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Hoth Impossible

EI 9373

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  • 5 months later...

once again, another persons elite hardcore imperialism sickens me. ;)

eh, legendary takes a while, and the levels i'd suggest to get that status are geonosis and mos eisley- the former for the vehicle based awards and the latter for the troop absed awards.

just to make this on topic and to add a bit of controversy: Hoth was the easiest level on the game ;)

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  • 1 year later...

make sure you've got frenzy unlocked on legendary. if it's too hard cheat. but do try to beat is without cheat help, as you'llb e proud of yourself afterwards for doign a good job. the award rifle pwns everyone though- my advice is to watch you ammo load count though and hdie to relaod when you need to. it is hard, just go coempletely insane and shoot anything that moves, even your own men. (but make sure friednly fire is off)

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