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Planets dead?


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Is it just me or does anyone else feel that the planets (land battles) in skirmish are kind of well dead? I mean, there are barly any roaming wild life, much the less cities or civilians. Ex: Naboo, where is Theed? All i see are scattered buildings not even a town?! Also where are the Gungans as it says on the loading page, and the civilians? This is one thing i did like about Galactic Battlegrounds especially the campaigns that they actually made towns at least a good job in the campaign. And the skirmish if not had buildings or many (don't remember) had wildlife. I remember the campaign in the expansion they did a very nice job making the city of theed. Why couldn't this have been done in EaW? I just hope possibly a patch or in a expansion they will fix this.

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Well the maps for many of the planets don't take place in the most famous part of it. Though this would be nice, it just isnt the case. The city of Theed isnt where the map of Naboo takes place, it takes place in a more open part of Naboo. The gungans are a indigenous force controllable by the rebels. Look toward the water.


If your looking for city try Coruscant, Manaan, Atzerri, Taris, etc.

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Well the maps for many of the planets don't take place in the most famous part of it. Though this would be nice, it just isnt the case. The city of Theed isnt where the map of Naboo takes place, it takes place in a more open part of Naboo. The gungans are a indigenous force controllable by the rebels. Look toward the water.


If your looking for city try Coruscant, Manaan, Atzerri, Taris, etc.


Yeah that may be true that is what i am saying and pin pointing out. It isn't true for the Naboo map though. I know because I found the Theed Palace. :)Also Coruscant isnt a land battle map, and the rest you mentioned I think.

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Coruscant has a land map, it is quite intreasting. There are probably a few more city planets, but I can't think of them of the top of my head :p


(Coruscant)A land map for skirmish? I can't find it are you sure for skirmish? As for the Gungans i can not find them, are you sure you read my topic and are referring to skirmish? Not galatic conquest or the campaigns?

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In my opinion, land maps are the weakest part of EaW. City maps are somewhat repetitive, and a few civilians doesn't make a map "alive".


And the number of maps for skirmish is really too low. I can't wait for the modding tools to come out.


And I agree with you about SWGB; if there's one thing I liked about the game, it's the scenery. The animals wandering around and the hostile wild life gave it a much "more alive" feel.

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Uh guys, I don't think you'd be sticking around if a massive invasion force came down and started blowing the daylights out of your planets defense force.


I know I'd be getting the hell out of here if I saw a couple of AT-AT's walking down the street!!

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I do agree with you guys, seeing a little bit of life on the planet would be nice. Even if they are running from your units it still shows theres something there. They really needed to work on the scenary and add in some civilian units that no one controls who are neutral and just walk around and run when they see you or something.

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add in some civilian units that no one controls who are neutral and just walk around and run when they see you or something.


I get the feeling I'm going to be saying the following line a lot. :p


This is something that could be added into the game via a mod if someone's willing to put in the time (and quite a bit of time it would be to add the right species to the right planets). As for animals, well you'd have to make models and what not and pick what planets they go on and how they behave. Really, it's a lot of work for just some more eye candy.


Would be cool though, especially if there were buildlings that could be destroyed by stray fire. Give the battlefield a bit more of a chaotic appearance.

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You asked for input, you got it.



If you've played AoE3 you'll notice that they've got lots of scenery in there (ie birds, whales, ducks in the ponds) whereas EaW doesn't.




Scenery is not a critical part of the game and thus not as much time was appointed to it's creation. The battles are quick enough as is, you really shouldn't be stopping to smell the flowers. I'd be asking the same questions as you if they advertised it but they didn't.


Also, when you land your forces you land them to attack the military installations, not the civilian population. Military bases aren't generally built in amongst the general populace.

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Oh believe me mate I'd love to have it.


Imagine invading Naboo as the Imperials and having people running away screaming while AT-AT's march through the plains of green grass annihilating neutral villages. Stormtroopers running through the streets gunning down anyone foolish enough to get in the way.


Personally I can't wait for the map editor to come out so we can redesign some of the maps to make them a bit more lively.

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Ok just settle down. To what JMaster is refering is this...










This from the game called Act of War. Having such level of detail in urban maps isn't killing your FPS at all. I know what I'm talking about since I have it. And as you can see there are civlians on the streets and in the buildings. Moreover you can use your infantry to enter the building and make the stronghold.


You can also place snipers on the roof which gives them better range and better fieled of vision.

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doesnt bispin so posed to have a land battle? (or at least, platform battle)


No Bespin is a space battle and it isn't a skirmish map.


P.S Yes you KIND OF know what i am talking about and wish for in EaW Orao. Act of War is a RTS as well, and look at all the detail they put into it, including scenergy. And EaW couldn't do this because? Act of War is a 3-D RTS as well not like it is simple 2-D...

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It could have been any number of factors;


Time constraints

Graphics engine power


Maybe they didn't feel it was important enough??


Act of War also has no kind of global campaign map as far as I can remember. Might actually reinstall it and see how it goes on my new compy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think some developers forget that this kind of stuff actually is VERY important for your game. These kinds of details immerse your player, if your player is not immersed into your game, it will feel stale to him, and it will not have that...flavor to it, and thus kills some of the enjoyment of the game and can take longevity of your title right out.


There's a reason most games take the time to make the environment feel and look real.

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