll bet that that's exactly what they will do, would have done, regardless of what is or is not posted here or anywhere else.


We're just a group of people who like to discuss something that we commonly enjoy. And as long as we all stay respectful, we should have the right to say whatever we want.


Lighten up, Vlad. It's just a game. And we're all just sharing opinions. :)


Have a great day.

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After all is said and done about Kotor III, I don't want them to ever stop making new stuff from the original inspiration.(movies, series', games, etc.) The Star Wars universe has been a fixture in the whole lifespan (so far) of an entire generation(older than many of you). Its just plain classic. There have been countless parodies, imitations, and quotings, and thats just fine. Long Live the EU! Theres plenty of room. ...and I have little doubt that being included in the phenomenon in any way(working at ILM, being a Lucas-approved author, or even seeing one tiny thing of yours anywhere in it...) would be nothing less than a dream come true, for any fan. I've never known anyone that would actually expect it. To bid that it stop is tantamount to fan-heresy.


-for the record... I am not a blind loyalist type fan... I actually resent some things about the phenomenon. eg. I will never forgive them for not including more fencing technique in the movies' saber-play(esp. the earlier trilogy). There seems to be an undue dedication to kendo and/or broadsword technique. I know little girls that could've beaten Vader with the fight-choreography he was given... and thats just not right. Aldo Nadi, Cappo Ferro, Silver, Musashi, and all the old masters probably spin in their graves. It even bugs me that they spell it "saber" rather than "sabre".lol- ...but I still love them for what they brought us, and it's hard to imagine the rest of my life without more when its been there all along. Regardless of the resentment I would be absolutely honored to be given the opportunity to choreograph 1 duel, whether it made it to end-production or not....and I would make damn sure it was the best stuff I'd ever done.

I say keep on truckin'. I'll take kotor MCXXVII if I'm still around...and I might bitch to high heaven about it, but I'll never want them to stop.

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Yea, I could see Darth Vader with a hand over his head or on his hip as he does lil hops back and forth with his blade out in front of him going *breath*En garde*breath*


Doesn't exactly do the films justice. Besides, no sword fight really looks like that. Even the most finesse fights are still rather sloppy.

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Yea, I could see Darth Vader with a hand over his head or on his hip as he does lil hops back and forth with his blade out in front of him going *breath*En garde*breath*


Doesn't exactly do the films justice. Besides, no sword fight really looks like that. Even the most finesse fights are still rather sloppy.


If you'd care to discuss this, I think it should be a new thread.

no need to hijack.

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YES. It's OUR fault. Our bratiness and spoilness are really a thing that we are all supposed to be ASHAMED of. I mean, I can only imagine what kind of complaing and arguing that the developers have on THEIR forums. It's enough for them that they have to make it because Lucas Arts forces them to do it, but now WE are forcing hem to do it. When they look somewhere, like here, they think :"HOLY S**T! I better not mention KOTOR 3 here, it's enough that those guys at my forums complain and argue." And the worst part is: that if they are really trying to pick up ideas and sugestions out of all fans, then they will have to draw out aspects out of EVERY SINGLE idea that has been posted by us. And in the end, they end up drinking sleeping pills, we end up with even MORE complaints, unsatisfactory and wants.


I don't think that it has been any different in any other types of games there have been in the past, and I am not talking about just Star Wars games. And no, they are definitely not going to take ideas from ever single idea, that would be pointless, and it is completely impossible any ways because ideas will contradict.


OUR fault? I have said this before, but come on, just because we got into arguments doesn't mean anything, even if we shut down the whole website and never said anything, and just let them deliver, there are going to be those who will be dissapointed. I don't really understand where "fighting" is going on that you keep mentioned. What do the thread names say!?!!??


Want you would LIKE in KotOR III


You know what, I do not see one single What BETTER be in KotOR three, and I do not see any What the KotOR III Story BETTER Be!!! I am not holding my breath to see if my ideas are used, the devs might have better ones!!! Most of the reason I posted stuff was just to present what I thought would be kind of cool and see if any body else had some good or cool ideas, not to scream and shout at the devs and say, "IF THIS IS NOT IN HERE...!!!" and then add in whatever you want.


