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Modding FAQ : How is this game being modded?


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To answer many peoples questions I decided to create this little sticky here for everyone to read.


Mods are right now in the developmental stage, meaning that modders are basically making concept art or models for the mods. Right now the mods are being planned, but the actual development will take place after EaW and the modding tools for EaW are created.


Modders are also using the information released by the Developers to plan features for their mods by using the special features of EaW.


If you have any questions related to this topic just post 'em here and we will be glad to answer :).


Unstuck since game is released - DM

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I really can't say anything about poly cout. I'm using wild assumptions coupled with my own ideas of what the poly count might be. And i looked at the screenshots alot.


What i meant was that from the FAQs and stuff we're using that info to figure out what we can do. like the Galaxy Gun LoW has. I've come up with a solution that has a 99% chance of working. Thats just using info I've read.

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  • 5 weeks later...

JF: Could you rephrase that? It's a confusing sentence and you give very little information.


Jugger: It could be with your SSD, but you'll have to wait until the game ships for an official count, it looks.


Modding: It is possible to start doing the actual full game modding from the demo files. You can even write the code from scratch if you know what to include for units/factions.

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What and where can I get the .meg extracter that will work for this computer, the one that we have on the forums does not work for my computer?

Try this link, Darth_Extras it has .meg extractors. Please note you may need to update your microsoft framework to get it to work.


Tools and Tutorials


some mods are working now how can i make them all work i like to play more planets how is that possible??

Jedi Faithful, it really depends how computer savvy you are. I would suggest looking at the tutorials. The steps involved in activating a planet are too numorous for me to type up. Though it involves the CAMPAINS_SINGLEPLAYER.xml file and the PLANETS.xml file. Try messing around with them, but you would have to get all planets to have the same land and space map, and then in the campaigns single player file you would have to add the planets to be in the campaign.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Basically, I'm making a unique unit for this game similar to Piett's ISD, but an Interdictor. I figured out how to edit the uniqueunits.xml file to do this and am using the existing ships as a guide, but I need to do a couple things.


I. I need new tooltips, which I assume are inside that master text file in the "text" folder. It's a .dat file however, so it's not clear how to get into it. My meg extractor indicates that this .dat file is actually an archive of some sort, but it's unable to open it. Does anyone know how to get this thing opened?


II. I also need a custom icon for the ship, and I intend to simply use a modified Interdictor icon. However, I need to get at those tga files and I haven't found them anywhere. Does anyone know where the unit icon tga files are located?



EDIT: Yeah, it won't work at all. I tried copying Piett's entry and altering some stuff, and I don't have any luck. Does anyone know how to add a unique ship unit? Icons and the like don't matter, so long as it's an Interdictor.

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That sounds bad to me. I think that much people are a little bit "angry" about the small maps. So in other tools for mapping like Worldbuilder you can set your size.

Even if your computer is not strong enough to handle such data you have a problem. But if your computer gives you more then enough power you can handle that. But here is one little problem: On the hull of the DVD you can see the minimal requirements. But there is no notice for the system with the best result. If I have the minimum requirements, this might be ok, but what do I need for maximum details and graphic?

And when is a tool comming out for mapping and modding? There is no specific date in this thread!

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