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Star Nemesis


What type of Nemesis should be on Kotor III  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of Nemesis should be on Kotor III

    • A sith or jedi (opposite of what you are)
    • A Mandalorian Bounty Hunter
    • Revan in Disguise
    • A Pilot/ gunner (Like Carth or Atton)
    • A crime Lord with bodyguards, assassins, the works
    • A force duplicate of you created by the main enemy to kill you

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ok. I have another Idea. When you are about to finish off your nemesis he asks for mercy. If you say yes, he joins your party. If you say no, you take your lightsaber and stab it straight through his head.

Yes, you should have three options :"No. I will not strike an unarmed opponent.", "I will spare your life, but you will only exist to serve me." or "I see no use in keeping you alive."

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Yes, you should have three options :"No. I will not strike an unarmed opponent.", "I will spare your life, but you will only exist to serve me." or "I see no use in keeping you alive."

There are a lot of moments in KotOR II, which I believe that the responses were illogical. Otherwords, the dialogue seemed to make the Exile's intellegance equal to a worm. I found that there were times that I wanted to manipulate the agenda put forth, and there only options in dialogue were: "I like you" - "I hate you". There needed to be more logical and intellegant choices in dilaogue. After encountering the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, the game was looped to a specific outcome. Most of the darkside responses were around the philosophy of, "Did I kill them all?" There was no room to admit your were wonrg, or to play on Kreia's manipulation. There needed to be more.

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That's another possibility but Sio does that in TSL twice and you get Nilhilis. Sounds like the KOTOR formula.

Yeah, it is kinda formula, but if you have interesting characters, it can work well. Sion only sent anonymous assassins after the Exile. If they were fleshed out more like Calo Nord, it would work better. IMO, that's the most important aspect of any story or RPG: strong, well developed characters. Think about Darth Maul and Count Dooku. They were very intriguing. I wish GL had developed their characters more, especially Maul. He had the potential to be one of the all-time great villains. :maul5:

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Yeah, too bad. But, to me Darth Maul was really the best villain in the movies, better than Dooku and even Darth Vader (I mean he was the first and the only one who wielded a double bladed lightsaber - no, the SW games don't count - and kicked the two Jedi's butts before he himself was killed by Obi-Wan).

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