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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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uh.got like 11 hours of sleep. went to bed at 11, woke up at 10. Today i have to work 2-11....and have to do those 5x7's tonight. at least this time i know what to do if the damn cd doesn't work. didn't know i could restart the dpc and it still be able to print that very day. -_- It will probably be very busy today, yesterday it wasn't busy so today it definetely will be. ugh. I get sunday off cause they don't want to give me $8.80 an hour...i'd rather have saturday off cause my sister doesn't have to go bowling and sunday i'm either stuck at home or i go bowling. i can't wait til all this damn snow melts so i can go fishing.

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Haven't posted in a couple of days... oops.


Busy with work,.. and still trying to catch up on 4 days of missed sleep. Still exhausted.


Also, still trying to fend of a cold that really wants to take hold.


I'll post more later. I'll try to catch up.

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At work now. So burned out...


DJ'd a cadet tri-service dance over the weekend, and it was just one thing screwing up after another, most of which wasn't my fault, but still messed me up... No one was there when I showed up at the school it was being held at (after an hour of highway driving in a minivan overloaded with gear), so we ended up freezing our asses off outside a high school in a strange town for an hour and a half, then had a half-hour to do two hours of setup... The guy the host squadron hired for the lighting was an hour late, so just as I was really getting into the groove, we had to shut down so he could get his lights plugged in since the place didn't have much in the way of electrical outlets... So we had to unplug the PA to get a power bar in for the lights, which then threw a breaker 20 minutes later, in a panel it took 6 of us 15 minutes to find... Then another 10 minutes looking for different circuit to plug the PA into.


Add that to the usual crap that comes along with a dance for around 400 kids aged 12-18... Like kids leaning on the speaker stands, people who think they can just walk in and look through my CD's, and the dolts that request hard rock... I looked through my request sheets today, and there were 29 requests for Iron Maiden... IRON MAIDEN!! And not the ballads either! Stuff like Aces High, 2 Minutes To Midnight, and Hallowed Be Thy Name! Great songs, yes, but who the hell requests heavy metal at a dance?


Then we got back to Moncton, dropped off the PA, and rolled over to the shop to jam for a few hours... Ended up being the best jam we've had in months! Everything was clicking, sounds were nailed, and voices were unfaltering... And we didn't have anything to record with. *bounces head off wall*

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Ahhh... the eternal quest for enough 20 amp circuits to make everybody happy, and clean enough that you don't have ground loops in every signal path.


That's the best thing about the place I'm working now... lots of intelligently designed power distros. I never have to think about it... unlike back in the day I was freelancing. A few horror stories there...


I don't miss those days.




Gonna watch the State of the Union Address now. Hopefully it puts me to sleep. :dozey:


Been getting into some weird TV, lately. Not sleeping at night tends to encourage that.


Plus, I've been watching some Japanese Anime. I never got into it before, but since Adult Swim tends to lead into that stuff after a certain hour at night, I've just been letting it go. There's also quite a bit of it in the free On Demand menu of my cable box. Since I've never seen any of them before, it's all new to me.


I never have any idea what's going on.


A couple of observations:


NOBODY (or at least NONE of the main characters) looks the slightest bit Asian.

They live in Japan, they speak Japanese, have Japanese names, and all tend look less Japanese than I do. I find it all a bit odd...


2.) Giant robots are a highly impractical weapons system.

Oh sure... they look really cool. But: They tend to do as much, if not more damage to the cityscape you are trying to save with the robot as it stomps around and smashes it's enemies.



Oh... and I think my C: drive is about to fail. It's been acting quirky, and the scan disk function won't work on that drive.

It's the one that came with the computer, which means it's almost 6 years old... and used almost every day during that time. I guess it's about time, eh?


Time for some serious backing up of data, huh?


Fortunately, most of my important stuff is saved to the other drive, which seems fine at the moment.


Still... I guess a full backup would be a very smart idea at this point.


I just hope I have enough time before it goes down.

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Eva I presume...?

Yeah, pretty much.

(I've seen a couple of episodes of that and have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. Haven't seen it in sequence, though...)


There were a couple of giant, fighting robot shows I used to watch when I was a kid too, although I can't remember what any of them were called. (This was back in the 70's, early 80's... I also have no idea what any of them were about anymore. Other than giant, fighting robots, that is...)


Seems like the same problem.

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yipee......i'm still sick. too broke to visit a doctor, not sick enough to want to go. i said i'll go if what comes up is green, and it's clear so it's not an infection and antibiotics will just make it worse. not coughing as much today, last night it was pretty bad, i guess it's when i talk. I sold 3 cameras yesterday....a fuji a345 (tho i tried to debate that getting the bundle pack was a better bargain, same price and u get battery charger, batteries, mini tripod, and a case, the only difference is the color in the center of the camera! and the girl was like 'i like this one better' like what a fool......), and i also sold a HP M415, which is funny cause my supervisor had just brought it from the back, then i sold the last Panasonic PV GS19 Mini DV Recorder...had to remove it from the camera bar.


