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Jedi Enclave


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Can someone make a mod for it, instead of landing by Khoonda you could land in the Enclave like before? I know it will mess up the end but you can still keep the area caved in that leads to the council chambers and everything, to leave the enclave you can probably make a diffrent exsit that leads out side somewere, I tried to make something like this but I couldent get the files right I would appreciate it thank you

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Yet means yet. I wouldn't dare say its impossible because its not, its just not possible to do yet, Oh, and if it was possible to do it, it would be illegal to port the models from KotOR to TSL they would have to be NEW models made for TSL.


PS. what redemption quest? Which game are you referring to?

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If memory serves, that quest can't be finished due to a glitch.


But why would you want to turn people into jedi anyway? There aren't any hopefuls on Dantooine.


There is a merc in the caves and many of the people in Khoonda wish they were Jedi after you save khoonda


Yet means yet. I wouldn't dare say its impossible because its not, its just not possible to do yet, Oh, and if it was possible to do it, it would be illegal to port the models from KotOR to TSL they would have to be NEW models made for TSL.


Thats what i was asking using the continuing mod not the old one

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There is a merc in the caves and many of the people in Khoonda wish they were Jedi after you save khoonda


Are you sure? I don't remember a wannabe jedi merc, and last I remembered people were still pretty grumpy jedi-wise after I saved khoonda.

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Are you sure? I don't remember a wannabe jedi merc, and last I remembered people were still pretty grumpy jedi-wise after I saved khoonda.


The merc dosen't say it directly but the millitia ppl do, the merc says he feels a glow in the crystals and you tell him he has force potential but he says you shouldent talk about Jedi because of the mercs, after you save khoonda he says the same thing even tho the other mercs are gone. The twilek is always left out of the loop so I guess being a Jedi wont be that bad lol

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Were they? It's been a while since I saved Khoonda. Though I don't think the Exile would seriously want to take them seriously. After all, why do they want to be jedi? So they can be better soldiers. They would promptly fall to the darkside and would make more work for the Exile.

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If you cant make that then how about a Darth Malak quest? There is a mod that allows you to save Malak so how about this, you find Malak and you see him looking at the ruins, he then replys what have I done feeling all pit full and stuff, your character acts all suprised and stuff and eventualy he joins your party if your a good guy replaces someone aboard the hawk like goto or someone (He can still come in at the end) During the second trial at the rebuilt enclave he talks to the masters to apologise or w/e and then Kreia comes in and does her stuff. At that moment Malak looks upon the bodys and his former masters and decideds to stay and the exile is all ok why not which brings goto in or something

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If you cant make that then how about a Darth Malak quest? There is a mod that allows you to save Malak so how about this, you find Malak and you see him looking at the ruins, he then replys what have I done feeling all pit full and stuff, your character acts all suprised and stuff and eventualy he joins your party if your a good guy replaces someone aboard the hawk like goto or someone (He can still come in at the end) During the second trial at the rebuilt enclave he talks to the masters to apologise or w/e and then Kreia comes in and does her stuff. At that moment Malak looks upon the bodys and his former masters and decideds to stay and the exile is all ok why not which brings goto in or something


That would be a slightly confusing quest, considering Malak is long dead. Though I suppose not much stranger than most recruitment mods...

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How about a recruit Malak mod?


There is a mod on pcgamemods.com that lets you do that, for kotor 1 there is a mod that lets you save Malak. Without it you could partialy save him by bringing him back to the light side even tho he dies. So thats why I am requesting a Malak quest

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