Hmmm... Then it is obvious that you aren't aware of the situation that was occuring in the 'KOTOR 3 guessings' thread. So when you read the posts of me, LIYAD, RedHawke and so on, you'll understand what I mean.


I was posting stuff in there during that whole debate or argument, whatever you want to call it, over Revan vs. New PC, although there might be others you are referring to. If you ask me, I was not this huge screaming fight with people shouting at each other saying, "YOU IDIOT!!!!!!, or YOU MORON!!!!!." It wasn't that long of a time that I personally thought that there was kind of a argument going on.


Finally, games are not made to please everyone. Since that is hopeless, it is better that half of the people love it, and half of them hate it, as long as it is a suitable ending for a GREAT series of games. I don't really care if my ideas were used or not, if all of them were the game probably would have been made to just please me. I hope that the devs are not going to listen to us and try to please us, as you said, that is what mods are for. The maximum, and the only, expectation I have of them is not that they put the things in and make the game and the ending the way I want it to be, I only want them to put the things in and make the game and the ending the way in needs to be.

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I can see where wher your coming from, but i want to know what happens to the exile and revan, they left us at a cliff hanger, they kinda have to make it

i think killwithhonor is right theres nothin worse than an incomplete storyline

with out k3 being made it would be like watching a 3parter pf stargate and missing the finish which would suck majorly

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I was waiting for you to mention me Vlad! :tsk:


Hmmm... Then it is obvious that you aren't aware of the situation that was occuring in the 'KOTOR 3 guessings' thread. So when you read the posts of me, LIYAD, RedHawke and so on, you'll understand what I mean.

:eyeraise: It is apparent from your previous and above posts that you have no clue as to what developing a game is like. There is a ton more going on than reading the inane posts of people debating features on a fan forum. I have some expirience with developing an RPG, the development guidelines, how to cater to your target audience, and focusing on the features that audience will enjoy most, but since KOTOR III is a sequel they have to keep the game in the style of it's predecessors, to massively alter gameplay at this time would be catastrophic... that is what the Developers of KOTOR III will follow, wheather you personally agree with, or even like it, is of no consequence.


Also you have no basis to whine about our posts in response to others, we have the right to do so, just like you do... what you, and some others wanted to do to the game, was some of the lousiest ideas I have heard of, short of the BetaMax! :p Don't knock me or LIAYD for stating our opinions.


Seriously, this thread is another pointless rant against everyone who thinks differently from you! Like we are persecuting you or something? Actually Vlad, about this persecution subject, better check yourself, please read that thread you mention, you will read on page 1 that I posted my opinion in the thread you made, saying nothing to you, you then took it upon yourself to create the "situation" by debating what I said because you disagreed with it, not LIAYD or myself. Before you go off preaching to the masses you really need to confirm what acually happened, and perhaps practice what you preach. ;)


This is a forum, and as such disagreements happen, most of the empassioned ones end with an agreement to disagree, but most of us here are pretty lighthearted about our posts. Though you seem unable to grasp this part as you seem lighthearted one day, and a full blown "drama queen" the next. This thread is obviously one of your "drama" days... we can tell. ;)


In the end Vlad, buddy please lighten up! I enjoyed our little debates, I never took them too seriously, at least not as seriously as you seem to. Stressing out about things that don't matter like this will surely lead you to a heart attack by the time you reach 40! That's never a good thing!


Peace! :)

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sabre=British spelling


saber=American spelling ;)


Star Wars was made by an american, K1 was made by Canadians, who don't know which spelling style to use, so they picked one and K2 was made by a bunch of American guys.


So... :)


I'm an American guy, and I grasp the difference. and btw - the etymology of "sabre" shows that its french... like some of the most foundational fencing styles. As in "sabreur", someone who uses one. American english, being derivitive of "the king's english", then "saber" is as english as it is american.

but ennyhoo like I said... if the fencing/sabre vs saber question warrants it, then it should be a new thread. ...or am I being paranoid about hijacking?