I'm considering making the switch to Earthlink...i can only get the basic thing the 5x faster dialup cause the high-speed one isn't available in the area. :rolleyes: Prolog Express is supposed to be available this summer, but i'm not getting my hopes up.


Been playing MVP Baseball 2005 with my sister every day. It's pretty fun, considering we played Ken Griffy Jr. Baseball on the Super Nintendo ALOT. This is like insane compared to that. XD


I finished that book 'The Lord is my Strength' it was pretty good. Haven't started the second one yet, after i finish those, gonna finish chronicles of narnia....speaking of narnia, then all the LOTR and middle earths....XD


I'm in the middle of a ton of games....The Third Age, Dangerous Hunts 2, Cabelas Outdoor Adventure, Chroncles of Narnia, Half-Life 2, Zoo Tycoon, and Morrowind PC.


at least i have stuff to do since i'm sick...

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Yeah, pretty much.

(I've seen a couple of episodes of that and have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. Haven't seen it in sequence, though...)




At the age of 14 Shinji Ikari is summoned by his father to the city of Neo Tokyo-3 after several years of separation. There he unwillingly accepts the task of becoming the pilot of a giant biological humanoid by the name EVA01 and protect the world from the enigmatic invaders known as angels. Even though he repeatedly questions why he has accepted this mission from his estranged and cold father, his doing so helps him to gradually accept himself. But why exactly are the angels attacking and what are his father’s true intentions.


The characters are alot deeper than what you perceive now. They have some serious issues...


But I was always lead to believe that size didn't matter...


Why do you think real robots(Usually 20m and under) are more popular than walking skyscrapers?

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Yeah, pretty much.

(I've seen a couple of episodes of that and have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. Haven't seen it in sequence, though...)


Yeah, if it was Eva, that won't stop happening.


The finale makes SO LITTLE SENSE that they remade it. As a movie. Because it made no sense. And when I mean makes no sense I mean it didn't even register on the "oh I see where this is going" scale.


To sum it up, it was "HATE SHOPPING CART GARBAGE CAN HATE HATE HATE BICYCLE." And I'm only like 15% exaggerating.

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I think I've seen the first 4 or 5 episodes now, although not in order... and then a couple of the later ones.


You're kinda making me glad I'm not that deeply into it.


There's a bit of "Soap-Opera-ish" quality to the character interactions that I'm not super fond of... and far, far less action than I expected. The battles are spaced out pretty far apart, and so far none of them have lasted all that long.


But I'll probably keep watching it if I see it on... simply because it's something different that I haven't seen a hundred-thousand times already.


Mixed (yet another) 8-band show last night. Ugh.

None of the bands were that bad or hard to mix... but it would have been a bit better if I had more time to devote to each one to get a good sound, rather than the "I'm-just-throwing-the-faders-up-and-let-'em-go" attitude that tends to happen on concerts like this, simply due to a total lack of time.

But, whatever... got through it.

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Eva was sorta cool like ten years ago when it was new. Now its just laughable because its the Kafka or Kant or Nietzsche of anime. Its "deep" and the one that everyone watches to be all "oh, I understand things." The plot sucks, doesn't go anywhere, and is so very Japanese that its difficult to really understand if you're not a Japanese guy. Very character driven, but in such a way that its hard to really "get" if you're a Westerner. There are some great episodes and scenes that are completely mindblowing the first time you see them. But overall it just doesn't come together. And everything is written in such a way that you can't just ignore all that philosophy stuff and watch ROBOT GUNS EXPLOSION CARTOON BOOBIES. Like The Matrix. You could go "oh its that Cave from Plato" but you could also go "did you see how that car exploded?!"

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my little intersection. i was in the lane on the top, the lady was turning left (on the left-turning lane on the bottom) there were cars in the lane turning into the lane on the lady's left, cept they were waiting for oncoming cars to go by so they could take their turn, when those cars were out of the way (i assumed they were turning cause it WAS technically their turn to go so i would have been safe had they all read their driving manuals thoroughly) but instead of going, this biatch toyota matrix comes out and i didn't see her until it was too late because those CARS on my LEFT were blocking the view didn't move after those oncoming cars went by. -_-






heh i took these pics from about 50-60 feet above the place, in the home depot parking lot. XD

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today wasn't too bad.....i stayed in all day watching movies and playing some xbox and pc...


Watched Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp and it was like being 7 all over again...i remember watching the cartoon the one halloween of it, and it was always mysterious to me, this version is pretty cool, the headless horseman kicks ass.


