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Weapon Models Help


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Ok, i tested, and ended up with this..




Any ideas on how to fix that and the textures missing? Being in JO might be a factor, but i just got a new PC and only have JO loaded, not JA.


Alzo, i made a first person version, and ended up like this:




Which seems to be a gray version of the default model, without another thing in the front. I like it, but not what i was aiming for. Any ideas?


Zemmurk (who is desperate for help)

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ok, got fp fixed, but again, no textures...




and third person...



well, right now i just want to fix the hand placement in third person, then i can worry about the textures. How do i fix that? ive tried rotating on Y axis in Milkshape, but nothing gets fixed.


Anyone who knows, please help!



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Ok I had a look at it, and looks like you need two tags. One tag called *parent to the place where you want the guy to hold his gun and another

called *flash to the place where you want the gun to fire from. Try importing one of the glm models of the guns from game to Milkshape and have a look at it so you'll understand what is needed. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Could anybody tell me what I need to do to skin a Gun Modelled in Gmax.

I am doing a joint project with another guy, he models it, I skin it.

I use these to skin:


Ussual Skinning Stuff (Modview, PSCS)


I was sent:



<skinimage1>.jpg (512x512)

<skinimage2>.jpg (also 512x512)





Pretty much, in Modview I see the Model completely white as if somebody took the images out

completely, now, I looked into the md3 file in notepad and noticed that there is no reference

to the skinimages at all and there are in base weapon's md3 files. I have quite a pickle here.


Any idea what to do would be super, and better yet, a Tut on making Gun Models specifically.

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Create a .skin file to assign the textures to the gun (load the .glm in modview). I think you have to hit alt-r to reload textures when you make changes from photoshop.


Or ask the modeler to send you pre assigned texture sheets with .skin etc, unless unwrapping is your job?.

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Gun models don't require .skin files. If the textures don't show up it's most propably due to errors in the md3 creation phase.


I don't know how you make those but you would want to make sure that the .qc files are filled with the correct information before exporting to .md3

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Hello, I'm the other guy Leechtime is talking about. You see, I made the model using 3DS Max 7 in two parts, top and bottom. Then I UVW mapped it, and got textures to work as materials. Then I exported to .3DS, then imported into Gmax, then used Chris Cookson's MD3 exporter and made an MD3 file scaled properly and with tags, then I converted the MD3 to GLM. Right now the textures work in C:\\gamedata\base\weapon2.... but Leechtime wants me to rename everything so its easier.... a few questions and a pic:




How do I set up first person view?


(not important but...) What does tag_weapon do?


What is a .QC file and how do I make one?


Any help would be much appreciated...



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1. I have no idea, but reverse engineering raven's weapons should give you some clues.


2. Tag weapon is used to bolt the weapon model to the player model hand.


3. A .qc file is used to assign texture path (and probably anims) to a .md3.


Pahricida: i'll have to get back to you on that...probably have one but cant find it.

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The only program I know of which can produce .qc Files is "Milkshape 3D". I also use that one to port my models to .md3


Now, If you take a look at most weapons you'll see 2 different models. I'll take the blaster_r (e-11) for example.

There is a blaster.md3 and a blaster_w.glm


The "blaster.md3" is the first- and the "blaster_w.glm" the third person model.

If you want to replace a certain weapon you'll need to load the original weapon into your program to see how it is aligned with the scene.

Take HapSlash's E-11 for example:



As you can see the model is turned upside down and not in line with either the X or the Z axis.

I suggest you load your model scene and import the blaster.md3 into it. Then select all parts of your model (including tag_weapon and flash) and rotate/move them so they align with the mesh you imported from the original .md3

If you delete the original parts now and export the scene your model is set up right to appear in-game.


A proper .qc File would look like this:


// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D
$model "models/weapons2/blaster_r/blaster.md3"
// reference frame
//$frames -1 -1
// frame 1-1
$frames 1 1
$flags 0
$numskins 0

// you can have one or no parent tag
//$parenttag "tag_parent"

// tags
$tag "tag_parent"
$tag "tag_flash"

// meshes (surfaces)
$mesh "blaster"
$skin "models/weapons2/blaster_r/blaster.jpg"
$flags 0

$mesh "scope"
$skin "models/weapons2/blaster_r/scope.jpg"
$flags 0


Notice that a .qc file produced by Milkshape does not automatically wield the correct information. You'll have to edit at least the texture paths to your model.

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Thanks guys, Pahracida, your on the MBII team aren't ya? Well.... is a .qc file just text renamed to .qc or does it actually have to be created by Milkshape? I've done the scale and align.. just textures now... I have gotten textures to work as materials in 3DS MAX 7 using the path gamedata/models/weapons2/Piztol, which would be the same in the game.... do I need a .qc file or .skin file? Because I've seen some models working fine without them i think...

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