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Christmas plans


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Do you have special plans for the holidays? Are you celebrating Christmas, or skipping it because it has become a time filled with material, because you belong to another religion or simply don't care?


I'm going to have a very quiet Christmas at home, listening to cheesy Christmas carols and eating until I pop. Presents don't really come into the picture this year because my family decided it's a lot more fun to go shopping and enjoy the post-Christmas sales than buy presents that nobody really likes anyway.

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It's a large family, so Christmas is celebrated in all of its glory for the sake of my siblings and whatnot. So, there's usually at least three get-togethers where one half of the family (eg: mum's side) meets, then the other half, and then just a randomized mix.


As far as presents go things are minimal, what with me getting older and all that. I'll probably just get a game and some random little tidbits; my parents did put a lot towards getting me a fancy keyboard on my birthday in June though, so expecting anything significant for Christmas would be daft.


I'm slightly irritated that I haven't really had the cash to buy anybody other than my parents presents, but I guess I've got plenty of years ahead of me for that. :~

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Gosh, I spent so much money. I spent $90 on my best friend Travis (although he got me something pricey (we were anxious and showed each other our presents early), $80 on my Mom because she's been stressed and her mother's very sick, so I bought her something to cheer her up (oddly enough, Star Trek DVDs), $25 on Dad, $40 on other best friend Jason, and I haven't even found a present for my brother and sister-in-law yet. You know, I probably spent as much as I'm going to recieve on Christmas. They should just change the holiday to "Buy a Bunch of Stuff for Yourself Day".


Other than that though, I'm not one to relax on Holidays. I've got a couple of "hikes" planned.

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I tried not to spend that much this year. At the most, $10.00 on one person. Of course, my brother's wife, my brother, and my mom all have birthdays this week...so I have to get them additional presents. I don't know how much I spent, but I know I don't have any left.


I'm amazed I've had Christmas with my whole family for so long. Despite my efforts to deny it, each member of my family has a separate life. My mom and dad are split; my brother and sister are both married (well, my sister is actually still engaged, but point in case). So this year, I'll be spending time with each party individually. Christmas eve will be with my mom, brother, and sister (my dad will stop in later to pick me up). Christmas morning with dad, mid afternoon with my mom visiting my brother, and that night I'll have the final act at my mom's. It's fractured, yes, but apparently it means "more loot", despite my argument that I don't need anything.


The rest of the week I have off, and I don't think I'll be leaving this room.

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Well, the part of my family that lives in my city is very small (around 20 people max.), so we spend it all together. We don't really pay attention to Christmas, but we view it as a chance to get together (even if we see each other often) and share a bit.


I still haven't got around buying all the gifts for my relatives, but I am practically done with it. So far, I know I'm getting a pair of spectator shoes (not much of a present, considering that I had to pay for them) and a suit (this is more of a late birthday one); but giving or receiving presents has never been something I cared about.


As for vacations, we are on summer here, so I've already spent three weeks of holidays helping my father in lawyerland and still have two more months to relax.

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I've never celebrated Christmas, well, unless invited by somebody who does. Instead I'm supposed to celebrate New Year, though I have no idea where I'll end up on that day this time. Maybe I'll just make a phone call to Israel (where my mother will surely have quite a few crowded family and family-freinds gatherings for both Hanukkah and New Year) and, if my father drops by, go to some cafe with him.


I remember myself spending hundreds on New Year presents a few years ago, but with a current hole in my pocket I'm not buying anything for my father, and I don't expect much as well.


Self-pity rocks))). Actually, I quite enjoy being alone.

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My Christmas will the usual. A small gathering of just the immediate family, a few token gifts here and there, some alcohol and whole lot of cold seafood (we have christmas in summer here and its too hot to eat hot turkeys and ham etc. it's predicted to be 38C on christmas day!)

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