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Darth InSidious' WIP

Darth InSidious

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Err, maybe. At the moment, though, a lot of the "diary" would be:

"sat around and bashed head against the wall, asking why I had cursed myself to endless frustration by beginning this blasted thing", or "tried [x]. It failed. It shouldn't have done. Damn the world.".


As to a tutorial, a better person for writing a tut on new planets would probably be RedHawke, who is rather the father of planet mods (and the only person to have released an entirely new planet within the original story to date).

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I see many people asking for Tutorials on making new planets, but it just cannot be done, especially catering to newer modders, here's why...


  • You have to have basic knowledge of modding the game first...
  • You must know how to use KotOR Tool.
  • You must know about dialogs.
  • You must know about character files.
  • You must know about scripting, I cannot stress this one enough.
  • You must know about placeables, the horror... The Horror! :eek:
  • You must know how the area .git files work.


In the end you have to have a working knowledge of quite a bit before you attempt to tackle this kind of mod, I could write a tutorial, but you would not understand it unless you were capable in the areas as I listed above, and by then you could figure it out on your end quite easily, and wouldn't need a tutorial anyway. ;)

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*Casts of the dust-sheets and brushes some dust off the thread*

*Coughing fit* Damned dust :xp:


Oookay. It's been some time since I've updated on my modding projects, so I thought I'd do so now. I'll admit it: I haven't done a great deal since the last time I updated this mod. Nonetheless, here is a rough approximation of everything I have done:


K1 modding done in the last 3 months:



TSL modding done in the last 3 months:




I've also come up with a more...unique model for Ulic's LS sabre.


Yes, the glowing green Candalore-lookalike is a new Ghost Ulic.

Yes, the guy in the K1 pics is meant to be Ming the Merciless (I was gonna release it on RH's birthday, but I didn't get around to it).

The main background in that K1 picture is of a new Tatooine Dueling Arena I've been doing a bit of work on.

The sword in that picture I call P'tang.


The pictures in the top-left corner show some recent experiments in walkmesh editing gone wrong, and also, it seems that Bioware originally intended there to be 6 tombs in the Valley of the Dark Lords, as opposed to 4...


I should add that not everything in these pictures is necessarily going to be used by me. It's just stuff I've done.

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  • 1 month later...

Back again!


New pics, first from some new mods coming soon...


From my Mavic Chen reskin set: - Too terrible to release!




I'll post pictures of the DS transitions later.


A new gun I've been working on


The prizes on offer at the new duel rings (modelled by clone troopers by Prime et al.)

Some weapons I was thinking of releasing as a pack...



And now some new pictures from Rhen Var:

New LS lightsabre (still in need of a little work, as you can see)




























Also, a competition, just to keep people interested. The first person to guesswhat this model is, from just that picture wins the chance to choose which mod I release next ( and I have to release within 48hrs):


Broken bottle for K1 and TSL - Released

Sonic Screwdriver for K1 and TSL - Released

Batleth/Sword for K1 - Released

Ming the Merciless reskin for K1 - Released

Candalore unbearded for TSL

Reskin pack for K1 comprising of:

Darth Malak, Jedi Malak

Mandalorians, Uthar Wynn,

Yuthura Ban, Master Zhar,

Master Vandar (two skins), Master Vrook,

Juhani and Bastila (clothing)

Jolee and Mission (clothing)

HK-47 and T3-M4 and Komad Fortuna. - Too terrible to release!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  Darth InSidious said:
I'm afraid both answers are incorrect, but here's a clue: tree rate minx (anag.) :)


@mav: LOL, yeah, I'm not too good at guns, but I'm hoping it'll look better once its skinned...


It looks like the tree houses/walkway or lift on Kashyyyk. Yes? no?


Btw, it all looks excellent, can't wait! woot!

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