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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls


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The Ancient whalodon of a ship streaked through hyperspace. The vessel was constructed by Naga Sadow, in secret, during the golden age of The ancient Sith Empire. He had hidden it from the republic during the final days of The Great Hyperspace war. The barren planet Romus was its hiding place for over 1000 years, until the Dark Figure discovered its location.


The ominous figure sat alone in the observation tower, above the bridge. His reached out through the Dark Side of the force, accross the galaxy, seeking things that woul be outlets for his dark power. His view pierced stars, planets, and even living flesh. He could hear the flow of the universe as he meditated, and it made him furious. *life in this galaxy is antagonistic to the natural state. These fools trudge through a pathetic existence day in day out, for what? Death finds them all, the jedi cannot protect them from the fate that finds all eventually. all except me, for I am death, I am darkness, I am fear. I am the darkness and the dread the rests in every beings mind, in every beings soul, they fear life, because in their cases it ends. I AM THE SITH, AND I HAVE COME NOW TO BRING AN END TO THE LIGHT.* His final thought echoed through the force, and through space......................

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The Doctor moved towards the woman.

"Doctor, what's happeneing to her?" asked Nyssa, her face almost as scared as the womans ((we need to know her name soon,wj).

*Telepathic communication, by the looks of her* he answered. *Whatever is being said to her is terrifying her.* He pulled out a long, pen-like object and twisted the bottm. It emitted a faint, high pitched sound. The Doctor continued to twist the dial. *If I can find the exact frequency being used...* the girl stopped muttering, though still looked terrified. *There. I've blocked the telepathic transmissions from entering your brain. Are you alright?*

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((Then somebody make their character ask her :p ))



The girl blinked. Then, she batted the object away and shook her head. "Turn it off... whoever it was is done projecting his thoughts." She frowned. "He was so... loud..." She looked at the Exile. "You're a Jedi... didn't you hear him too?"

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I am the Sith. And I have come to bring and end to the light.


The words echoed through his mind. Sith, pah, they were as bad as any Jedi.


"Alright Ayecee, take the ship back into orbit, I'll contact you when I need you. Follow me if I leave the planet." The hatch was open, a small part of the ship becoming visible as he pulled himself up out of it. He dragged his tunic out of it's compartment and pulled it on, tieing it closed, his robes were pulled out as he jumped, pulling them on as he fell. The force bent light around him as he dropped. Landing with almost no sound on the ground outside the Hawk. He saw the ramp finally being closed by one of the occupants of the ship. Damn.


Black eye's shifted across the surface of the Hawk, there were Jedi in there.

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Kelborn stared at Revan for a short moment before responding. "You of all people should know the answer to that question Revan, considering it was you who inspired him to reunite the clans." a small chuckle escapes his armored form. "You know his Identity Revan, and I cannot rveal it to you if you do not, it would go against our code of honor. We address him only by his title of MAndalore." He seemed to gor w ever more impatient, as the crew of the hawk remained nonchalant. "This glaxy is filled with danger. I would not be here if Mandalore did not see some threat posed to you, I think we sould leave this scum-den of a world, and I think we should leave.....NOW."




The Cloaked figure walked down one of the BASILISK'S many long corridors, he was very proud of his discovery, after all, he had searched for it, for over 500 years. He journey had taken him from Onderon to Roon, from Korriban to Ziost, accross countless other worlds, and moons following clues and rumors left by Naga Sadow over 1000 years earlier. THe ship was not just a massive automated weapon, oh no, it was much, much more, only one very strong in the dark side could command it, for the ship was built to draw its power from the dark side of the force, as were all the droids crewing it.


Naga Sadow had never truly trusted any of his servant or underlings, except for his Massassi warriors, and this ship contained, in its main alchemy labs, 10,000 Massassi, in perfect hibernation, they were the last in the galaxy, as the rest had been killed during the war against Exar Kun. NAga Sadow, after his defeat during the HYperspace War, had intended to rebuild his strength from his hideouts on Yavin IV, and return to claim this monstrous ship, and his loyal Massassi, but Sadow was betrayed and murdered by his apprentice Freedon Nadd. Sadow had taken the ships location with him to his grave. HE did not predict the insightfulness of a new darkness.


THe dark figure remebered his masters old teachings, which he had surpassed. Freedon Nadd was most displeased when his darkest student dissappeared into the unknown 500 years earlier. He could of killed NAdd then and easily taken his title of Dark Lord, but titles did not concern him, only power concerned him. A title did not give one power, or strength. So rather than murder his master, he dissappeared into the void of space to begin his 500 year quest for the ship Sadow had hidden a millenium earlier. HE had trained on his own while searching for the vessel, he learned many dark secrets, in his travels, after all the knowledge of the dark side that can be learned in 500 years of searching is astonishing. Every cavern, every ancient temple, contained the teachings of some deceased Sith, he had studied their teachings, and sucked them into his own being, it was how he learned to stop his body from aging, and his flesh from dying. He allowed noone to see his face, which was cloaked behing a heavy dark hood, and shrouded in darkness. He had stood by and watched the later Sith and Jedi conflicts from beyond the outer rim, where he followed clues to his coveted treasure. The Great Sith War, The Jedi Civil War, The Shadow wars waged by Sion and Nihilus, did not concern him, for they would pale in comparison to the eventual darkness he would bring.


