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Top Ten Articles Found...

Mace MacLeod

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Top Ten Articles Found on Ebon Hawk Bulletin Board


10) How to postumously start your own line of useless blasters or armour.


9) "Just shut up and open fire already"; Proper Landing Party Behaviour.


8) Recovered Memories: Truth or Therapist Goldmine?


7) Eating and Going to the Bathroom: Why they're just not needed anymore.


6) Mandalorian Mercenary Weekly's personal ads section.


5) Cheating at Pazaak made E-Z.


4) Wookie Hotpants: The Silent Shame.


3) How to Use Stuf You've Discovered in Rubbish Bins to Upgrade Totally Unrelated Lightsabers or Blasters.


2) Jedi Kung-Fu for Beginners.


And the number one magazine article found on the Ebon Hawk bulletin board...*drum roll, please...*


1) Hot Twilek-on-Rodian Action.

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Didn't I closed an nearly identical thread a few days ago?


The purpose of the forums is to discuss Kotor related issues and other topics of general interest. This kind of thread (the same applies to the "Carth's head" thread and the like) does not and cannot lead to any sort of discussion as is considered spam.


Consider you warned.

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