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Anakin Episode 2 hilt an Fett Pistols


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If someone has the time, can you make an Anakin EpII hilt for KOTOR1 & 2?

here are some pictures.






(the 2nd pic has a screw in the hilt, I don't think its really supposed to be there, but its just a cheap toy lol)


Also if someone is sick of hilt request, I have a blaster request. I would like to have Jango Fett's pistols, the Westar 34, for TSL. I love running around in armor using blasters before I can build my lightsaber but there are way to few blaster mods out there. I like these because they are more of a gunfighter's blaster, sleek and eloquent.




they are just so cool looking, and someone did make them for KOTOR1.

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Well, thats the closest thing you are gonna get this side o' the request line, I don't think oldflash will make 2 different hilts which are almost identical in-game for two seperate films. Besides, while you play, are you really going to be staring at your lightsaber when in combat? :rolleyes:

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You know, your right. I never realized it before but epII has a lot more crome where the vader hilt has alot of black but anyways I found two mods that has the epII anakin hilt for TSL




http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/17055.html :) me so smilin now.


But I still need those westar 34s. They look so cool! The person who made them for kotor1 kinda fell of the face of the earth I guess, cause I cant find him/her. Would it be wrong for someone else to take them and port them into TSL? If MDLops will do it for me and someone can tell me how I could mabe do it for just me and not release it.

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Give him or her credit for it and it should be all right

It'd be best to get svösh's (the creator) permission if anyone attempted to port them into TSL.


However, If you wish to port them for your own personal use, then by all means, please feel free to do so... but publicly posting the mod without getting prior permission from the creator is frowned upon around here...


Trust me, svösh is around... and he's a heckuva nice guy if you're straight up and honest with him :)

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Yeah, too bad he didn't make the model. :p


Porting the model with MDL Ops is easy enough, if you have any trouble, you can PM me again.

DOH! hehehe...


my bad all, trust me... svösh corrected me via PM ;)


Uhh.. ok though not svösh's model, I'd still be sure to ask the author (Locutus in this case).. IF you intended to release it publicly. For personal use however, well... anything goes.. no permissions needed :)


Sorry for the confusion all ;)


"Now where did I put my rock to crawl under.. hehehe"

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I'm new to this so you guys are gonna have to help me out. I looked at all the tutorials and didnt see anything about porting mods from one game to the other. I have MDLops but I have only used it to change some lightsaber colors in KOTOR1.

I just need to get pointed into the right direction. Do I need to make a post for help somewhere else on this site?

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