HIs thoughts were suddenly disturbed by snarling and cruching noises behind him. He turned to see his Terentatek beasts shredding a poor ill fated protocol droid. "soon my pets....soon you will feast on real flesh, JEDI flesh."

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(((OOC: Wow, you guys got far. I better pay attention to this thread)))


After wondering for half an hour, Karda didn't have any idea where the Ebon Hawk was, nor where any other ship was. In fact, wondering through the maze like ship, he wasn't really sure where his own ship was. This is stupid, he thought. Thinking about it, he wondered if he might be able to sense the Jedi Exile's presence on the moon. It should be a very strong force signature.


Getting off to the side into a small, deserted alley, he sat down. Concentrating, he tried to sort through the thousands of people he was feeling through the force. Although he tried, he couldn't break through all those emotions; It seemed like he kept losing ground the more he tried to throw them off. Feeling another sentient near him, he shifted his focus to that person.


It was a non-human, some uncommon alien he thought, but he felt something strange in the creature's mind. Jumping to his feet, he landed next to the person and shoved them up against a wall. It was a gand, with two pistols at it side- one of them in the process of being drawn.


"What do you know about any Jedi here?" Karda asked, although he wasn't sure why the gand would know. The gand muttered something. "You second one to come, other Jeedai come in freighter." It said. It does know about the Jedi Exile, Karda thought. "Where is the ship?" The gand looked at him defiantly for a second, then said, "Its- its in docking bay 42.


After pressing the gand for the directions, Karda hurried to the docking bay. Hoping that the gand's information wasn't faulty, he found his way to three small landing pads. Looking at the one, it was a small shuttle. The next, a little ways down, was a G-Wing fighter. The last one- It was the Ebon Hawk.


A Mandalorian was outside, talking to some of the people inside the ship. Karda couldn't hear what was going on. Using the force, he tried to probe their minds, although he felt resistance. They are Jedi. He tried harder, just enough to let them know that someone was there, to see what they would do.

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The girl cringed at the second mental invasion and pushed back as hard as she could. In the process of this, her right hand clenched into a fist and the plate she'd dropped before now lifted slightly off the ground and shattered. This seemed to startle the girl and she unclenched her fist. The shards of the plate fell to the floor again, sounding a lot like hail on metal.


"Sorry," she murmured, reaching out a hand in the direction of the mess. It lifted from the ground and the girl glanced at Kira. "Where can I get rid of this?"

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Space rippled and Darth Kreta's personal assault freighter burst into realspace in the vicinity of the planet Dxun. The ship entered the atmosphere and Kreta dropped the altitude, flying very low over the ground. Soon, he saw an enormous structure. Smiling under his hood, he set the craft down in the open feild just in front of the entrance, in front of which stood a familiar figure. Kreta walked down the rap up to the figure. The welcoming person wore a silver hemt with a T shaped visor and two pipes leading to its chin area and very strong battle armor. The Mandalore, formerly known as Canderous.

Kreta looked Mandalore up and down.

"How do I know it's really you?" Kreta asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," replied Mandalore.

Kreta lowered his hood and Mandalore raised a datapad. They smiled in unison and hugged briefly.

"How are things, Mandalore?" Kreta asked as he walked alongside his friend into the structure.

"Call me Canderous, Holner." Mandalore said. "I am ready to help in whatever way I can."

"I was looking for an ancient Sith warship built by Naga Sadow before the Great Hyperspace War named the Basilisk. I sensed it in the Force during my initiation as Sith Marauder and went in search for it. But by the time I reached the Hangars, I sensed that it was gone, and the world it was upon, destroyed. I need your intelligence to help me track down this Sith Lord."

"I will do whatever I can, my old friend. But could you tell me the reason behind your quest to destroy this person?" Canderous said.

Kreta turned and looked at the horizon of Dxun.

"I had a very close friend, Canderous. Just like you. He was ordered to kill someone but he refused. The Sith Lord became angry and killed him in a duel." Kreta explained.

"And that 'someone' was?" Canderous ventured.

Kreta remained silent. He walked back to his ship's open ramp slowly, followed by his friend. He reached the top of the ramp and turned slightly.


With this, Kreta walked into the ship and lifted it off the planet into the dusty atmosphere of Dxun.

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((The plate is already picked up... ForceFight, you might want to comment on this since, being a Jedi, you'd realize that, though she seems to be using the Force, her Force sensitivity is almost nonexistent.))


The girl hesitated a moment, her gaze shifting from the Doctor to Kira. "Crystal. My name is Crystal."

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((OOC: Jeeze, I'm gone a few hours and posts start growing like weeds!))




The Exile stared at the woman for a moment...strange...she had used the Force to pick up the plate...but...there was no...

