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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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woke up ran out for my check got the mail, came home and browsed the net for a bit looking at army stuffs.


the batteries on my camera finally died...so gotta use the boring NimHi kind. -_-


work was good today.the printer is finally fixed so no more customers getting mad. i sold a Z740 kodak today, the same kind i got. :)


i found a nice pair of frames for glasses i want to get....if i ever get money. stupid february ****ed my billing schedule up so i'll be broke til next month...hopefully i dont hit by anybody before i get my car registered and inspected.

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Nice color.


I always wanted a "blue-burst" guitar. I saw a Steve Morse model with that finish once, and I've wanted one ever since.


Good find. Slap some Seymour Duncans in there, and you should have a killer instrument.


In other news, my PC booted up normally this morning, and the C: drive is reporting no faults. Strange.


Sunspots... or something.


I'll keep my data backed up just to be safe, though.

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I always wanted a "blue-burst" guitar.

Same here. Don't see many of 'em.


As for the pickups, I'd been looking at Duncans earlier in the week when I was thinking of replacing the ones in my current axe (a POS Ibanez GRX 20), so the second I saw the Les Paul, my first thought was an SH-1 in the neck, and an SH-4 in the bridge. My second thought was that sooner or later I'm gonna need to buy something with single-coils. I've thought about popping a P-90 into the neck of the GRX 20 to give me something different for now.

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In a rare burst of commercialism, I made two moderatly large purchases in one week when I picked up the Saitek X52 HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick) rig... First thing I did was re-install XWA, hop in my trusty B-Wing, and singlehandedly hose a whole squadron of TIE Interceptors.





I don't know how I lived without a HOTAS setup for so long, but damn... All I need now is a set of rudder pedals.

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New guitar. New joystick. Wow!


Problem is: Finding enough time to enjoy both new purchases equally. (Or at all... if now you find yourself working overtime to pay off the credit-card bill.)


At least that's the problem I often have.

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Problem is: Finding enough time to enjoy both new purchases equally. (Or at all... if now you find yourself working overtime to pay off the credit-card bill.)


At least that's the problem I often have.

Yeah, same problem here... But the guitar got here today, so that feeling's been temporarily assuaged. :p I won't be able to afford those new pickups anytime soon, but the stock pickups actually aren't *that* bad... Granted, I'm probably just used to the factory pups in my GRX 20, and compared to it, this sucker sounds like hot sex on a cold February morning.. :D

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Hey, a question to all of you who have/or will buy such embelishments for your signifigant other(s)*.


How much does yoru average engagement ring cost?


Say if i wanted an opal as a center stone, flanked by a ruby and a diamond on either side, with say..... silver. How much might something like that cost?


*For those of you that may be Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, or any other religion that may promote having many wives.

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no clue. prolly over $2000.


i got home at around 6:30-7ish and put in KotOR II til 2 am. Woke up this morning at around 8:30ish...


Yesterday my manager wanted to know during the summer if i would be willing to close at 1 am instead of 11pm, since the camp counselors usually start showing up at 10pm and they have til whenever to shop, so it's basically to get camera sales up. But it's also cool because the hours would be like 3pm-1am or 4pm-1am, not too bad. She said she was going to hire someone else to close with me then since nobody else cares for those hours. I was like 'ok' hopefully i don't get screwed over after the campers go home though....but i have plans if that happens. well, it all depends.


Still haven't gone for inspection...today's the last day then i'm driving illegally. who cares, if i get pulled over i'll just say i just payed all my ****ing bills and since walmart pays biweekly i can't afford it til next paycheck, which is the ****ing 9th. -_- funny thing is, my registration is due next month. i HATE penndot laws. at least in florida there was no such thing as a stupid inspection. -_- hell, half the people up here drive without a license AND under the influence anyway. /rant......

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I never get my inspection on time. I always seem to put it off until a week or so into the next month. It usually takes me that long to even notice.

I bought my car in May, and now my next inspection is due in December. So that actually means January for me, most likely.

By the time the car is 12 years old I'll be back to May again.

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i went to get the mail this morning...got home and went to open one that was advertising a bunch of cds for the price of 1 (not including shipping i guess) anyway, i got a critical papercut on my right index finger...i yelled and ripped the package in half. almost fainted with all the blood gushing out, i probably would have had i not drank like 5 glasses of water. i poured peroxide in it and that helped. sucks because i just got a papercut in my left thumb right next to thumbnail while qc'ing a camera i was selling yesterday. that hurt too, this one was like taking a razor blade and skinning myself tho. fortunately it healed fast and no skin was removed from finger.


i'm conducting an experiment seeing if i can drink 16 eight ounce glasses of water a day. so far this morning i managed it-from the tap. tap water>bottled

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Hey, Nitro... like the desktop icons, do 'ya? :p

Everything looks great! Mmmmm... new toys!


P.S.: Time to do your laundry. :dozey:


Nute's post troubles me... surely, these are some of the warning signs of the impending Apocalypse? I'm pretty sure Revelations said something about watching Curling and enjoying it...

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