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defective jetpacks???


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you know how ALL programs are 101010010101011001 and such? maybe your copy is missing a 0 or a 1, taht would explain everything... (alough the chances of this are the same as a ewok's surivial rate when you lock him in the cockpit of a a-wing...)

You would have to be missing a lot more than just a 0 or 1 to see any defect. Dropped valuse are expected and unavoidable, so there are things build in to check the bit values and correct them. If its a hot day, the ewok doesn't have much of a chance. The little thing is covered in fur and can't reach the air conditioning...

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you know how ALL programs are 101010010101011001 and such? maybe your copy is missing a 0 or a 1, taht would explain everything... (alough the chances of this are the same as a ewok's surivial rate when you lock him in the cockpit of a a-wing...)


Well, the error have to be in really weird delicate spots to not be detected and corrected by the bit checks... most error would be in the music/graphics/movies anyways so chances are it may be things like an oddly corrected pixel that you won't even notice.


And, if ewoks can drive an AT-ST they can too with an a-wing, and ewok body is like 99% fur so a hairspray is polly more deadly to them. Now the survival rate of the backseat driver...

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