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Official (optional) TSL Music And Movie Patch Released

Archon II

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quick question: did anybody notice the date in the readme file?? if not, it was June 29, 2005. i wonder if that means that this patch was just sitting around for the past 3 months in somebody's office....



hehe, thats funny...

could be, or they wrote the readme then before actually finishing the update...

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quick question: did anybody notice the date in the readme file?? if not, it was June 29, 2005. i wonder if that means that this patch was just sitting around for the past 3 months in somebody's office....


That wouldn't surprize me. I doubt it took them 3 months to find a host for these patches.

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From what I've heard Obsidian gave LucasArts the patch a while ago and most of the wait time has been the patch been making its way through the bureaucracy.


I hate red tape. :blaze6:


By the way, I am going to download the music patch as soon as I can. Too bad about the movies.

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I got both patches and installed them; the music one is very awesome. As for the movies, there is a slight improvement, or at least I saw one. And we also get the "citadel blows up" scene that they included for some reason. That's a bonus.


Yeah, if you don't want to d/l it, you aren’t suffering much of a loss. The change is, more or less, slight. I did notice that the cutscenes are now in stereo too. The Nihilus/Visas one sounds great. Is that a feature of the music patch or the movie patch?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a simple question...


Did they redo every movie?

Because it think the polar plateau shoot down/landing was great and good quality...

They could redo most of them though...the Viasa/Nihilus scene was a disaster....i would instanly kill the Sith Trooper that filmed the rubbish...

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  • 1 month later...

I actually downloaded the movies last month.


I finally got to test them after I got back from my long Christmas vacation. Anyway, from my computer, the game crashed if they played the original movies. I was hoping that would be solved with the update.


And it did work, to a certain extent. The some of the cut scenes work, and some of them don't, which I found to be weird. They all were working till I left Nar Shaddaa and headed for Onderon. I even tried other planets from Nar Shaddaa, and the same thing happened where the cut scenes crapped out. After some testing, it seems that some will work and some won't. So some of them are patched. I do use an ATI video card.

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