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Oh noes! My hard drive had to be dumped!

Clone L68362

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Yeah a week or two ago my hard drive was dumped and today I just got around to installing KOTOR, and now I need some help getting the mods I had. Achilles, if you remember you mad me a orange lightsaber that did some fire damage...well could ya do it again? Also I was wondering what the dealio with animations is, like what we can do once its figured out.

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Actually I thought of a better idea. Can someone make a orange color crystal that when put in your saber makes it do fire damage? I want to start with a normal saber then loot an orange crystal that causes fire damage off Sherruk (the Mandalorian on Dantooine). Would this be possible?


If you want an orane lightsaber that does fire damge, Voyager763's Fire Saber is pretty good. And it's not just a plain orange lightsaber, either.


Doc, I inserted the link to the mod you mentioned, it would benefit others here greatly if you can provide links to the mods if at all possible when you post. Thanks. This also applys to everyone else as well! ;) -RH

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I wasn't really asking if someone could help me out with KOTOR Tool, I would at least like to know if what I've been asking for is doable. I figured out what I need for KT by the way, so if someone could just start me off, I'll do this myself.


EDIT: Heh, I went away from the computer for a few minutes, then posted this without refreshing so I didn't see your post, Doctor. Sorry for not clarifying this, I'm talking about K1, I'd use it if I can, but I'd also like to change the color a bit...despite what you said, it looks kind of plain to me.


My misunderstanding then. For the future please take more time then with your posts as we only have what you type in to go on for people here to help you out, thanks. -RH

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya know, I'm gonna do it myself. I just got KOTOR Tool working (don't ask) and I still have Photoshop for a few days (Why do trials have to end?) So i figured why use the HotG's lame orange when I can make my own orange? If someone could just recommend what I should do first, like make a saber first or do the color first, whatever, I'll stop making nooby topics :p

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Cool, that worked pretty well. I'm gonna try it, how do I get the color ingame? For now I just wanna have it replace a different color so I can test it, but later I want to make it a separate color for a separate saber...Also I need a way to make a Jedi character quickly because I don't have a save game with a character that can equip lightsabers...

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