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Some time ago, while I was still very active on PCGM Forums, there was an incident where all the dates on the files and posts changed to 12-31-1969. At the time, it was just an amusing server glitch, and was resolved soon afterwards.


So, I'm browsing the member lists, and I happen across CaptainSolo.

I'm confronted with an interesting "last activity" date. Well, intrigue and confusion ensue.


Struck with a sudden revelation, I recall Vagabond, and his befuddling join date. The plot thickens!


I come before you all with a troubled mind. What's the deal? What is the explanation?

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There is a conspiracy. The Time Lord Council has trapped me on Earth until I stop The Master from taking over the forums.

Stop laughing at me.


To be honest, it's a bug. My Doctor Who forums site had the same problem. My admin account had the same bug that set my forum join date to Dec 31, 1969. I believe it is called the "wooper bug".

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