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Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)


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and for the record I think that is a good idea that would def. work with Battlefront.


and that squad assignment is actually a cool idea. no more wall guarding for them!


Thanks. I feel special because people agree with me. lol Really, how many times have you gone around taking all the command posts by yourself, just to have them taken back and have to take them over again. You could create a squad of snipers and an engineer or two (for ammo), to snipe from a specific area to cover one or more of your squads, while you send squads of other troopers to capture certain command posts, and hold them. Or you could send all you squads to places around a commando post and then attack in on the CP. You could make plans and stuff like that.


Also, I think that the AI, friendly and enemy, should find cover more often and more cover should be placed throughout the maps.

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  yoda_master13 said:
Hae dont dis battlefront 2 and battlefeild is gay i had 1 try and i thought it was the most dryest game ever.

We're not dissing, just stating opinions, and besides how could a video game have a sexuality? Any way I just hope they make it over all better, like worth the 50 bucks people paid for and not some dumbed down FPS.

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  Niner_777 said:
Really, how many times have you gone around taking all the command posts by yourself, just to have them taken back and have to take them over again. .
too many times lol yeah i like the idea. just one question do you like go to sleep and all these idea suddenly just hit you in the morning lol
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  venom_tyrant said:
nah. usually mo older bro does all the hitting :xp:

LOL not you i meant Niner your ideas are okaaaaay but.....Just kiddin your ideas are good too its just niner just suddenly post all thes ideas. Niner is like an idea machine or something

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Yeah, well... *blushes* Actually, I just came up with that on the spot. I've played the game and know how it goes. lol. I think that it would be a good idea. I've always liked the idea of making custom squads and such. If you like the idea of having squads and are looking for a clan, I've seen that the Republic Mauraders have a what looks like a good squad system set up. Of course you'd have to play online, and I'd like to be able to make up AI squads in single player.

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  taclled said:
LOL not you i meant Niner your ideas are okaaaaay but.....Just kiddin your ideas are good too its just niner just suddenly post all thes ideas. Niner is like an idea machine or something


LOL, i know, i just couldnt let that one slip by!

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Hey, I just thought of this one last night. What if you could make a custom character to play as and win medals for and stuff. You could earn better accessories and weapon upgrades etc. When you change classes, you'd get slightly different clothing and the different weapons, but you stay the same as far as basic appearances go.


Above is just like what was already mentioned, but what if you could make a whole team. Maybe twenty or so soldiers. You woundn't have to customize them all much, but they'd earn medals too. Probably not as many since they are AI, lol. You could use this team to compete against other twenty-or-so man teams. Each team would have a uniform and team name. It would be kind of like those huge paintball tounaments. There could be more than one team of clones/rebes/etc, and you'd play aginst them all. There could even be preliminary rounds so that the top team from each faction play in the championship game. For those who were really interested in the other teams, they could watch the other teams play. The game could be like the paintball games in that it is capture the flag or first team out. This could be an additional play option that could work well for single player, but also for multiplayer.

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  Niner_777 said:
Hey, I just thought of this one last night. What if you could make a custom character to play as and win medals for and stuff. You could earn better accessories and weapon upgrades etc. When you change classes, you'd get slightly different clothing and the different weapons, but you stay the same as far as basic appearances go.


Above is just like what was already mentioned, but what if you could make a whole team. Maybe twenty or so soldiers. You woundn't have to customize them all much, but they'd earn medals too. Probably not as many since they are AI, lol. You could use this team to compete against other twenty-or-so man teams. Each team would have a uniform and team name. It would be kind of like those huge paintball tounaments. There could be more than one team of clones/rebes/etc, and you'd play aginst them all. There could even be preliminary rounds so that the top team from each faction play in the championship game. For those who were really interested in the other teams, they could watch the other teams play. The game could be like the paintball games in that it is capture the flag or first team out. This could be an additional play option that could work well for single player, but also for multiplayer.

DID some one say painball?!?!?!?!?! lol

id like to add some thing to that. that when you die you get something taken away as a punishment as a failure of being a commander or somethhing like that for example your head lol


man if the imperials would have had you they wouldnt have needed Thrawn

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  Niner_777 said:
Okay. How about using your team that you've made, you can have the option to play different sports like soccer, basketball, football, etc.



I think theyd rather shoot the ball or play droidball, droidetball, droider, ETC.

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I just thought of this what about an option that allows you to use a microphone to give other troopers orders. you could also use it in multiplayer and the game would change your voice to what ever kind of thing your playing for example you are a gungan you sound like a gungan, or you are a droid you sound like a droid, ETC

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  Niner_777 said:
That would be funny. Though it might be difficult for the AI to understand human language. They've only been taught binary.

I thought itt would be possible because: i remember a PS2 game that you could do that in(some ting with navy seals i think) and you can do more with the PC then on the consoles as far as im conserned

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