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Elf Archer

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There is already a skin model in the game similar to what she is wearing. (Those twilek bounty hunters outfit) and hair colour is easy enough to change ona head model. Give me some time to look in to it and I will see what I can do for you. (Currently busy with like 4 other mods)

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If noone else has done this request...


I am working on a Rayne mod and after a little testing,

should have it up on PCGM later today, or possibly tomorrow.



Simple reskins, though, and no weapons, because I don't

know how to model... but hey, I tried :)

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great looking screen shots i didnt get to put it in game beccause i was busy yesterday but wow the screens look great and i noticed on the heads it looked like you tried to give her the vampire teeth or is the head you used just have pointed teeth?



Well, it was an experiment to see what pointy teeth would look like, but she so rarely opens her mouth, except to exhale, that you can barely see them anyway, so I just left them in :)

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