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Calling all Smiley artists!


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Rail Detonator, 24.84 kb.


This one cased me alot of pain.


I like it though. X)


YES! Thank you! That friggin' rules!


Now we need somebody laying down a stack of 10 mines (JK1 style) and having somebody run over 'em all at once... ;)weap8.jpg


In JK1 you didn't have gibbing, so the person's body was blown about a mile straight up from the violence of the explosion.


Or somebody getting Disrupted.. that'd be sweet!


And for another challenge, if anyone remembers the Carbonite gun from Mysteries of the Sith (spray spray spray, FREEZE! rifle butt to shatter 'em)...




Pics of all the JK1 weapons (and from the other games in the series, but sadly MotS and Dark Forces are currently missing!) are featured on Jediknight.net in the various game sections (see sidebar).


Here's a pic of the carb gun, having frozen somebody. The weapon itself has a big kick as it fires a blue "spray" on its target (like a giant salt shaker). It takes several sprays to freeze the target, but then they turn into the frozen dude as shown in the following screenshot:




Then the player smashes the statue with the handle of the gun (sort of like they're throwing a right hook at the target, but the handle of the gun hits them and they shatter.

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