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New Galaxies website under development and...

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

After 3 years, its time to bring SWGalaxies.net up to date. This should happen by xmas. It will include new guides, updated profession info and much more. If you have any ideas of what to add, please post away


Also, we will be having an exclusive interview with the new Galaxies producer to find out the future of the game and some big plans they have instore for us all.


Watch this space



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New producer eh? I'm intrigued DMUK. Tell him that most people want SOE to be released from this project LOL. If SOE if kicked out, then the chances that this game can survive go up CONSIDERABLY. If not, then this game will die. There is no other way.

Ask him for a pre-CU server or two,then i'd be happy :)

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W00t finnaly!!! Tell them to please fix bugs and make it so it lags less please!!! Also I would also like it so Jedi dont Own everyone and that Bounty Hunters where more of a threat again. Also either take away the CU or improve it alteast.

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I know I was jk... I have been haveing an off day so excuse me for being an idiot lol. I was trying to think of how it might feal like if that actualy happend for starwars galaxies... Oh and when you talk to the producer ask him the stuff I said lol.

-Sorry lol

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Yea. Remove Jedi from the game too and let's go back to having some balance in combat shall we? :D


I don't remember much balance in the combat system pre-jedi with TKM/Rifleman/CM's and CH's to go along with any BH that had BH pistols 2 [eyeshot]. Not to mention melee stackers etc

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I dont think they should remove Jedi (wheres the fun in that) but simply make it so Jedi can only attack people that are around there same lvl (and with skills that could be a good match with a Jedi)

Where's the fun in that?

Perhaps when they re-establish the right timeperiod again (which pretty much involves getting rid of Jedi in order to do it) then the game might be fun again.


Right now, nobody can honestly put their hands on the chest and swear they know which time period they are playing in. Most know which timeperiod the game is supposed to take place in, but few is able to identify with it, with all the Jedi running around for instance.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ive said it before. By changing the way Bounty Hunters tracked Jedi, basically made it all but impossible now for a single Bounty Hunter to kill a fully templated Jedi. Yet again, SOE removed any fun being a Bounty Hunter was and turned it into a pointless profession



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I don't remember much balance in the combat system pre-jedi with TKM/Rifleman/CM's and CH's to go along with any BH that had BH pistols 2 [eyeshot]. Not to mention melee stackers etc


Yea that eyeshot was pretty crazy at that time. The combat was MUCH more balanced though the first month or so because everyone was just starting(obviously)and because the devs there were not hosing professions. After that, elites starting bitching and all hell broke loose.


I usually agree with fozzie and this time is no exception. Shut it down and start again. As long as SOE is NOT involved it may catch my interest.

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Maybe the big plan is to shut the game down and start again from scratch

That would definitely be an improvement. Anything is better than how it is now. Well, maybe not anything, but the game isn't very fun since they changed everything in it (CU, etc...).

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Aww your making me blush..:)


The one thing i hate is coming on here and moaning about a game that captured me so fully(the only other game that i've played that came near is FF7),but the devs seem to want to bring out the nerf bat and hit everyone with (CU) or if there feeling spiteful proffession by proffession one publish at a time.


The game lacks direction and every "new" feature is included in better games..(WOW and EQ2 spring to mind),but the difference is they work in those games,at times its hard to tell them apart tbh,SWG was different pre CU thats what made it so good in my eyes..

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Yea. Remove Jedi from the game too and let's go back to having some balance in combat shall we? :D

Take the jedi out of the game? i know im new to the game but wouldn't that make the game quite boring, and make the game get less money income? because like jedi r like the main thing in the universe

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Well perhaps Marvidchano but let me say that I played before and after jedi were unlocked. Things were at least half way tolerable before jedi were unlocked and continually got worse after the jedi system was changed sometime around December '03. What looked to be a great idea initially, turned out to be very poorly handled by SOE and the jedi got pretty much every patch devoted to them exclusively. The rest of the community found this very unfair and that's when TONS of subscriptions were cancelled. SOE could have cared less and ignored the rest of the player community even more once the jedi system was changed. Not very smart.


In response to you Trahern, let me say that it really can't get much worse than it already is. Please remember that less than 250k of over 1 million game units sold are in use today. That's only about 1 out of every 4 that are not collecting dust. Considering the game came out in June '03, that's a pretty bad ratio. If the game were say 5-7 years old or even older, than maybe that number would look better. Not after only a little more than 2 years though.

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