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Horny Mission?

The Doctor

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Sorry for the misleading title, but I have a slight glitch. After I find Griff on Tattoine and he's talking to Mission back at the Ebon Hawk, she's always in her underwear, even though I've made sure she's wearing clothes when I take her out of my party. Only this time, I had a mod installed that kind of... re-skins her underwear to make her look naked. I'm not complaining, but it was a bit of a shock this time. Does anyone know how I could get Mission to keep her clothes on (there's a sentence I never thought I'd say)?

I'd post the link to the nude Bastila, Mission, and Juhani mods, but I think I'd get in trouble, so I won't. Sorry.

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Pervert. She is only 14.


As for Bastila and Juhani, well... I am afraid to say I am *cough cough* split. But I suppose it is the right thing to say, so I will say it again. Pervert!


As DeSade said (that sounds wierd) I would guess it would be a bug.


Mate his username is 'The Doctor' what you expect?

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She's always i in her underwear for me, and when I talk to her she isn't. Maybe it was meant so she looked like she was sleeping before Griff came along?


I have experienced the same glitch, and I don't have any of those nude mods installed. By the way, I know you can't post the links to those mods in a forum, but is there a rule that says you can't send a Private Message to a user with the links in it?

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This is caused by the script for the cutscene most likely it is spawning Mission but not any possessions, possibly calling a seperate .utc file that is not part of the party and has no clothes in the equipped slot. At least she never has worn clothes for me in that scene with Griff.


Her being in her undies never really bothered me so I never looked further...

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It is NOT a glitch in the MOD ...because I have gotten this same thing (where I talk to him in Sand People Enclave...WITHOUT Mission in Party, then, he appears by the Ebon Hawk (and Mission appears --without her EQUIPPED clothes (just her undies).). --And I have the Xbox so...there's no way for me to have a Mod. )


Just wanted to clear things up! Keep Gaming.


*ROAR!* "Nude Bastila and Mission!" <--i kno she's only 14..but, HELL..I'm only 15. sooo....(born: feb. 21, 1990) *ROAR*

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Im surprised Mission isnt wearing those bikini type underwear like Bastila and Juhani have, instead she has that dumb top and shorts on. Even though its underwear, it looks like clothes to me. Maybe they thought having her in a bikini would make her too sexual for the age her character is supposed to be or something like that. Anyways it seems the characters in Star Wars are always too modest for their own good.

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Being that your a Dr. Who fan, I don't think anyone would of thought you were that young. I probably haven't seen an episode in over 20yrs.

I got into it by watching the new one, then I got home from work late one night and caught an episode of the original series on BBC Kids. I've seen all of Peter Davison episodes, some of the Tom Baker ones, and about half the Jon Pertwee ones. I want to see some of the earlier Doctor's, as well as Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy. Anyway, we should discuss this on the Doctor Who fan thread...

Find that here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=1887169#post1887169

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