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Ron's opinion of DOTT?


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Hmm good question. Although his involvement with DOTT was minimal, he's rumored to have been a big advocate of Tim and Dave making it really different, or at least allowing them to make it different. Unlike Monkey Island, this isn't telling one big story. It's really not confined to anything. As far as his opinion of the game I only know that he's never said anything bad about it, and has always praised Dave and Tim, so I always figured he liked it. I don't think he sees Maniac Mansion as his pet project as much as he does MI, that's my speculation.

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Yeah, that's true cause it's really just the same team as MI, without Ron, isn't it? I guess there aren't that many interviews with the man, so it's improbable that somebody would ask him about a game he'd not had any involvement with, rather than say, asking about the secret of mi again ;).

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Now that you mention it, though, more people should ask him about Maniac Mansion than they do. I mean, it was a game he and Gary wrote and designed. And it's really good.
I wouldn't have expected any less of an opinion from someone with a Chuck The Plant avatar : )


I never really got into Maniac Mansion, it was a bit before my time. Later, when I found it bundled in with DOTT, I found it hard to get into, partly because of the graphics, partly because I kept getting caught and locked in the basement, but I think the main problem was that I didn't really have a very clear idea about what I was trying to do, apart from "rescue Sandy".

All I can really do is respect it for the great achievement and milestone that it was.


it's improbable that somebody would ask him about a game he'd not had any involvement with, rather than say, asking about the secret of mi again
Well, people have asked him about Monkey 3, which LucasArts wouldn't let him have any involvement in.
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