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First mod for demo


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watch out. i can remember BF2 in that case. some people created a "fix" for the Battlefield 2 demo. you've been able to play the demo in a different way it was ment to be played. what did EA do? the "modded" servers were notshown in the serverbrowser and severel people got problems with their serverprovider.


well, but i doubt PG would do something like that ;)

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MasterJack, you keep bringing us good info. Keep up ;)


...although we're not meant to "break" the demo, but, it's not big deal. If it unlocked the half planets, then you could count me out.


[edit] Do you mean that it unlocks 3 buildings for rebs? That's what i see. Anyway, ill replace the original file.

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I don't think the developers mind if we mod the demo or the game. If they do I am sure that they will inform DMUK and in which case he will delete this post (and send me a nasty PM probably :) ). In any case I only posted the news of it, not modded it myself. Please keep in mind as well, that the units that are unlocked may not be fully coded and may not behave properly.


It does unlock some buildings as well but I don't see how you can use them anwhere in the demo.

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Not possible yet, You can unlock the planets but they do not have maps so you cannot do anything with them. robotsonic, you have to make sure there is the exact same amount of characters in it as before. And you cant you Notepad or such, you have to use a hex editor. If you want to add 3 letter for example then delete three letters in one of the little notes the developers put in. If you build the buildings you will see the unlocked units available to build in them.

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robotsonic, you have to make sure there is the exact same amount of characters in it as before. And you cant you Notepad or such, you have to use a hex editor. If you want to add 3 letter for example then delete three letters in one of the little notes the developers put in. If you build the buildings you will see the unlocked units available to build in them.


cheers mate. i'm sure at one point in my life i knew that the character quantity had to match. i'm tired, clearly.


i've got it working now.


i'd be interested to know what parameters have been changed to allow the new vehicles and buildings. i'll have a play around tomorrow.

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I cannot get any new Rebel ships.


I did get a functional new building called an Arena for gambling profits, a non-funtional Command Center, an Imperial Research Center (to build the death star) did not seem to work,.


The only unit I got was a functional cool TB4 Tank. It owned the AT-AT.


No A-wing though.


Is there more than one version?

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i dunno if anyone is interested in my mod of the demo

it unlocks 4 calamari cruisers and lets you build the tanks and awing and that mkii gunship thing


I also changed the space map to have 3 star destroyers

its still pretty easy despite my best efforts to make it impossible to win.

Also the rebel base is a level 5 base now so you can load up on ships but any over 25 and you have to use reinforcments in the space level.


I didnt bother doing anything to the land map cuz i think that part sucks.


anyhow backup your config.meg and copy this to your data folder and run the game it should work fine

someone upload the file to a site that hosts zips or mirror it cuz im not gonna keep it up forever



let me know if it works for you guys cuz im too lazy to test on multiple machines





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Rival whats up with the red mesh on the space map where the enemy is? Great job BTW, too bad you can't increase the unit cap a bit!!


Thats because ur reinforcement panel is open, close it and it shall disappear, it just shows u were u cant call for Reinforcements from.

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