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USS Missouri

Darth Sceltor

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I'm not a big navy fan... in fact I don't much like boats or ships at all. I'm kinda' scared of water. A submarine would make me totally claustrophobic!! Give me a plane anyday. I especially like the WWII bombers and fighters!! I love war movies, they're ma favs!

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If I rule the world, I wouldn't want a horrendously outdated warship.

I would order the construction of a massive vessel with a twin catamaran hull, three quad batteries of rail guns that fire a slug nine feet in diameter, omni-directional EMP emitters capable of disabling anything from a marauding fighter aircraft to an incoming nuclear warhead, a stealth coated superstructure, internal racks to carry a pair of Russian Akulas, 60 fighters/attackers, 10 heavy bombers (possibly B-52s), 40 support aircraft (including a few AWAC and tanker aircraft), and enough VLS tubes, deck mounted cruise missile launchers, 5" guns, Mk.2 Phalanx, and SM-2E launchers to fend off/attack any target smaller than France.

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Hmmmm, I just had a thought, why don't any millitary ships have Catamaran hulls? It would mean that being top heavy wouldn't be an issue, you could mount bigger gunz on without tipping the boat and you could have twin flight decks. (I am talking about different types of ship not a supership like Nute 'Big target that everyone is going to gang up on'



Self proclaimed Forum Drunk



-You call THAT a knife?

Now this, is a knife

-It's a spoon

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My ship is SO HUGE that only nuclear weapons could destroy it entirely. Besides, it's defenses are so incredible that it's virtually impossible to hit.

A pair of Mk.2 Phalanx controlled by the Aegis air defense system can down 97% of any incoming weapon. You get hundreds of those and combine them with EMP weapons and you can't HIT me.

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The Bismark was a german ship that they built to be invincible and undetectable. Needless to say, the allies found it and sunk it because they had smaller ships and could outmanouvre it!! Then they named a donut after it!! Mmmmmm...vanilla pudding filled with chocolate on top!! biggrin.gif

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