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My Ideas for KotOR III


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Well, I figured that since a few other people seem to be starting threads like this, I might as well start my own, with a few ideas I've had floating around. These are just a few things about the party members, story, and gameplay options. If you have any additions, or comments, please feel free to contribute.


The story would start four years after the second game, as a new PC. Your character would at first have a non-Jedi class, but would be learning the force under one of the TSL party members. I don’t know if it is possible, but it would be nice if you could have some basic force powers yet not be a Jedi. Have to ask Redhawke :D.


Here's a few new features that I'd like to be there in the game. (If these should have been in Darth Windu's thread, sorry, but I thought that this was a little different)




- Padawan Robes should be similar to the K1 tunics, and only offer very limited defense. Jedi Knight and Master Robes should also protect against heat and cold, since they are supposed to defend against some elements.


- You should be able to change what some Jedi robes made out of, whether it is made out of some kind of fiber, some simple cloth, or a synthetic material. This would affect the bonuses and defense of the Robe.


- YOURNAME Robes should be introduced, robes that you can upgrade, change the material it is made from, customize the color, and also give bonuses to you as you level up, much like the YOURNAME crystal in TSL.


- Light Armor should restrict only one or two force powers, and for the heavier armor, such powers like Lightning and other offensive powers should not be restricted.


-There should also be some Wookiee armor like in RotS, that is only useable by a Wookiee.




- Your lightsaber blade should reflect the crystals that are put in it. Ones that supposedly give it a thicker edge should actually do that, and others that offer heat damage should give the blade a fiery look, etc.


- The MotF and HotG should be reintroduced, along with other crystals like it, giving the PC a bit wider range of colors. However, he should only be able to get a few of these crystals, and the quests to get them should be excruciatingly hard.


- The rest of the lightsaber forms should be introduced, such as Trakata, Dun Moch, etc. These forms would also have a unique look to their ready stance and attack animations.




- Non-Jedi prestiege classes should be introduced. Darth Windu already posted this, of course, so I'm just going to give my names:


Soldier --- Commando (LS)/ Mercenary (DS)

Scout --- Ranger (LS)/ Bounty Hunter (DS)

Scoundrel --- Smuggler (LS)/ Slaver (DS)


- Droid prestiege classes might make another nice idea, if the devs have time. They would be like any other prestiege class, except that they would not have anything to do with the droid’s alignment. (Just a note, this idea is optional- meaning I could live without it, but it was just another idea. J)


Combat Droid --- Assault Droid

Expert Droid --- Master Droid


~Party Members~


- Party members should have the option to be taught a prestiege class, if you have enough Influence. For example, if in TSL you were LS, you should be able to make Visas a Jedi Watchmen.


- A few sets of Wookiee armor like in RotS should be in the game.


- Only Canderous, HK, and T3 should be returning permanent party members. No more than two droid party members should be in the party, although ones like the remote are welcome. HK should now be in possession of B-D's remote, and "upgrade" it to his liking.


- Party members that have been influenced to the LS or DS side of the force should respond accordingly. For example, a character that you had turned evil shouldn't still admonish you for doing an evil act.

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Brilliant ideas! :)


Okay, lets see


- Do you mean they would look the same as the KotOR1 robes? Good idea if so. I quite liked the K1 robes. They gave a feeling of 'its the Jedi Order, but not the order you know'.



- Huh? It seems like wearing Heavy Armour wouldn't restrict Force powers at all.

- Wookiee Armour, good idea. I never liked the whole 'Zaalbar/Hanharr cant wear anything' restriction



- Yeah I never got that, a crystal says 'it makes your blade thicker' and yet there's no difference...


Prestige Classes

- I still disagree about the whole Ranger/Commando thing, but still. Oh yeah, 'Assassin' isnt a good idea, mainly because one of the prestige classes is already 'Sith Assassin'. Too easily confused.

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I still disagree about the whole Ranger/Commando thing, but still. Oh yeah, 'Assassin' isnt a good idea, mainly because one of the prestige classes is already 'Sith Assassin'. Too easily confused.


As far as the Assassin class, I thought the exact same thing. I thought about Slaver, like you said, but I thought it was a bit too, "specific", if you know what I mean. Of course, Bounty Hunter is a bit specific, so Slaver would probably be fine.


Huh? It seems like wearing Heavy Armour wouldn't restrict Force powers at all.

- Wookiee Armour, good idea. I never liked the whole 'Zaalbar/Hanharr cant wear anything' restriction


Well, if you think about it, it is logical not to be able to use Force Armor, Valor, Speed, and those other powers while wearing heavy armor. But the point I was trying to make was that stuff like Lightning shouldn't be restricted by even heavy armor, it doesn't really make sense. As for light armor, it would only restrict maybe a couple "buffing" force powers.


As for the Wookiee armor, I agree, I never like that restriction either. :) I end up with all these different armors with different properties, yet I can't equip anything on the stupid wookiee!


- Do you mean they would look the same as the KotOR1 robes? Good idea if so. I quite liked the K1 robes. They gave a feeling of 'its the Jedi Order, but not the order you know'.


Yes. The K1 robes weren't bad, although I liked the TSL robes better, and I thought that there should be some similar type in K3. It would make sense for that to be the padawan robe at least- not necessarily the same exact total brown/red/blue tunic, but pretty much the same look except more like when Obi-Wan takes off his robe in TPM. While a robe is nice, sometimes I just want to take it off and lose the big elegant Jedi Master feel.


