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Funnyest Thing said in Kotor I&II [spoilers maybe] (56K Warning)


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Andor Vex.


One of my favorites is when your female PC gets hit on by Tanis Venn and Carth says:

"Hey! You talk to her with a little respect in your voice or you're going to end this conversation minus a few teeth! Got it!"


Nearly fell out of my chair! :D


On which planet is this? Been lookin for that, but can't find it :|

I'd love to hear Carth gettin so cocky :D

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Yeah, I know, just went there. Nice one :D


This I heard from HK-47 in the Sand People Enclave, during the discussion with the Tusken Story Teller about their history:


Rather then strain my circuits on his dialect, might we just assume there was much fighting over who has the biggest bantha?


It's not as funny as Carth being overprotective, but hey it worked for me :D

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Yeah, HK-47 is a mine of good lines, I just had a looooong chat with him and found few diamonds :D


Revan: Are you implying I am inept?

HK-47: Negatory: No master. You are not a droid, however, and therefore you *are* limited by the capabilities of your meatbag extremities, or somesuch.


HK-47 about aduletry: Cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act, otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?


Revan: You called me a meatbag again!

HK-47: Explanation: It's just that... you have all those squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea...

Revan: Neitehr do I, come to think of it...

HK-47: Now you understand the travails of my existence, master? Surely it does not compare to your existance, but still...

Revan: I survive. Somehow...

HK-47: Commentary: As do I. It is our lot in life, I suppose, master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?


HK-47: Contemplative: I wonder how many more dead masters I might have out there. A droid can live for a long time, you know.



I love HK-47, he always knows what to say :p

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What? You mean you guys didn't sign up as soon as you found this place? Man, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I registered right away.


More on topic: the funniest thing I've ever heard HK say was his imitation of Carth in K2. "No master! I cannot trust you! I cannot trust you or anyone else ever again!"


Had me in tears.

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The imitations were posted here maaaany times...


oops. My bad. I'll try to not do that in the future.


@zat- you know, I was laughing so hard at the first one, I didn't even hear the Bastilla imitation when he said it, and after I had loaded from the last saved game and got to hear it, it just didn't seem quite as funny as the carth one to me. The bastilla one was still freakin' hilarious though.

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When you type it in, it should look like this url. That will show the image onto the post. Don't worry, it took me a while to figure that one out myself. :D



I recently managed to open some dialogue concerning HK in TSL and his pleasure in killing is quite amusing. Another one is from KOTOR is the fish guy in the locker wher he says something like, "Bye,bye, food for the fish people."

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I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but the conversation between the PC and HK-47 where they're talking about him being an illegal droid during the "You don't have to call me Master" dialog always gets me.


PC: "Why would an illegal droid have protocol regulations installed?"

HK-47: "Master, my assasination protocols only make up a portion of my programming, so I am in essence, only slightly illegal"

PC: "I see, so what's the difference between being slightly illegal and really illegal?"

HK-47: "About 20 years"


Or something to that effect. After you discover you're Revan you can't go back to have the conversation again so I'm not exactly sure how it goes anymore.

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