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carth into bastila?


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{snip} post deleted. The Maker: you have been warned several times about this kind of comment already. This is not the place to make anti-gay or lesbian comments. Since the other warnings don't seem to have any effect, consider this your final warning. Next time it will be a temp ban.


and do not erase or modify this warning. (in any event, I can revive it)


- d333

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but the ten million dollar question is, Why would you want to do that :eek:

RJM, the Mod Requests Forum Rules has some new rules, please re-read them again. As it is now against the rules to ask "why?" someone wants a mod made... Rule #6. ;)


{negative and rude post snipped by Darth333}

The_Maker, what is with this negative and rude post?


As far as I can see this isn't even what bob_el was requesting... lets all let the poor fellow clairify what he wants before we label anything as "disgusting" and "gross". Ok! :)


EDIT: To Below Post by The_Maker...

Just forget I said anything...

Then in the future you might want to choose your words far more carefully... OK!

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The_Maker: read my edit above and check your PMs.


bob_el: as RJM said, you can use KSE to easily edit a character's appearance (you can also swithc Carth and Bastila's appearance unless your intention was to have two Bastila) You can also change the soundset of the character if you want but this will only change the voice whne the NPC opens a door, gets injured, gets poisoned, etc. However, changing the soundset will not change the voice for the normal dialogues.


You can get KSE from our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

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i simply wanted carth to look like bastila...not sound like it. also the reason i want this is i thought it would be funny to have a army of bastilas. so sorry for any confusion that i obviosly caused. and i usually play as a boy so it isnt for a wrong and sickly twisted scene.

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