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What happend in the 7-8-9 movies?


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Actually, Episode 7, 8, and 9 were scheduled for creation several years ago. Contract of the original cast extended to an Episode 7. They were going to be about the aftermath of 'Return of the Jedi'. They were scrapped. However, the scripts do exist.


(Mark Hamill):






At the end, they will never see the light of day.

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The links that MacLeodCorp just posted will lead you to a site of lies and deception, a site that draws in the clueless and senseless, and brainwashes them to believe that the creator of the site has a hot girlfriend. And is also in bed with George Lucas.


Whatever SS says was recently lodged in his ass, before he extracted it. None of the crap that he smears on his site can be believed.


In order words, SS = BS. Don't post that site again. Doing so will result in your death by my hand.

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The links that MacLeodCorp just posted will lead you to a site of lies and deception, a site that draws in the clueless and senseless, and brainwashes them to believe that the creator of the site has a hot girlfriend. And is also in bed with George Lucas.


Whatever SS says was recently lodged in his ass, before he extracted it. None of the crap that he smears on his site can be believed.


In order words, SS = BS. Don't post that site again. Doing so will result in your death by my hand.


ooooooooooooook . i wont read it than .

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They were before the magic of editing ;)

:) I didn't realize they were not creditble, so I went to find other sources. Episode 7, 8, and 9 were written in scripts during the 1980s; however, George felt that he didn't want to create any more Star Wars. There were magazine articles about the episodes. The actor for Chewbacca had a contract that extened to Episode 7. I am not sure about the rest of the cast. About eight years ago, one Channel 12(CBS), there was an interview on the 'Sunday morning 'something'... I forget the name, they have a 'Sun' as a logo. Well, Mark Hamil went on record that he was approached by George Lucas many years after Episode VI, and they agreed people wouldn't want to see an older Luke Skywalker. However, he did mention that George had created the scripts. A few years before that, George was on the same show, and made similar statements. When Episode III was on the verge of release, the same show had an interview with Carrie Fisher and George Lucas. Again George mentioned that Star Wars was over, but he did conceed that Episode 7, 8, and 9 were once a reality. Carrie Fisher mentioned that she was once approach, but nothing came of the idea.


I believe everyone's conscensous was the cast's age was an issue.

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There will be no more Star Wars movies.

George Lucas said it himself, the closest thing you're going to get to a sequel trilogy is the Thrawn trilogy novels.

I love how people ar so closed minded... Hehehe...


Have you been paying attention?


I bet you this:

When Lucas finds himself unable to continue Star Wars anything, he will sell the company to someone who can. At that moment, the new owners will mosty likely make new movies, books, etc...


People rise and fall... It is enevitable.


Under George Lucas, this is probally his last Star Wars moves. However, under someone else, this is not the end... Money, Money, Money....

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Oh, come on. You’re contradicting yourself. Lucas will never sell the Starwars franchise for the same reasons you're saying he will. He'll will be dead long before the Star Wars business starts to plummet. And by then, Lucasfilm will be onto other things. It’s not like they exist solely to pump out things related to the series.


Lucas has officially stated that there will be no more movies. There's a big difference between closed mindedness and being rational. He isn't going to just go back on his word. The trilogy: the story of Anakin Skywalker, is concluded. End of story.

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Oh, come on. You’re contradicting yourself. Lucas will never sell the Starwars franchise for the same reasons you're saying he will. He'll will be dead long before the Star Wars business starts to plummet. And by then, Lucasfilm will be onto other things. It’s not like they exist solely to pump out things related to the series.


Lucas has officially stated that there will be no more movies. There's a big difference between closed mindedness and being rational. He isn't going to just go back on his word. The trilogy: the story of Anakin Skywalker, is concluded. End of story.

Where did I contridict myself?


I think someone will take over the company in the future. Yes. He may die of old age before it happens, but it will no doubt be turned over to someone else.


Yes. Anikan's story is over. However, the 'Expanded Universe' has created a limitless opportunity. I bet before George turns 90, there will be another Star Wars movie. Not made by him, but made by someone else.

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I think in about twenty to thirdy years from now another Star Wars movie will be made. Not by Lucas himself, but by a person who holds greta intrest.


Yes. Anakin's story has ended, but not the Star Wars legacy. For every generation, another will take the reigns.


Like Star Trek, Star Wars will be bought out, or it will be continued by his adopted family. Everything moves in cycles, and I can honestly say that Star Wars will see the big screen again. Only time will tell.


The first six Star Trek movies were from the Rodenberry camp, and the following five were from someone else in Paramount. I believe Star Wars will meet the same fate. However, it will never be the same. Someone else will bring their fresh perspective to the franchise.

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