Then I watched Mask of Zorro, pretty good movie...kinda dragged tho =\ after that i played MLB 2k5 and The Third Age on Xbox...got pretty far in TTA, in the lair of all those damn goblins before the balrog scene...it's kinda repetative...so i put in Half-Life 2 since i updated my video card last night (after a year...) and that is a pretty fun game, i'm at the road part 2 i think? the part where u use the crane to drop the bridge. Pretty cool.


think i'll go return to Half-Life 2. :joy:

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Still catching up on my sleep. It's amazing how far a couple of nights with no rest at all can set you back...


I'm also looking around my house and thinking that it's really time to roll up my sleeves and do some serious housework. All of that stuff got put aside while I was trudging around in my zombie state as well.

I really need a new vacuum cleaner, though. I want one of them new-fangled, super high-tech, ultra-powerful Dyson ones. Those look too slick.


Never got that haircut I needed a few weeks back, either. And I need to gas up the car. And get some cat food. And a giant list of other things that are bound to keep me so busy this weekend that if I attempt to do them all, I'll be more exhausted by the time I go back to work Monday than I was when I left work on Friday.


Baby steps...





Well, I got my car fueled up. Got the cat food. Did some grocery shopping... and that's really about it.


Didn't get the haircut. When I got there every chair in the placed was filled, and there were at least 10 other people waiting. It would have been a half-hour wait at least, probably longer. No thanks...


The grocery store was mobbed. Day before the Superbowl... shoulda known. :rolleyes:

I didn't spend much time there. Got just the stuff I need for this weekend and got the hell out.


Started getting a nasty headache while I was out. That's strange, because I never get headaches. Ever. It's been years since I had one, and that was when my impacted wisdom teeth started growing in, before I got them out.

Other than that, the only other times I ever get one is when I'm going through caffeine withdrawal... and I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case today.


Came home and napped. When I got up the headache was gone, and I watched "Silence of the Lambs."

Killer (ha ha...) movie!

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not too sick anymore, the cough is gone for the most part, yesterday i got up and took my friend to work, then I went out to hunt at my regular spot, only saw a turkey, but it flew off...i didn't shoot anything with the gun but i did get a few pics.






after that i just came home and was online for a long time. when my sister got home from work we watched diary of a mad black woman and convicted. they kinda dragged.


today i work 2-9..i love those hours. and i don't have to work tomorrow, so i might go to the range.

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The forums aren't showing your last post, 15. Strange.


Got nothing done Sunday. It was too nice, over 50 degrees F., and I had to get out of the house. Took a walk around the neighborhood. Gave myself another blister. (Damn new sneakers aren't broken in yet.)


Yesterday was a long slow day at work. Borrrrrring.

Came home and fell asleep immediately.


Had an early-ish morning today (for me anyway) so I cut-out for home mid-afternoon, and got home and did some housework while I still had some energy. (it's gone now...)

Cleaned the bathroom and the area around the cat pans, and switched over to the new litter pan I bought the other day. (I could take them outside and clean them up, and get a few more years out of them... but there's just some areas where being frugal and saving money just don't interest me. That happens to be the big one...)

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I've got a spare P4 1.6GHz box kicking around, and I'm looking at sound cards to turn it into something I can use for recording with better quality then the laptop/$14 PC mic combo we're using now...


There's a guy locally that's got an M-Audio Delta 44, that I can probably get for under $100, and that's lookin' like my best bet, what with it's four 1/4-inch inputs...

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Yeah... I've heard nothing but good things about the M-Audio stuff. I've met a couple of their engineers, too. Smart guys.


We have an USB preamp of theirs at work, and it seems to do the job. (We don't actually record through it however, so I'm not sure how it sounds... it's just a way to get the signal from our room analyzer mic into our RTA software.)


What recording software are you thinking of using?

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Huh... that's strange. Yeah, I kept getting the database message all day, too.


What I meant was that my User CP subscribed threads showed me as the last poster to this thread when I logged in at 5:30... then I clicked on it and you had a post there I didn't expect to see.


Seems to be back to normal now, though.


Just another glitch, I guess.

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only seven more days til st valentine's day....it is kind of depressing seeing valentines decor all over walmart. not that i hate that holiday or anything, it's just annoying being reminded that i don't have anybody.


no work tomorrow....going to help my mom move stuff so they can start remodeling or whatever. hoping i don't catch her cough....i just got over mine.

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That's a good one.

Used to be Cool Edit Pro if I remember correctly...


If all you need to generate are stereo files, then Audacity might be able to do the job for you. It's free open source software.


Multi-track is a bit more complicated. That depends on how you like to work.


The M-Audio device might come with something too... M-Audio is now part of Avid/ Pro-Tools.

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