I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of my other ideas? Just wondering, what did you think about the YOURNAME robe idea, and the droid classes, or the others?

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I love these ideas,


I like the YOURNAME robes by the way, it would be cool to be able to make a set of robes that really reflected your play style...if for example you focus on force you could add some great WIS and force point buffs to it..if your a guardian however, you could make some awsom armor upgrades and some good STR bonuses.


I like the idea of not having to be a Jedi...of course I think we should still be allowed to be a jedi lol.


I would like to kinda add a bit....update the Party Members responses to actions depending on their DS/LS..in TSL, even if they were full DS they got upset when I did evil things.



Hope you don't mind me adding Rob :thmbup1:

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^Of course not, as I said, add whatever you want (I agree with what you said- that was annoying in TSL).


But anyways, I think you might have misunderstood my extra classes. While you might be able to get them, you would still become a Jedi during K3. They would probably be mainly for your party members

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hmm i just thought of. There could be some realy high level feat, which not every one could get, i mean, you would get very far, but only if you have done all side-quests this would be possible before you leave your party (which of course you do)- So here's the idea- a feat that allows you to have 4 people in a party. How does that sound?

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But anyways, I think you might have misunderstood my extra classes. While you might be able to get them, you would still become a Jedi during K3. They would probably be mainly for your party members


Ahhh gotcha, that works to =P but I do like the idea so the classes have somewhere to go.


I think that four members would be cool to a point, (I remember the fight when Mace, Kit, Agen, and that other Jedi fought the Emp) but it would need more power (of course if it's on the 360 that should work) the other problem I see would be Influance loss. I mean the only way I can get Bao'dur to go Jedi is to help that guy being attacked by the 2 Exch thugs...but than I have trouble getting influance for Atton (though it can be done it's just hard) ...this whole rant is really just to say that if you add another group member the game needs to be longer with more influance gains...or atleast that's my excu...a...I mean idea :halo2:

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Rob - yep, pretty much agree with everything else, especially the whole 'DS Handmaiden losing influence because I murdered someone' thing.


Incidently as for four party members - No, no and...no. I'm pretty sure the game engine can't handle it and, although RedHawke knows better than me on subject, theres probably some violation of the d20 rules there. Besides, why four? Three is plenty, I mean, just how easy do you want the game to be?

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Oh yeah by the by...I didn't like the group members that joined based on your gender..I just didn't like that...I don't mean to sound sexest or anything cause I'm not I just don't like that aspect...oh history deciding members would be fine...Mission could join if Reven went LS..I mean if they can bring Carth to TSL based on how you anwser questions Misson, Jolee and the rest can too. ummm IMO :)

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Me, I usually play LS male, and so I get Mira and Brianna- and I don't care for Mical, and while Hanharr is good, Mira is cooler. I didn't really mind. I kind of liked the idea, although perhaps there could be a compromise: while you still get that party member if you are the same gender, that person isn't with you for long, or doesn't play the same role that the other does.

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Darth Insidious, was the prestiege classes in TSL, or the influence system useless doohickeys? No offense meant. :) Besides, I don't see how irritating it would be to give your party members a prestiege class, or the wookiee armor. A couple more ideas:


- Wrist launchers should be an option for a PC item, and should be upgradeable- one type of attachment would be for dart/rocket launchers, another for a special weapon (like a flamethrower), and even another slot for an actual energy shield to fit into the wrist launcher.


- ALL types of items should be upgradeable (certain masks, gloves, belts, implants). They should have their own upgrades, some that only work with certain types of that item. Not all of that type of item will be upgradeable, but some would.


Nuts, I can't remember the others I was thinking about; I'll post them later.

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Rob - so you want to shoot energy shields at your enemies? :)


Gotta say, I completely disagree about the upgrade thing. Not everything should be upgradeable, which is one good thing about TSL - some items were of high enough quality that they could be upgraded, some weren't.


Oh yeah, with the wrist launcher thing, good idea. I also think on the forearm slots you should be able to equip the itty-bitty blasters and knives.


InSidious - you love the word 'doohickey' don't you?

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Gotta say, I completely disagree about the upgrade thing. Not everything should be upgradeable, which is one good thing about TSL - some items were of high enough quality that they could be upgraded, some weren't.


No, not EVERY item. What I meant was that there should be an upgrade section for those high quality belts or implants or whatever else, which we couldn't upgrade in TSL. I wasn't talking about the all the items in your inventory, I just wanted the other types of items to have some upgrades.


@Clone - For one, the "firey" thing was just an example. I just like to see that my crystals are making a difference in the blade, especially if there is some "look" they are supposed to give the blade, however subtle it is. And as far as robes, why do you say complicated? I'm only putting another type of robe in there (Padawan K1-like robe), giving special robes two more upgrade slots, and adding a YOURNAME robe. I don't see what is so complicated...

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I generally like most of this, though I want to pick out my own saber color instead of having a crystal change the color.

What I want is some tougher enemies. If we're going to have buffed up robes, implants, lightsabers, force powers, etc., we'll need some worthy opponents!


HK and Bao-Dur's Remote:

Statement: If you refuse to assist me in wiping out meatbags, I shall be forced to dismantle you circuit by circuit, you miniscule beeping orb....

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