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My KOTOR 3 Ideas


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Ok post and tell me what ya think but this is what they need to do for the next KOTOR game.

The game starts with your caracter in the Jedi Order. Its years after the last game. You have been rescued from a war and live in the jedi academy. You do tasks for the jedi and there are three masters you can choose to train you. You will be an aprentice to the master you pick and each have very diferent skills and personalities ( did i spell that right? ). The one you pick will go with you on your mission on the Ebon Hawk. You mission is to find Lord Revan if he is still alive ( which he is ). Near the end of the game you will find him on the last planet ( out of 10 planets..... make tons of game time on this KOTOR 3 and make it the longest one they have made yet but the last one.... Make it about the time of the first and second one put together ) You master will always stay light side and at the end of the game if you choose light side Revan will return with you to the Jedi Academy and there will be a huge battle. Through out the whole game you will control 3 people at a time like the other 2 games but in the last huge battle you will be able to control your whole company. 10 caracters total...... you/Revan/Your Master/Bastila/Carth .....and 5 new caracters will all be able to join you in the final battle aginst the sith in the final game. You can choose to fall in love in the end and stay with bastila or a new caracter or leave like Lord Revan did after the mandalorian wars and never come back.


But if you choose dark side you will follow Revan and he will be your new master and you will go with the sith and fight the same battle AGINST all you old friends that had joined you and have the alternate ending to either overthrow after you kill all the jedi or follow stay his right hand man and him create a special name and costume for you and be his friend.



soooooo i have many other Ideas that go with it but thats the front to back of the story so what do ya think.....????? leave some coments and tell me if ya think i have some good ideas!!!!

-SugaDawg dude, wrong forum. ;) -stingerhs

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10 characters total...... you/Revan/Your Master/Bastila/Carth .....and 5 new caracters will all be able to join you in the final battle aginst the sith in the final game. You can choose to fall in love in the end and stay with bastila or a new caracter or leave like Lord Revan did after the mandalorian wars and never come back.-stingerhs[/color]


Carth will be in your party? I know for sure that Carth wouldn't come because he is Admiral for the Republic. Carth also said in KOTOR II that Revan (I think only if Revan is female) said for him to stay and help the Republic. He seemed pretty true to his word.


Otherwise, it looks pretty good. Exactly how many years later is this game? Because Revan, Bastila, and Carth would start to get old...

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You can't fall in love with Bastila - she's in love with Revan.

If Revan is Dark Side, then Carth is stranded on the Forgotten World and is most likely dead.

You should not start as a Jedi. You should start as a common citizen and become a Jedi.

A padawan doesn't choose his Master. That's not the way things work.

I like the idea of massive game time.

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You should not start as a Jedi. You should start as a common citizen and become a Jedi.


So you want the game to be the same as the previous two??



.A padawan doesn't choose his Master. That's not the way things work.


Very true. If anything, for the type of story SugaDawg proposed at the Academy, you should have to perform tasks, and depending on how you perform, one of these masters picks you as His/Her Padawan.

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Have you played TSL goalie? You don't start as a common citizen in that one.

You certainly are, and you don't start the game with any force powers either. ;)


See if you were a "true" Jedi then you would have had your 4 initial force powers at level one, but we have to wait a level, while not long in game time, it still is starting without any Force Powers.

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Yeah well then 10 caracters at the end is a good point it would be hard but i think there should still be a big battle at the end. And i didnt mean pick you master i meant do tasks and let them pick you but yeah sorry i messed that up. Anyways leave more ideas if you like mine and thanks for the comments


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Have you played TSL goalie? You don't start as a common citizen in that one.


So let me get this straight, you believe that since our main character in BOTH Kotor games had force powers at one time, but has lost/turned there backs on them/lost memory, that your not normal? Maybe there not normal, but as far as being able to use to force goes there as normal as were are for the start both games. In KoTOR it takes longer to start gaining force powers than it does in TSL (i'm not saying thats bad, but if we start the game again that way its just recyling the start of the other two games). If people want to play a game as a normal person, get Battlefront where you can chose NOT to use the Jedi when the game brings them into it.

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You know, the idea of searching for Revan is a common one but I just remembered something while playing TSL: if Revan was lightside female Carth says something to T3 that if she doesn't make it back that he was to come back and find help from him or the Jedi. If Revan was lightside male, Bastilla says something along those lines too. T3 was on the Ebon Hawk alone when he returned to find the Exile. If T3 returned isn't it the possibility that Revan died while fighting the darkness beyond the Rim? Just food for thought.

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You know, the idea of searching for Revan is a common one but I just remembered something while playing TSL: if Revan was lightside female Carth says something to T3 that if she doesn't make it back that he was to come back and find help from him or the Jedi. If Revan was lightside male, Bastilla says something along those lines too. T3 was on the Ebon Hawk alone when he returned to find the Exile. If T3 returned isn't it the possibility that Revan died while fighting the darkness beyond the Rim? Just food for thought.


very true, and very possible.... To a certain extent I hope it does turn out that Revan died and we find him and that ends it and we continue on with whatever the mission is for KoTOR III

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I have to say I don't agree with most of your ideas, especially the 10 party members at a time thing, and Carth and some of the others all coming back to your party.


So you want the game to be the same as the previous two??


TSL and Kotor were very different in the beginning of the game. Technically, both Revan and the Exile started out with no force powers at all, and a non-Jedi. However, it took about two seconds in TSL for you to start leveling up with force powers. And from a story standpoint, it was different too; the Exile was a Jedi and could feel the force at the beginning, he just had lost his force powers.

