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Plot Options for KOTOR 3


Which of these plot options would you like in K3?  

180 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these plot options would you like in K3?

    • A separate, new ending for Neutral Jedi
    • One or more Dark Side temptations, a la Bastila's in KOTOR I
    • An NPC who tries to turn you back to the light if you're Dark Side
    • The option to yield to the Ultimate Bad Guy if he's kicking your butt!
    • Force ghosts like Kreia, Kavar, etc. give you advice!

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i'v as better idea: online gaming.... like guildwars, yu know itch server shod be a difrent planet and we could interact(trade intens, fight to be more skilled than other player, or wars betuin light and dark) with itchother ... that would be REALY COOL.... i mean the game shood be exacly like it is but with online play (like guidwars) that i'm shoore it will be realy a sucsess :D... dont yu think ?... the kotor 2 is realy cool but ... i'v stoped playing it ... it's alweys the same thing ...:(.... :D is there a possibility of make an update for kotor 2 for online play ?

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I like the idea of a npc trying to turn you back to the light. And to yield to the bad guy, it would open some more endings option, like in Planescape:Torment you can choose to do sucide to defeat the last boss. Im with igyman on the force ghosts, let them be in some tomb like a side quest (Ajunta pall).

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Why is that? I would love the idea of having Jolee appear giving you advice and telling you that the Jedi aren't perfect. Heck I'd even like Kavar with a more worldy view since he has seen war. I think it is a near consensis that most people like the idea of someone trying to turn the PC back to the light. It kind of gives the Starwars feeling like in Return of the Jedi where Luke brings Anakin back to the light.

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Thanks for the correction Rob. My point is is that we seem to like that critical point of being able to see the error of our ways and turn back. In a way it fits with one of the dialog options that you tell Bastilla, "No one is above redemption," something like that. I'm worn out on Onderon, spending time with a boma who seems to follow me everywhere.

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  JediMaster12 said:
I'm worn out on Onderon, spending time with a boma who seems to follow me everywhere.


At least you don't have the magnificent smell that I do...


  JediMaster12 said:
Thanks for the correction Rob. My point is is that we seem to like that critical point of being able to see the error of our ways and turn back.


I was just referring to the DS female ending on K1. But I agree with you, JM, although it is wierd because in a game like that the option would be pointless. It of course wouldn't be real, so the NPC wouldn't really be persuading you. But it makes for a very interesting story, and I'm all for it.

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And what smell is that Rob, a mynock or a bantha? :)


As to the turning back on the evil ways, in KOTOR it seemed to me that the choice was made as you progressed. Somehow I really didn't like the fact that there was a choice at the end with no turning back. Then again we all go through that at one point or another. Me, I like to think that there always is a choice and not the choice. I know this sounds cheesy but hey I like to thing that there is a chance for redemption it is just up to the person to want to take the steps towards it.

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What do you think? I'm on Bandomeer. The agriculture part is good, but it smells.


I wish they would make it so it was even more based on your alignment, instead of dialogue choices. In the first two, you could be evil, yet stay on the LS just from one dialogue choice. It would be better if it was determined on your character and the different choices and decisions he made through the story.

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I see so demeanor will affect the outcome. I like it! That would be cool for those players who are just bad to the bone; they like playing the darkside. It would make the PC seem more Sith like, or Jedi like. So basically it's taking TSL to more extreme?


I guess you would smell like a vegetable being on Bandomeer. At least bomas don't smell that bad. :)

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I'd like:

..seperate endings.

..not to be the most powerful jedi again, maybe I'd just like to be ordinary padawan, watching his master doing some missions, learning from him..sometimes agree with him, sometimes not (light/dark side). I don't say that something big shouldn't happen but thistime I'd like to be just a part of it, not the main character. My master could turn to dark side etc..many things could by made up in such plot

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I think that Jolee or Vandar's (maybe both) ghost should find you and tell you of Revan and the exile's mission to destroy th True Sith. Then, they help you find the hidden Jedi Academy on Ossus (could be another planet) so you can be trained by the jedi. They then leave you once you graduate, or take your trials, and you become a Knight and take your own apprentice. This apprentice would be your 3rd NPC to join you, and a padawan from the academy. The first will be someone you meet before you go to Ossus and the second is your old master from the academy.


And please NO EBON HAWK!!!! we need a new ship

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RobQel-Droma: Thank you - I don't say I shouldn't be part of something great but consider this - in both KOTORs you were one of the most powerful jedi..and it's just weird..to have during few years so many powerful jedies...it would seem unreal...so i'd rather be just some regular guy (padawan, following his/her master) etc...(wondeful story is needed !!).

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  King(CZE) said:
RobQel-Droma: Thank you - I don't say I shouldn't be part of something great but consider this - in both KOTORs you were one of the most powerful jedi..and it's just weird..to have during few years so many powerful jedies...it would seem unreal...so i'd rather be just some regular guy (padawan, following his/her master) etc...(wondeful story is needed !!).


In film or book it might work but in a computer game more people would not accept being a secondary character in the plot, but i do know what you mean thought.


Although the Exile is not a super powerful jedi, he is a mediocre jedi with an exceptional ability for forming bonds. His power comes from those around him.


Yes, i know, this amounts to the same thing but it does make him different.

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  bolsen said:
I think that Jolee or Vandar's (maybe both) ghost should find you and tell you of Revan and the exile's mission to destroy th True Sith. Then, they help you find the hidden Jedi Academy on Ossus (could be another planet) so you can be trained by the jedi. They then leave you once you graduate, or take your trials, and you become a Knight and take your own apprentice. This apprentice would be your 3rd NPC to join you, and a padawan from the academy. The first will be someone you meet before you go to Ossus and the second is your old master from the academy.


Graduate? So they give you a diploma saying that you are a Jedi Knight:) I don't agree with taking on your own apprentice. To me that seems overkill and would much rather that you go in search of Revan and/or the Exile and on the way you get hints of the True Sith and at the end you meet its power full force.


  bolsen said:
And please NO EBON HAWK!!!! we need a new ship


You are a crazy dude, blasphemer! Why not the Hawk? It is like the Millenium Falcon. I know it would take something creative to have it come back but still, it's part of the story.

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Yes, a new ship is needed, if you play as a completely new character. It would be really stupid if the Ebon Hawk mysteriously ended up in your hands as it did in KoTOR 2 (I never heard an explanation to how Kreia got that ship, since it was her who brought it to the Harbinger with T3).

On the other hand if Revan's going to be the main character again (and I certainly hope that he will), then we'll definitely need the Ebon Hawk.

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I wouldn't mind if Revan was the PC again but i'm not sure it would work because you would have to start out at lvl 20 and you could finish around lvl 40-50. This would be rather rediculus and so would having him somehow loose all his force powers.


But that might work for the Exile. Because he draws his strength from others through force bonds, he might loose some of his abilities when he goes off on his own to search for Revan.

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I think that the only way to finish the Revan-trilogy proper, is to start with a new PC.

We have seen the Revan saga as Revan, as his best general, the Exile, so i think both storys should collide into a massive plot-twist involving a "Joe Someone."

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Revan's story should be finished, but I still think that the best way to do that is for Revan to make a comeback as the main character in KoTOR 3.


He's the one who realized that these True Sith are behind everything, he went off to find them, he should be the one to defeat them.

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