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I was waiting for you to mention me Vlad! :tsk:



:eyeraise: It is apparent from your previous and above posts that you have no clue as to what developing a game is like. There is a ton more going on than reading the inane posts of people debating features on a fan forum. I have some expirience with developing an RPG, the development guidelines, how to cater to your target audience, and focusing on the features that audience will enjoy most, but since KOTOR III is a sequel they have to keep the game in the style of it's predecessors, to massively alter gameplay at this time would be catastrophic... that is what the Developers of KOTOR III will follow, wheather you personally agree with, or even like it, is of no consequence.


Also you have no basis to whine about our posts in response to others, we have the right to do so, just like you do... what you, and some others wanted to do to the game, was some of the lousiest ideas I have heard of, short of the BetaMax! :p Don't knock me or LIAYD for stating our opinions.


Seriously, this thread is another pointless rant against everyone who thinks differently from you! Like we are persecuting you or something? Actually Vlad, about this persecution subject, better check yourself, please read that thread you mention, you will read on page 1 that I posted my opinion in the thread you made, saying nothing to you, you then took it upon yourself to create the "situation" by debating what I said because you disagreed with it, not LIAYD or myself. Before you go off preaching to the masses you really need to confirm what acually happened, and perhaps practice what you preach. ;)


This is a forum, and as such disagreements happen, most of the empassioned ones end with an agreement to disagree, but most of us here are pretty lighthearted about our posts. Though you seem unable to grasp this part as you seem lighthearted one day, and a full blown "drama queen" the next. This thread is obviously one of your "drama" days... we can tell. ;)


In the end Vlad, buddy please lighten up! I enjoyed our little debates, I never took them too seriously, at least not as seriously as you seem to. Stressing out about things that don't matter like this will surely lead you to a heart attack by the time you reach 40! That's never a good thing!


Peace! :)

* Sigh... *


Guess that I will never be taken seriously, huh? :(

I apologise to everyone on this site for my statements or opinions that have insulted most of the people I know. I apologise to RedHawke, RobQel Droma and LIYAD for my... bratty, intolerant and spoiled behaviour. (to say the least). :(


P.S. Yay 500th post! :(

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Ummmmmm, question...what is betamax? As far as I know it is the video tape type that lost out to VHS when VCR's were still relatively new,

That's exactly it! :D


but y'all seem to be referring to something different.

wtf.gif What could have possibly gave you that impression?


me i just think these convos are quite interesting because every1 has a different spin on things which is kinda cool

Exactly! ;)


* Sigh... *


Guess that I will never be taken seriously, huh? :(

Well Vlad, since you sometimes post with a lot of passion and drama, even this one has some, it is hard to take someone like this seriously... I mean really, step back and think about it, posting a post like you have stating your reasons to not have KOTOR III is a little over the top, drama-wise, for a Star Wars KOTOR fan forum. Don't you agree?


All this because myself and others had views opposed to yours... that's a little silly, and as such you tend to be taken as less than serious, yes.


bratty, intolerant and spoiled behaviour. (to say the least). :(

Here's where you go all "drama" on us with this post. Putting yourelf down tends to help you seem more "drama" and less serious... you could have just used the word "behavior" here. Just FYI! :)


I apologise to everyone on this site for my statements or opinions that have insulted most of the people I know. I apologise to RedHawke, RobQel Droma and LIYAD for my...(Quote Altered) behaviour.

*Pats Vlad on the back*


It's ok! ;)

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Wow!!! this thread is full on. I don't mind that people hopes differ than mine, when TSL's came out i was a bit like forcefight, a bit annoyed i wasn't revan, but when i got into the game it was still awsome. kotor 3 might not turn out exactly how i want it but like TSL i am sure it will still be awsome.


I actually think it won't do justice to the series if it isn't made. To leave us all hanging and have loads of loose ends would do more harm than to make it, and not satisfy everyone's dreams of how it should be.

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American english, being derivitive of "the king's english", then "saber" is as english as it is american.

but ennyhoo like I said... if the fencing/sabre vs saber question warrants it, then it should be a new thread. ...or am I being paranoid about hijacking?


I didn't know Noah Webster was declared a king :xp:


Anyway, you know what they say..."Two nations divided by one language"....

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