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Getting rid of T3


Should T3 be in KOTOR # or should he be replaced.  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Should T3 be in KOTOR # or should he be replaced.

    • Keep T3
    • Get rid of him (T4)

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^TSL was, in and of itself, an OK game. Without the fact that is was supossed to be a sequal, it had a fairly well written storyline, and the characters were interestin, if incomplete. It had a good combat engine, etc., and the graphices were amazing.

I just think it could have been much better.

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I would argue that it was much better, but due to circumstance it got sieved to death.


Retail TSL can make way for a sequel, if barely. I mean, who is to say that anyone in your party save Mira and GO-TO were on the Hawk to begin with? It's a terrible argument, but it's enough leverage for them, I guess.

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Are you saying it was better than KotOR? I'm scared of you.

Like I said, TSL was an Ok game, but it could have been better. I wish they had at least spent more time tying up the loose ends that they left hanging there - like your relationship with Mira, the fact that you couldn't do anything with Bao-Dur if you were male, and the HK-50 droids, to name a few. They should have replaced the HK-50 droids with normal bounty hunters instead of leaving us hanging there waiting to find out where they came from.

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T3 is old, outdated, unwanted. Y do u want him. YYYYYYYYY??????????


Mostly because he's old, outdated, and NOT unwanted. Old stuff kicks ass. He has actually had time to develop SOME KIND OF PERSONALITY!!!!


ALL characters are supposed to have limitations or flaws. It's what makes them interesting. Rule number 1 for anyone who ever does any creative writing. And reason number 1 for why i'm indifferent to Superman.



anyhow, he was my favorite character (tied with Jolee and HK-47). I just wish they had done more with him in K1.

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But if you think about it, if you played the dark side on K2 the Hawk, HK, and T3 all disappeared, we don't know if they flew out of the ship or if they were in it when it fell. that is enough for me we it comes to say that they are nolonger part of the KOTOR series. Remember that that includes T3


And HK. But look, the fact is they are not going to get rid of the majority (yes I said majority) of fans by getting rid of them. As you said, we don't know whether they survived. So they could have them come back. And it just doesn't make sense, we have all these recurring things in both games, and then for the last one they are gone and we have some run-of-the-mill droids or ship or whatever? Uh-uh, isn't going to happen.

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About as normal as R2 is normal :xp:.


Exactly. That is what I was really trying to convey. If you think about it, R2 is normal; any other astromech droid under the same circumstances would have done the same R2 does. But we have all come to love little R2. As we love T3.

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But if you think about it, if you played the dark side on K2 the Hawk, HK, and T3 all disappeared, we don't know if they flew out of the ship or if they were in it when it fell. that is enough for me we it comes to say that they are nolonger part of the KOTOR series. Remember that that includes T3



No, you just ASSUMED that they didn't come out. The Exile could've fished the Hawk out of there after the endgame cinematic.

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Maybe the real point is, HK was programmed as an assassin droid, while T3 is just a normal utility droid.
But I like that. I think it is good to have characters like T3, Mission, Bao-Dur, and the like who are not really combat oriented by nature. They add a nice variety and very different skill sets that compliments the rest of the group. I don't want every NPC to be a warrior.


I would definitely not call him normal, not to mention as I said he probably was upgraded many times.
He was. By me! :D
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And you just ASSUME that he did


No, I don't. I'm bringing up the other possibility (as CptSkye said and Rob mentionning my use of the word "could"). There is no assurance whatsoever that they remained in the depths or were fished out eventually.

None of the two possibility is more or less viable then the other. We are at an impasse. The argument pretty much ends here.

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T3 pwns! All those who say otherwise must have never actually used him... :p


That shock arm was awesome in TSL, little T3 could open up a can of whoopass with that... 10-60 damage at level 10+, and no charges, come on people that just rules!


That little tin can kicks butt! :xp:

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We Should get rid of T3. Who is with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You be crazy. You die now. Seriously though, t3 is one very good reason to get the kotor series, and getting rid of him goes right up to the top of the list (of stupid things to do to kotor) with 'make it like JA' and 'make it a side-scrolling adventure in a lush 16 colour landscape'. In other words NO!

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T3 pwns! All those who say otherwise must have never actually used him... :p


That shock arm was awesome in TSL, little T3 could open up a can of whoopass with that... 10-60 damage at level 10+, and no charges, come on people that just rules!


That little tin can kicks butt! :xp:

Not to forget a renewable droid shield,self-sustaining unit (I hope that is what it is called :) ) and the ability to both renew your own FP and be repaired instantly (after you have unlocked it).

T3 = Prince of pwnage, sorry Moeller :p

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Yeah, T3 is actually a great character believe it or not, even in KotOR I. When KotOR II gets to me about wednesday (had to order it online), I am going to try out him in there, since I hear he can do some more things.


I said this somewhere else and I am going to say it here. How dum would it be if R2 and 3PO died in the middle of episode VI and were replaced by a couple unknown droids, and Luke was ok with it because they were outdated? T3 has a personality, he has had time to build one. That pretty much makes him unique right there.

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In K2, he's a murderous maniac. You can arm the little droid with very powerful weaponry combined to his unholy amount of skills, he's more versatile then Bao-Dur.



Let's hear it for the Droid Warfare upgrade and the Anatomy Library =D

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