She jolted herself back to reality. There would be time to think and ask of this later. She turned to the pilot.

"Atton, get us out of here. If Nar Shadaa was safe before, it isn't now."

"Aye aye, Captain!" he said sarcastically and ran straight to the cockpit.

"Everyone else, grab a seat and hold on to your hats!" Kira said, before jogging after him.

As the Jedi swung into the co-pilot's chair, the scoundrel in the chair next to her had already powered up the engines. She flipped a switch, closing the loading ramp. Three touches. Each by a Force user. Three! Maybe there were more threats here than she thought...

"Where to, Princess?" Atton asked as the main thrusters activated and the landing gears retreated into the ship's hull.

"I don't care. Dantooine, Onderon, anywhere, just get us out of here!"

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So they are fleeing Nar Shaddaa. Great, now I get to chase them somewhere else. Using the force to run as quickly as he could, and jumping across some walkways, he reached his ship. Ignoring the refugees gaping at him, he got in, and powered up the ship. His sensors were just picking up the Ebon Hawk.


His ship sped through space, following the Ebon Hawk as discreetly as possible (which wasn't much). Karda stared at the ship, annoyed. No cloaking device, not even a simple thing to block the ship's signature on another ship's sensors. The force-users on the ship would know they were being followed, even if they actually couldn't detect him from the Hawk's radar.

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He had only moments to make a choice, leap onto the closing boarding ramp, and risk being seen on their ship. Or take the time to get back to his own ship and risk losing them. There was more than on powerful force user on that ship. But he had to risk it, he glanced back seeing Karda leaping away. Another chaser? He leapt forward, onto the boarding ramp, barely slipping inside, clinging there. Silent, nobody was likely to come to this part of the ship, so for now he'd lay low here. Wait and see what he could find out.


He slowed his breath, and focused on staying unseen, and unheard, and unsensed. His power slid out though, back behind the ship, looking for the one who had also been hunting the Jedi. Using his powers of cloaking to hide his mind from the ship.

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Crystal tensed at first, feeling another mind enter the ship. When it vanished, she forced herself to relax and shook her head slowly. She didn't like it, but with the stranger hiding his mind, Crystal wouldn't be of much help. She shuddered. The strange mind seemed to be everywhere and nowhere all at once within the ship. But no, she would say nothing for the moment. Perhaps she'd look into it herself once they'd jumped to Hyperspace.

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Kelborn walked into the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk, which had now enterred space above the Planet. Atton sat at the controls, sarcastically commenting, and fooling around with several switches. The exile sat beside him, suggesting locations, for which they may head. "I hope you know Kira, we're being followed." Atton pointed out.


Before the Exile could respond Kelborn butted in." A ship full of Jedi? you seem barely capable of surviving on your own, I find it unusual that your skills would be so lacking....considering all you've been through.....If you were Mandalorians, you'd be the worst Mandalorians out there."

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"But they're not Mandalorians," Crystal cut in, almost before Kelborn's words were completely out. She entered the cockpit and leaned against the nearest wall. "So isn't it pointless to compare?" She shrugged. "Besides, nobody's perfect... not even the Mandalorians."

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Granthax had finally got out of his hibernation in 1 piece. He stretch his arms and yawned. He saw a ship take off and leave. He decided to let it go even though he sensed powerful Jedi. He boarded a ship heading to Dxun.



"True." Revan added. "What planet are we over?"

(can it be Dxun? I don't care if it isn't but can it?)

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Kelborn turned his attention to the girl Crystal momentarily before turning back his focus to Atton, And the Jedi. "I'm just here to help, Mandalore commands it. Besides, its more than apparent to me, that you could use a Mandalorians touch." He states confidently.




The dark Figure had seated himself comfortably back on the observation deck. His terentatek continued clawing at their chew toy droid. He stared intently into the black vacuum of space, reaching out through the force, to find the victims of his rage.

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Meanwhile, Karda kept following the Ebon Hawk. This is pointless, I'm getting farther and farther behind. Thinking about maybe hailing the ship, he contemplated it for a moment. They didn't seem to be a threat; When he had touched their minds he just felt fear.


Deciding to chance it, he contacted the fleeing ship.

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Hmmm, I think one of them sensed me, damnit. Brax looked around quietly, listening intently down the hall to the left of the ramp. The blind one was that way. He looked ahead, nobody in the Garage at the moment. He glanced around it, some broken down droids were around, a work bench to his left. There was a swoop in there as well. He moved toward it, it would work. He slid down inside of it, and pulled the hood closed. He let the force stop reflecting light around him, shifting into a visible spectrum. Keeping his mind cloacked though. He couldn't let the others know he was on their ship. The thing was tiny too, how many people were on here ...


But this was his only hope, he had to locate the Jedi Revan. He slowed his breathing, wrapping the force around his mind, locking it in place. Meditating for now.


Ayecee had done as he was told, tracking the ship via his master's comm he had followed it through hyperspace to the world it was now orbitting. The cloack did not work in Hyperspace though, and there was a brief period in which the Hawk might detect it. But then it cloacked again.

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