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I have to say I don't agree with most of your ideas, especially the 10 party members at a time thing, and Carth and some of the others all coming back to your party.




TSL and Kotor were very different in the beginning of the game. Technically, both Revan and the Exile started out with no force powers at all, and a non-Jedi. However, it took about two seconds in TSL for you to start leveling up with force powers. And from a story standpoint, it was different too; the Exile was a Jedi and could feel the force at the beginning, he just had lost his force powers.


the point is, you are not starting out as a Jedi. and if you want to start getting that technical, you were a Jedi/Dark Jedi in the first.... with Amnesia.


And being able to heal yoursel at the station in TSL isnt a very promanent power to start the game, it uses up a good portion of your power at that level. and when you gain the next as you are tying to leave the station, its still not powerfull enough to do anything.... Your a glorified padawan to Traya.


The Idea about a master picking you is a good idea... in my view that is.

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the point is, you are not starting out as a Jedi. and if you want to start getting that technical, you were a Jedi/Dark Jedi in the first.... with Amnesia.


No, you were not a Jedi/Sith in the first game; even though you had amnesia, it was just about who you were. You had been a soldier for one or two years, and had absolutely no hints that you had the force in you.


In TSL, you get told that you were a Jedi, and even though you denied it, you started leveling up with force powers right afterwards; You still were a Jedi at the beginning, even if you were just feeling "echoes" in the beginning. But even if you were just feeling "echoes" or "whispers", that says that you were a force-user in itself, by feeling the force.

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I like the overall idea, it has a few flaws but generally I like it.


You seem to have it so that Revan is always DS but some people played the game through with Revan as LS, so that could be a problem.



some people will have killed Bastila in K1


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No, you were not a Jedi/Sith in the first game; even though you had amnesia, it was just about who you were. You had been a soldier for one or two years, and had absolutely no hints that you had the force in you.


just going to have to agree to disagree since you have come to the conclusion that amnesia (amnesia refers to a range of cognitive impairments, including memory loss, that occur following an accident. Often, memory loss will stretch back in time substantially) changes a persons Identety. just becasue the council and Bastila are hiding the truth from the PC doesnt change the fact that you are Revan... a force sensative. Amnesia doesnt change who you are.


and have a crack at the Jedi Accademy trilogy.... force Echos, and being in touch with the force does not mean you are a jedi. having been sperated from the force, and learning over again means nothing of being a Jedi once. Exile gained his powers quicker only difference.

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But he was force-sensitive, and knew that he was (Exile). Hearing echoes in the force means that you can feel the force, or are "force-sensitive." Of course, TSL doesn't have an in-between "non-Jedi but force-sensitive" PC option, so they just had you not have the force powers and the feat (Force-Sensitive Feat).

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Like I said, agree to disagree... from what your saying, aside from the he "WAS" a jedi,anyone who knows of the living force, and knows they can manipulate it... is a Jedi...... cause if I remember, you are given the option to say you were a jedi in the game. BY your statement of know he can use the force, even a Padawan is a Jedi, or some randome individual with no training that knows they can use the force. As in many of the books, a fallen Jedi, or one who has lost there connection with the force for another reason is no longer a Jedi, even when training has begun a new.... but we've gotten way off of Sugadogs topic... lol, we may need to start a thread for this

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^Sorry JediMaster12, but there weren't any "heat" in my words at all. If that is the impression it gave, I'm sorry, but I was perfectly calm when I wrote that; I wasn't even remotely mad or ticked off, I was just have a small debate.


Trust me JediMaster12, if this really was a bit of an argument to you, then let me warn you: there is MUCH, MUCH worse out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok post and tell me what ya think but this is what they need to do for the next KOTOR game.

The game starts with your caracter in the Jedi Order. Its years after the last game. You have been rescued from a war and live in the jedi academy. You do tasks for the jedi and there are three masters you can choose to train you. You will be an aprentice to the master you pick and each have very diferent skills and personalities ( did i spell that right? ). The one you pick will go with you on your mission on the Ebon Hawk. You mission is to find Lord Revan if he is still alive ( which he is ). Near the end of the game you will find him on the last planet ( out of 10 planets..... make tons of game time on this KOTOR 3 and make it the longest one they have made yet but the last one.... Make it about the time of the first and second one put together ) You master will always stay light side and at the end of the game if you choose light side Revan will return with you to the Jedi Academy and there will be a huge battle. Through out the whole game you will control 3 people at a time like the other 2 games but in the last huge battle you will be able to control your whole company. 10 caracters total...... you/Revan/Your Master/Bastila/Carth .....and 5 new caracters will all be able to join you in the final battle aginst the sith in the final game. You can choose to fall in love in the end and stay with bastila or a new caracter or leave like Lord Revan did after the mandalorian wars and never come back.


But if you choose dark side you will follow Revan and he will be your new master and you will go with the sith and fight the same battle AGINST all you old friends that had joined you and have the alternate ending to either overthrow after you kill all the jedi or follow stay his right hand man and him create a special name and costume for you and be his friend.



soooooo i have many other Ideas that go with it but thats the front to back of the story so what do ya think.....????? leave some coments and tell me if ya think i have some good ideas!!!!

-SugaDawg dude, wrong forum. ;) -stingerhs

I like your idea, but having revan as a member wouldnt work since revan was the PC in the first one.

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