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allowing leveling past 20 [KotOR 1]


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There have been a couple, unfortunatly, I could never get any of them to work right.


The main one I used made you level up quicker. IE, instead of needing 1000 XP to get to level 1, you only needed 500.


You will wind up getting to level 20 about mid game, but it still dosn't let you go over level 20.


I think the Level 20 limitation is hardcoded. Basically, while you can make your characters level up faster, or slower if you want, you can't go past level 20. (as I understand it)


Sorry, but I hope that answers you question.

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Well, I know someone did a "rebalance" of the way you gain feats and force powers. It made consulars gain more force powers and Gardians gained more feats, for example. The game already does that, but this was a "tweek."


Sorry, but I cant remember who made it, though. I lost all my K1 mods when I reformated drunk one night a while back. (advise= never reformat when you are drunk. hehe)


It really made the differences in the classes stand out. Very good mod.


I suppose someone could combine slower leveling with an altered feat/power distrabution.

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Well that mod seems to do just that, here's an excerpt from the readme:

Thank you for downloading my first game mod ever. Right now this is only a game rules mod. It is filled with modifications to key 2da files that govern several class based progressions such as feats and force powers.


Also it lowers the amount of leveling as well. It is not fully tested and future updates for additional scripts will be added in future versions.


The inspiration for this mod comes from the Blaster Rebalance mod, so I just want to say thanks to its author. Thanks.


Can't check the files from where I am however.

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Well, I know someone did a "rebalance" of the way you gain feats and force powers. It made consulars gain more force powers and Gardians gained more feats, for example. The game already does that, but this was a "tweek."


It really made the differences in the classes stand out. Very good mod.


well i mod i use sounds an awful lot like the one Bob Lion54 described here. it is this Balance Mod here.


Changes in this version of minimod:

1. Maximum XP 303,000 XP for 20th level. Maximum non-jedi level to gain on Taris: 7 (usually 6).

2. Difficulty level in battle changed from 0.5/1/1.5 to 0.75/1.2/2.75

3. Poor treasures in random containers: 0.1 original values.

4. Strongly reduced XP gain for killed creatures with even higher level than PC.

5. Cost of force power is magnified x10 for extremity opposed side.

6. Cost of dark force power for dark jedi is reduced from 0.5 to 0.3.

7. Feats:

-Soldier: 18->20

-Scout: 11->10

-Scoundrel: 8->7

-Jedi Defender: 9->17

-Jedi Guard: 7->10

-Jedi Consular: 7->5

8. Force powers:

-Jedi Defender: 21->12

-Jedi Guard: 24 (unchanged)

-Jedi Consular: 26->34

9. XP level of NPC changed from constant 80% XP PC to 75-85% according to NPC.

10. Speed of PC, NPC, all creatures reduced to 90%. (good for too fast GPU)


you can pick and choose which altered .2da files to use too. i only use the addition difficulty, altered feats, and altered force power ones.

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I have been looking around for a mod that gets rid of the lvl 20 cap. is everyone sure that this cannot be resolved somehow by someone. this would make such a diff to the game. with some of the new area mods out now. you can reach lvl 20 before you get the 3rd star map. twould be nice to carry on leveling up.


surely someone can do it

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I have been looking around for a mod that gets rid of the lvl 20 cap. is everyone sure that this cannot be resolved somehow by someone. this would make such a diff to the game. with some of the new area mods out now. you can reach lvl 20 before you get the 3rd star map. twould be nice to carry on leveling up.


surely someone can do it

Nope. Hardcoded = not possible. This would've been the first KOTOR mod if it were possible.

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yeah, that balance mods sounds pretty good

makes the game thougher, slower leveling

i didnt really understanded the feats and force power part, whats the numbers?

THe numbers indicate how many feats/force powers you will get in total when you level up.




-Jedi Defender: 21->12

-Jedi Guard: 24 (unchanged)

-Jedi Consular: 26->34

The names are somewhat different to what I and others know them as, I think Guard would be sentinal, not guardian, other wise the sentinal is screwed when it comes to force powers.

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